Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 974 Fusion Mutation

Chapter 974 Fusion Mutation
Ye Luo was shocked!

Ye Luo, whose consciousness is not yet clear, clearly felt the whole process.

What is this divine stone?
"No, what do you want to do with this sacred stone?" On the right side of Ye Luo's body, the imprint of Huang's ancient and mysterious bronze coffin was engraved, and there was a trace of anxiety in his voice.

After dispelling the contents of the entire spiritual power seed, the strange thing in the sacred stone began to inject the contents of its body into Ye Luo's spiritual power seed bit by bit.

Then, that thing, while injecting spiritual power seeds, began to pour in slowly, one by one, along Ye Luo's broken meridians.

That thing, after entering the meridian, began to transform into pure black law and energy.

Under the influx of energy, Ye Luo's broken meridians began to repair automatically in an instant.

However, during this process, in Ye Luo's meridians, the original normal, thin, spiritual energy that was cultivated by Qi training was completely and cleanly cultivated bit by bit.

However, although this dark thing is dispelling the thin spiritual power in Ye Luo's body, it has nothing to do with the body's surging cultivation, devouring power and sacrificial power. what effect.

It seems that the things in the sacred stone affect all the cultivation bases of Qi training.

"No, what is the thing in the god stone doing? It drives all the spiritual power out of Ye Luo's body. Is it trying to abolish Ye Luo's cultivation?" On the right side of Ye Luo's body, the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin engraved with Huang was shocked.

"His strength comes from body training. After Qi training, even if the most primitive five levels of Qi training are abolished, it will not have a big impact on this kid. But, what is this god stone?" Ye Luo On the left side of the body, the imprint with candles engraved was also in shock.

And Ye Luo felt the pain that almost directly surpassed the limit.

The moment the thing in the divine stone flowed into the meridians, the meridians seemed to be completely broken again, and after being broken, they were re-established.

This process of completely shattering countless meridians in the body, and then rebuilding them, produces pain beyond the limit, which is enough to make a normal monk go into a coma.

However, Ye Luo was still awake.

Ye Luo's eyes were instantly red, even dripping blood!

This pain surpasses the Huangquan staff and runs through the heart!
The meridians were broken and rebuilt bit by bit, and the rebuilt meridians seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. What flowed in the meridians was no longer the aura that was used to practice Qi, but the dark things in the divine stone.

"No, this is the power of darkness!" Suddenly, as the aura in Ye Luo's body was slowly being eaten away, and in the process of being expelled, a voice came from the left side of Ye Luo's body, from the imprint of the ancient coffin. There was a surprised voice.

"The power of darkness, isn't this kind of power of darkness only possessed by alien races before the ancient times? Normal human beings have never been able to have the power of darkness, nor can they cultivate the power of darkness.

What is this divine stone? "Zhu was also shocked.

Humans practice, and alien races also practice.

What human beings need to practice Qi training is spiritual energy, the laws of heaven and earth, and the three thousand ways, while the alien races before the ancient times cultivated the power of darkness, the laws of strange magic, and thousands of forbidden ways.

And the power of darkness is the origin of the alien race!
There are a small number of alien races whose body shape and appearance are exactly the same as humans, and their bodies are also exactly the same. However, no matter who they are, they can tell the difference between humans and alien races at a glance.

Because the origin of darkness of the alien race is completely different from that of the human race.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a single person who can use the dark origin of alien races, and no alien race can use the origin of human aura.

The difference is clear!

But at this time, Ye Luo's body was undergoing a strange change that was unprecedented in the world, and that had never occurred in the history of the ancients.

In Ye Luo's dantian, the mysterious bronze flower and the demon emperor's heart constituted an extremely stable structure of the initial spiritual power seeds. After the things in the god stone poured in, they seemed to be enduring a little bit of terrifying pressure. pressure.

However, there are endless mysterious laws circulating on the mysterious bronze flower and the heart of the demon emperor. As a rare star in ten thousand years, the structure of Ye Luo's spiritual power seed has never appeared in the past. passed.

If it was an ordinary person, a spiritual power seed with a cultivation level of this level would have collapsed long ago under such terrifying pressure from the sacred stone, and even shattered into powder the moment it was touched.

Ye Luo's is completely different!

The things in the divine stone continued to pour in.

The spiritual power seeds in Ye Luo's body trembled, and the structure of the bronze flower and the demon emperor's heart began to burst out, the most terrifying, primitive, and heaven-defying original law.

The thing gushing out of the divine stone suddenly shook.

These fused things have been completely filled with spiritual power seeds, but this is not over yet, the god stone has only melted a corner, and at this time, the speed of melting is increasing a little bit.

These melted things are still frantically pouring, squeezing, and compressing towards the filled spiritual power seeds. This thing has no consciousness, only endless instinct.

At this time, Ye Luo was suffering from the pain of recasting the meridians beyond the limit. If it wasn't for Ye Luo's consciousness like iron, he would have collapsed long ago. But at the time of the most severe pain, with the pressure of the dantian seeds, Ye Luo Luo's dantian also burst out a terrifying pain, even more terrifying than the meridian pain.

Ye Luo instantly felt that his spiritual power seeds were about to explode in his dantian!

The melting speed of the sacred stone became faster and faster, and the things in the endless sacred stone continued to pour into Ye Luo's spiritual power seeds crazily.

Among these things, it seems that there are extremely complex ancient, mysterious, and mysterious things, and the power of darkness is just the tip of the iceberg.

"No, this kid won't be able to survive if things go on like this. What is this divine stone? How come I've never heard of it in the ages?" On the right side of Ye Luo's body, the mark engraved with Huang spoke again. .

The moment it opened its mouth, the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin suddenly shook, and in the imprint, the terrifying, powerful, ancient and mysterious original law of the Dao of Heaven suddenly flowed out.

This precious original law, which is enough to move the emperor of all ages, suddenly rushed towards Ye Luo's spiritual power seed, and it wanted this powerful natural law of heaven to protect Ye Luo's spiritual power seed. Let it hold steady.

If the spiritual power seed explodes, Ye Luo will definitely burst to death in the current state!
(End of this chapter)

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