Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 973 Doomsday 2

Chapter 973 Doomsday 2
The cauldron falls, the eternal seal, broken!

The collision between the magic knife and the Panhuang life sword at this moment also exploded to the extreme.

All the supreme beings around, the aura and terrifying energy on their bodies also reached their limit in an instant, and at this time, they were simply unstoppable!

That mysterious cauldron is based on the ten great emperors, or even the Dao fruits that surpass the level of the great emperors, as the foundation, and fused with two other supreme and terrifying things. The law seems to have already surpassed imagination.

The sky and the earth suddenly darkened, as if entering an eternal night.


The whole world is shaking.

The stars dimmed.

In the easternmost part of the boundless starry sky, once in the star field, there existed for countless eons, the Big Dipper, the topmost star, suddenly lit up.

The brightness of this star, in a few seconds, surpassed the moonlight, brightly illuminating the darkness again.

However, within this brightness, there is an aura that makes the world and all races tremble and feel uneasy.

I don't know how long it took, but the star suddenly burst!
The endless rays of light illuminated the endless star fields in an instant, and the land of Zhongzhou, in an instant, the rays of light that passed on made everyone feel like they couldn't keep their eyes open, and there was endless horror in it.

The Big Dipper, the topmost star, cracked?

Around the holy mountain, the ancient tortoise shell in the hands of the old man Tianji of the Tianji Pavilion suddenly showed a bright red bloodstain, and then, the oldest tortoise shell between the heavens and the earth was shattered bit by bit.

"Is the doomsday approaching? The eternal tortoise shell is shattered, the Big Dipper is shattered, is it the doomsday?" Elder Tianji's mouth, for some reason, also showed a thread of blood.

The burst of light illuminated the endless land in an instant, and then slowly dimmed.

The collapsed altar, countless ancient and mysterious seals against the sky, were completely broken at the moment the tripod fell, and a dark, sky-defying black hole appeared at the bottom of the altar.

The hole is deep, see what's in it.

There was a cold breath coming from the cave.

There is endless darkness, swaying.


At this moment, the Panhuang Shengling Sword suddenly revealed a touch of anger that made the world tremble, the seal was finally opened, the sword trembled softly, and seemed to sink this continent. Power revealed.

And that mysterious magic knife, at this moment, is full of endless excitement, as if seeing this scene, it is cheering, jumping for joy, inspiring, and crazily releasing endless terror.

The sword falls, the knife cuts!
The endless void was completely broken, and the figures of the knives and swords disappeared directly into the endless void. It seemed that this land could no longer withstand the collision between the supreme artifacts of their level.

Knives and swords disappeared in front of everyone.

They fought into the deepest recesses of the endless void.

A sword and a knife seem to have spirits!

They disappeared into the endless void, and this endless forest of taboo monsters suddenly fell silent.

The countless figures against the sky in Zhongzhou, the eternal grimaces, the embroidered shoes carried by six little paper figurines, the coffin of Emperor Loulan, and even the coffin pulled by Nine Dragons were all extremely quiet at this moment.

All the eyes were full of strange expressions, looking at the dark hole at the bottom of the altar, shocked, confused, worried, and even, occasionally, there was excitement in the eyes...

"Is it a foreign race?" Tian Yun'er stood beside the lonely and beautiful Meng family, slightly stunned.

The ancient bowl in Meng's hand trembled slightly, and in his eyes, there were mysterious, supreme, and mysterious runes fluctuating violently.


In the dark cave, there are strange, ancient, and heavy footsteps.

Darkness, more and more turbulent.

The voice became clearer and clearer, and there was more than one voice.

A moment later, a bright red figure suddenly appeared in front of the black hole!

In the enchantment between the alien race and the human world.

The moment the bronze tripod fell, Ye Luo had exhausted his last bit of strength. Before entering the ancient world, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor had exhausted the strength of the world, and used the supreme power beyond the emperor level. Divine art, with the heaven and the earth as the framework, casts a supreme, the first enchantment in the ages.

At this time, Ye Luo's body, the power of devouring, has completely lost control, and is frantically absorbing the energy in the enchantment, and in Ye Luo's left hand, the one that was in the vortex before the seal, got it One of the four things, that is, the mysterious god stone, whose true origin cannot be identified even with the imprints of the two ancient coffins on Ye Luo's chest, is decomposing!

In the sacred stone, strange, ancient, and mysterious things are entering Ye Luo's body bit by bit.

With the infusion of this strange thing in the sacred stone, Ye Luo's body, which had been pierced through the chest by the Yellow Spring Staff, was collapsing, and the trend of collapsing came to an abrupt end.

Afterwards, in Ye Luo's body, the breath of death that had been burst out from the Huangquan rod permeated his body. At this time, with the intrusion of the things in the god stone, the breath of death was directly captured by the god stone. The things in it are devoured.

After that, that piece of divine stone melted faster and faster.

And in the sacred stone, the melted things filled Ye Luo's body for a circle, and suddenly found a vent. These things suddenly poured into Ye Luo's dantian violently.

In Ye Luo's dantian, there are spiritual energy seeds of the fifth level of Qi training at this time.

These things, after entering, all entered this place. At the beginning, in the hidden treasure of Guigu, a spiritual power seed had been turned upside down. This spiritual power seed was exactly the bronze flower that was born in the dry well and the bronze gate. , and the heart of the demon emperor, as a framework.

Qi training monks, in the initial training, use spiritual power seeds as the core!

As for Ye Luo, since he has been training his body all the time, he has just obtained the method of astral training, and has not had time to practice in a very short time. Ye Luo's spiritual power seeds at this time are still at the fifth level of Qi training, the most basic level.

The mysterious, unrecognizable sacred stone, which could not even be recognized by the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin, was melted, and the initial and weakest spiritual power seed in Ye Luo's body was used as a catharsis.

The things in it poured violently into the spiritual power seeds directly.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual energy in the spiritual power seeds, which was originally very weak and had just been cultivated for a short time, was directly forced out of the spiritual power seeds and dispelled with the influx of violent energy!
The spiritual power seeds are left with the mysterious bronze flower and the heart of the demon emperor, which constitute the most primitive spiritual power seed structure!

(End of this chapter)

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