Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 966 Resurrection of Dirty Soil

Chapter 966 Resurrection of Dirty Soil
The village head of the ghost village has a strange expression on his face, which is extremely evil and gloomy.

The girl in Tsing Yi, who was dumb and seemed to have no emotion, made a sudden move, which seemed to anger him again after Ye Luo.

"Shu Zong, Qingteng! She's here too!" The speed of the battle was extremely fast, and it was only at this moment that someone looked at the girl who made the attack suddenly, and a hint of horror appeared in their eyes.

In Zhongzhou, the Tree Sect is an extremely mysterious existence. The number of people in this sect is very small, but the people in this sect have extremely strange spells. They can actually control plants.

Rumor has it that since they were very young, they were all put into the restricted area, Jedi, to practice. The spells they cultivated seemed to turn themselves into plants.

Indifferent, silent, dull, without emotion.

Among Shuzong's younger generation, a girl, Qingteng, once killed a holy son in three seconds three months ago, and became famous in Zhongzhou.

"The filth is resurrected!"

The village head of the ghost village was finally completely angered.

At the moment when the mysterious vines entangled his feet, and the terrifying, ancient, and powerful tree dragon strangled him, he took out an ancient, heavy, mysterious, brown-yellow talisman from his body.

He directly forced out a drop of precious blood essence and dripped it on the talisman!
In an instant, the whole hell shook.

That ancient talisman seemed to be connected to the entire hell before the ancient times.

"Go to hell, you bunch of ants!"

The ancient talisman was split into two, one of which fell to the ground, and the other was attached to his body.


The earth shook!

And his body suddenly began to swell, and a rotten, terrifying, and ancient aura began to appear on his body, and blood began to drip from his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, his whole body has turned into a terrifying ten thousand year walking corpse!


The three terrifying tree dragons, carrying endless coercion, crashed into the ten-thousand-year walking corpse in horror. The tree dragon directly penetrated the body of the ten-thousand-year walking corpse, leaving behind Three scary holes!

However, the ten-thousand-year-old corpse did not fall down. Instead, it raised its head to the sky and roared. A terrifying breath erupted endlessly from its body. It lowered its head, grabbed the three terrifying tree dragons, and suddenly Twist it, and the tree vine will break directly!

And at this time.


Suddenly, a monk uttered a scream. His feet were grabbed by something at some point. He looked down and saw that a rotten hand had already grabbed his ankle. above.

That hand directly crushed the bones on his feet.

Then, the whole hand stretched out from the ground, and an existence who had been dead for an unknown number of years unexpectedly got out from the ground, like a revived walking corpse!

This scene is happening all around!
Dirty resurrection!

The Walking Dead is Resurrected!

In hell, countless terrifying and powerful existences have died in this area!

"Substitution technique, not the deity!" At this time, Chen Pipi's eyes were firmly fixed on the terrifying ten-thousand-year walking corpse that was entangled by tree vines and attacked by tree dragons.

"The filth is resurrected, everyone be careful, the resurrected are walking corpses, these walking corpses cannot be killed, cut off their heads and legs..."

"The strength of these walking corpses, why are they so terrifying, what is this, ah, help..."

In the blink of an eye, before the altar of eternal reincarnation, it has already turned into a purgatory.

The walking corpse was resurrected, and the battle broke out in an all-round way.

"My lord, if you want to break this forbidden technique, you must find me!" The flute in Qin Luoyi's hand was fluctuating with mysterious Dao rhymes. In front of her, a terrifying walking corpse suddenly burst its head.

But then, a more terrifying walking corpse approached her silently.

The Thousand Souls Demon Seal, fell under the huge magic seal that was hundreds of feet deep.

The bronze man and the ancient lamp silently jumped into Baizhang's magic seal amidst the chaos.

Previously, Ye Luo, who looked like a bloody mess, had stood up now, and blood was still dripping from Ye Luo's body.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, why didn't you let me make a move just now?" Xiao Xianqiao Beast stretched out its small head, and looked at Ye Luo's injury with some horror.

"Yes, what, you don't seem to have used all your strength, as if you used all your hole cards, you may not be able to break the Thousand Soul Demon Seal, what's the matter?" The bronze man looked at Ye Luo, also a little puzzled.

"It's an illusion. Earlier, after my spear pierced his body, his body disappeared again, and the person who cast the Thousand Soul Seal that appeared later was not his body, but a substitute illusion. " Ye Luo said suddenly.

"What? Illusion?" The bronze man froze for a moment, and then said, "How do you know?"

"There is no mark of a donkey's hoof, that dead donkey was eaten by the head of the ghost village." Ye Luo suddenly said again.

"What? Then, that dead donkey, was, was eaten?" The bronze man was shocked, and couldn't help taking a step back.

"According to my guess, it should have been eaten. Do you still remember the screams of donkeys that you heard continuously when you entered the ghost village? If I guessed correctly, it was not a hallucination, nor was it intended to lure You go in, but the sound of a real donkey.

The village head of that ghost village, that is, Shidian Yan Luo, after breaking the seal this time, his strength has dropped to a very low level. Perhaps, he knew some secrets about the donkey. He devoured the dead donkey and wanted to get it body, get some energy, restore some strength.

After all, his realm has dropped too much.

Even entering hell, he couldn't complete it alone. He had to recover some strength, but there must have been some accidents. Although the dead donkey was swallowed, it didn't die.

That dead donkey should still be among the village head of the ghost village.

Although the village head of that ghost village devoured that cheating dead donkey by some unknown method, he didn't have the energy to kill the donkey and devour it. There should be something horrifying or mysterious about the donkey. surgery.

He and the donkey should have briefly reached a balance. He couldn't kill the donkey, and the donkey couldn't break free from his control. The donkey should have learned something, and it has been doing something desperately.

Along the way, the donkey's footprints appeared, which should be left by the donkey's struggle.

Perhaps, the only thing the donkey can do and leave behind in the body of the head of the ghost village is footprints.

Just like this, before, the place where the village chief walked would leave footprints of donkeys from time to time, which can be explained. Moreover, the places where donkeys left footprints are often very special and important places.

And just now, the head of that ghost village didn't have the footprints of a donkey where he was standing, which meant that he was not the deity! " Ye Luo said word by word.

"Then where is his real body? Why did you get knocked down on purpose? The altar of reincarnation is about to collapse. What are you going to do?" The bronze man swallowed and looked at Ye Luo suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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