Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 958 The Eternal Mystery 4

Chapter 958 The Eternal Mystery 4
The end of hell.

Following the village head of the ghost village, who is really the fifth hall of hell, he told the ten halls of hell and how hell is going to be destroyed word by word, and everyone was completely shocked.

Is all this a conspiracy?
Is it all the conspiracy of Yan Luo, the second hall?
It was he who set up the eternal killing situation step by step, taking advantage of the friendship between brothers, as well as greed, distrust, and various weaknesses of human nature, to kill the legendary Nine Palaces of Yama, whose realm was against the sky?

The truth is sometimes more terrifying and cruel than imagination and reasoning.

"Oh, is it the truth?" Ye Luo held the white banner in her hand, and she had already taken out the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian in her right hand. At the same time, she patted the bronze figure who was following him.

Afterwards, Ye Luo drew a sentence on the palm of the bronze man with his hand at an extremely fast speed.

The bronze man's face changed drastically, and then, as if he was more shocked and horrified than hearing the bloody truth just now, he stepped back three steps in a row, his eyes full of horror.

But Ye Luo's expression remained calm.

The man who walked out of the coffin, that is, the legendary Yama who came back from the dead, Yama of the Fifth Hall, after listening to the truth of the eternal mystery revealed by the Yama of the Tenth Hall, was already heading towards the bottom of the pit. Using nine great emperors, even surpassing the origin of the great emperors, and the endless resources of hell, the altar was cast and walked.

He laughed wildly, and the laughter was full of sorrow.

He was the first to be killed!

To be precise, he was the first person to commit suicide in order to save his eldest brother. He sacrificed all his origins, and even did not hesitate to go crazy.

However, he did not die.

Yama of the third temple did not kill him, but took away his origin, and then, in a way that no one knew, not even Yama of the fifth temple, arranged a supreme body in his body. ghost array.

This formation uses his entire body as a carrier to continuously absorb the endless yin energy between the heaven and the earth for endless years, until today, countless years later, the entire body has completely transformed into that of hundreds of millions of years ago. , a state of being half dead, half alive.

Sandian Yama never thought of killing him!
This point, perhaps no one has thought of it.

Yan Luo of the Fifth Palace laughed bitterly. He originally thought that before the ancient times, his death would be the end and save the Yama of the First Palace. However, even if he was as defiant as he was, he never thought that his death was just an eternal mystery. Start.

He arrived before the altar of reincarnation.

His body is like a monument of eternal sadness.



There are bits and pieces of rain falling.


In the darkness, in the mysteries of the ages, how much sorrow is hidden?

In the world of adults, there are no tears to cry, only blood!

In this world, death is never the scariest thing.

The scary thing is to be alive.

He stretched out his hand and stuck it on the ancient reincarnation altar.

In his body, the endless divine power, the laws of the past, poured into the altar of reincarnation like a vast ocean.

On the underground, huge, ancient, vicissitudes, mystery, and blood-stained ancient altar, suddenly, there is an aura that seems to suppress the world, reverse the cycle of reincarnation, and make the nine heavens and ten earths tremble.

Altar of reincarnation?
After destroying the entire hell, killing so many people, and exhausting the endless resources, what is this reincarnation altar that was cast?Can it really reverse reincarnation and make people live forever?

Yan Luo's eyes in the fifth palace were terrified.

He wanted to see what this altar of reincarnation was!
And the village head of that ghost village, Yama of the Tenth Hall, stood beside Yama of the Fifth Hall. His eyes seemed to be full of sorrow and confusion, and apart from that, there was no strange emotion.

And Ye Luo tightly held the white banner with his left hand, and the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword with his right hand, and walked silently towards the altar of reincarnation.

Ye Luo's eyes silently fell on the head of the ghost village.

"Isn't it the truth?"

The bronze man was trembling, but his eyes were still full of horror. He didn't want to take a step at all, but he remembered something again, and a flash of determination flashed in his horrified eyes.

It unexpectedly followed Ye Luo step by step.

It trembled as it walked.

Everyone else was in shock, and almost no one noticed that Ye Luo suddenly moved forward at this time. Almost everyone's eyes were on the reincarnation altar with the five halls of Yama, with their palms attached!
In this world, is there really reincarnation?
Hell is not the legendary hell, but the most terrifying and mysterious organization in ancient times. Then, what about this reincarnation altar?

Nine great emperors, existences even surpassing the level of great emperors, endless resources in hell, endless time, before the ancient times, did Yama, the second temple that created the eternal murder and mystery, create the gate of reincarnation?
In this world, no one can live forever.

Even if it is an existence beyond the level of a great emperor, it can only live for a maximum of 2 years!
Unless, cut the way, seal yourself forever.

Can the altar of reincarnation live forever?
Everyone was in shock, staring at that ancient, terrifying, and supremely mysterious altar.

Altar, with the influx of terror laws and dao rhymes, what changes will happen?
At this moment, Jiang Xiyue and Ye Feihong seemed to feel something, and they all looked at Ye Luo, who suddenly moved with the bronze figure.

That Gu Deng, who didn't even need to figure out what he was, actually followed him.

Ye Luo, what are you doing with the two of them?
Near the Altar of Reincarnation?

Ye Luo's figure was unusually firm.

It seemed that Ye Luo had already figured out something.

"it's here!"

"This is the end!"

"what is that?"

Youran, at this moment, from behind everyone, came a rush, shock, and powerful voice, and then, behind everyone, there were more than a dozen mysterious young people from various ancient academies. , forces, and even people from the Zhongzhou Dynasty appeared!
They are the last group of monks who forcibly broke into the ghost village and then forcibly entered hell.

They were all ordered by the forces behind them, the highest level, to find the ghost village and enter hell at all costs.

In the endless forest of taboo monsters, there are only a small number of monks who are able to find the ghost village from the ancient and supreme power of Zhongzhou. After finding it, there are even fewer people who can enter the ghost village and find it alive!
Only a dozen or so!
Being able to survive here is not only about strength!
"Senior Brother Chen Pipi, Junior Sister Ye Feihong, you are also here!" Among the visitors, there were obviously people from Xingchen Academy.

"White banner! Who is that person who is resisting the white banner? What is that altar in the pit? That altar seems to be undergoing terrifying changes."

(End of this chapter)

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