Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 965 The Battle of the Sky 3

Chapter 965 The Battle of the Sky 3
The sword tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword and the Frost Cold Divine Spear slashed down at the same time with a terrifying force.

In the void, the smear of blood that was pierced by the Frost-cold sharp spear had not yet landed, and the blood was in the void, enchanting like a flower, presenting a strange form bit by bit.

In the void, a phantom was forcefully forced out by Ye Luo.

That figure is the village chief of the ghost village!
And before that, the head of the ghost village that no one could attack at all was simply a phantom!
"Zi, Chou, Yin, Hai, Forbidden Art: Thousand Soul Demon Seal!"

The head of the ghost village, at this moment, between his hands, an ancient, mysterious, strange, and gloomy imprint has been condensed. The endless void in front of him trembled violently at this moment.

His face was ferocious, and there was a streak of blood red on his chest!
Eternal years ago, he killed countless powerful people, even destroyed hell, set up an eternal killing plan, beheaded the emperor, and never suffered a single injury!

Countless years later, in the eternal reincarnation, he never dreamed that when the altar of eternal reincarnation was about to fully awaken, he would be pierced through his chest by a mere ant on the fifth floor of Qi training in the Eastern Wasteland!

Ye Luo, break his illusion!
Even though, his cultivation level has fallen to the weakest moment!

His eyes are completely blood red!
In his hand, as the ancient imprint condensed, a pitch-black handprint instantly became larger, and, in a very short period of time, the ghost with a radius of hundreds of miles, which was originally attacking everyone, was caught by this pitch-black handprint in an instant. Fingerprint devoured!
Like, swallow!
And this handprint, after devouring endless ghosts in a radius of hundreds of miles, the originally gloomy, terrifying, and extremely powerful aura has skyrocketed to a terrifying level.

The Thousand Soul Demon Seal has skyrocketed another ten times!
The magic seal fell, and the surrounding boulders, where they touched, were completely shattered, the earth changed color, and the sky and the earth trembled.

In the magic seal, there seemed to be endless grievances, howling and burning.

At this moment, the Thousand Soul Demon Seal also blocked the tip of Ye Luo's ancient Zhu Xian sword and the Frost Cold Divine Spear, and there was a terrifying collision between the two.


The huge collision sound seemed to spread throughout hell.

The big white-skinned pig who was running towards this side suddenly changed his face after hearing the sound, and his speed became faster and faster. There was a hint of worry and surprise in his eyes.

At this moment, the faces of those who stood in front of the Altar of Eternal Reincarnation changed at the same time.

"Thousand Soul Demon Seal, based on Ghost Seal, contains eternal life-killing forbidden technique, devours thousands of souls, burns with soul, and in an instant, bursts out a taboo killing technique that can kill a saint!" Among the crowd , there is a monk who just arrived, a monk who is dressed in pitch black and can't see his true face, who doesn't know which force, seems to know this forbidden technique.

His voice was hoarse, his eyes narrowed fiercely, and he said the name of this forbidden technique.

"Shadow!" Someone heard the sound, and couldn't help looking towards this figure, and seemed to say two words in shock. Among the younger generation in Zhongzhou, it seems that the word "shadow" has a chilling feeling in it. smell.


The violent and terrifying collision caused an explosion. Afterwards, everyone saw that Ye Luo's body seemed to be unable to withstand the huge impact, and he retreated like a kite with a broken string.

However, the Thousand Soul Demon Seal did not disappear.

The magic seal suddenly lifted up, and then, from Tianchao towards Ye Luo's body, it fell down fiercely.

Ye Luo's body fell to the ground, and a huge magic mark fell on Ye Luo's body. There was another huge roar, and then, a terrifying mark appeared on the blood-red earth of hell.

During this process, the little fairy bridge beast once again showed its small head, and a mark was condensed on its hands, and then it wanted to make a move. Then, the moment it made a move, its head was held down by a big hand again.

The movements of the little fairy bridge beast froze.

On the blood-red ground, a handprint with a depth of hundreds of feet appeared. Ye Luo's body, motionless, appeared at the point of the handprint, and his body was covered with blood and flesh.

"Gu, Senior Sister Gu, hurry up, save Ye Luo!" Jiang Xiyue shrank fiercely in her heart. The moment Ye Luo was pressed down by the handprint, her figure rushed over. However, the terrifying handprint burst out. The terrifying power, but did not leave any chance for her to get close.

"Looking for death!" The village head of the ghost village said in an extremely cold voice.

"You have to die too!"

Suddenly, at the moment when Ye Luo was smashed into the ground and seemed to have no sound, a cold voice resounded quietly, and then, four tree vines exuding a strange aura appeared in that place without knowing when. Behind the head of the ghost village.

Those four tree vines, like javelins, stabbed fiercely at the village head of the ghost village!

After eternity, the strength of the village head of the ghost village has dropped to the lowest level, and his eyes became more and more red. When he cast the Thousand Soul Demon Seal, some of those young people dared to do it secretly!

In his hand, a blood-red long knife suddenly appeared.

He turned around, the knife fell, and a terrifying, pitch-black crack appeared in the void. The tree vines swept by the horror were all cut off by this blood-red long knife with an unknown name!


However, the moment the tree vine broke, countless fine thorns shot out from the break, like steel needles on a strange plant!


The village head of the ghost village seemed to react faster. As a person who lived for an eternity, he seemed to have expected this a long time ago. A dark protective shield appeared on his body strangely.

The protective shield blocked the terrifying, needle-like thorns!
However, his expression suddenly changed!
Under his feet, at some point, a strange, pitch-black vine has drilled out. That vine has already entangled one of his feet. Almost at the same time, another vine has also entangled his other foot. foot.

"Spell: Tree Dragon!"

Immediately afterwards, another voice with almost no emotion came out from the crowd. A young girl with plain clothes and a dull expression, who seemed to have no emotion at all, walked out of the crowd.

On the ground, three terrifying vines that looked like real dragons rose from the ground. With an aura of shocking destruction, they attacked the village head of the ghost village at an extremely fast speed!
"Ants, I really think that you can hurt me with just a group of ants!"

The village head of the ghost village, with a bright red chest, was still dripping with dark red blood. At this moment, his feet were entangled by the mysterious tree vines, and the fear of the tree dragon fell down, but at this moment, his face showed A touch of strange color.

(End of this chapter)

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