General Qin rushed forward with his men, and just after running a dozen steps, he saw a group of cavalry rushing out of the city gate brandishing their weapons.

what's the situation?Didn’t it just mean opening the city gate? Why did a team of people rush out to welcome us in? There’s no need to be so enthusiastic!

Take a closer look, it's not right, I've never seen the way of greeting people holding weapons while rushing and shouting to kill!At this time, countless torches lit up behind Qin Jun, followed by the endless "whoosh" sound!

What is this situation?


There were screams around General Qin, and those who were hit by the arrow fell to the ground one after another.Not good, I was fooled, and I was hit by the enemy!

"Everyone, don't panic, follow me to kill a bloody road!" General Qin shouted, trying to stabilize the morale of the army.

Ji Jie took the lead and led a thousand cavalry into the enemy's formation. He stabbed out with a long spear again and again, and several cavalrymen of the Qin army fell off their horses and died, followed by Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben who were wielding giant axes. Even more ruthless, with an ax going down, the man and the horse were split in half!

Is that human being!Seeing this, General Qin's legs began to tremble unconsciously. He had experienced many battles in his upper body, but he had never encountered such a fierce opponent.

After two rounds of arrow rain, the [-] cavalry led by Zhao Ling stabbed Qin Jun's back like a sharp knife.

In the dark, the Qin army didn't know that there were only 4000 people fighting fiercely with them. They were attacked by the enemy and began to flee in panic. In fact, their strength was nearly three times that of Ji Jie.

The defeat of the army has nothing to do with the number of people.

"Don't panic, don't panic!" General Qin pierced the enemy's chest with a halberd, picked up the soldier's body under his horse, and shouted: "Everyone gather together, and charge out together!"

"Do you still want to leave? Since you're here, stay here!" Ji Jie shouted coldly, and patted his horse towards General Qin to kill him.

"Come and report your name!" General Qin shouted, shaking his halberd at the same time.

"Junior Zhaowen, Ji Jie!"

"Okay, I, Sima Jin, will meet Mr. Zhao Wen!" General Qin patted his horse to welcome him.

Sima Jin, the grandson of Sima Cuo, the famous Qin general, was once a general of Bai Qi, participated in the Battle of Changping, and served as Meng Ao's vanguard after Bai Qi died.

"When..." The spears and halberds intersected and sparks were produced.

Sima Jin thought to himself that the strength was really strong, and his mouth was numb from the shock.

For the move just now, Ji Jie used all his strength, and used an intermediate move in the "Chi You Spear" method - Qianlong Chuhai. He thought he could defeat the enemy with one move, but he was blocked by Sima Jin.

With such skill, he can only be a vanguard officer in the Qin army, which shows that the Great Qin has a lot of talents.

In the second round, Ji Jie deliberately bought a loophole, waiting for Sima Jing to fall for it.

Sima Jin had rich combat experience, so he judged the fraud at the first time, and did not catch up.

After the famous general, he was really extraordinary. Ji Jie re-examined his opponent, and the two fought together.

Looking at the two brothers Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben, with the sharp giant axes in their hands, they seemed to have entered the land of no one, and they slashed and killed the Qin army.


Sima Jin's long halberd was thrown flying by Ji Jie, and he was surprised and hurriedly drew out the bronze long sword hanging from the saddle.

Ji Jie shook out a gun flower and stabbed towards Sima Jin. He quickly swung his long sword to block. Unfortunately, the nimble spear successfully broke through the defense, pierced through his breastplate, and then pierced through from behind.


Sima Jin's long sword dropped to the ground, his eyes were full of unwillingness as his mouth was bleeding, he opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "Ji"

"If you want to say something, go talk to Lord Yan!" Ji Jie withdrew his arm violently, and pulled out the bloody spear.

Sima Jin spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell crookedly onto the horse's back.

"The chief general of the Qin army is dead, you should surrender quickly!" Ji Jie shouted, and the desperate Qin soldiers all looked here.

As soon as Sima Jin died, the morale of the Qin army fell to the bottom, and the confidence of the Zhaocheng warriors was high, and the morale reached the peak.

"If you don't surrender, you will be shot to death!" Ji Jie's voice was beyond doubt.

Qin Jun was Qin Jun, and most of them were not intimidated by Ji Jie's words and continued to fight against him.

"Tmd, the Qin army is the Qin army!" Ji Jie cursed secretly, and ordered everyone: "Fight hard to kill me, kill all the Qin people, except those who surrendered!"

After all, there are only 4000 people on our side, which cannot meet the requirements of encircling or dividing more than 1 Qin troops. In addition, the Qin soldiers have strict discipline and strong combat effectiveness, so many people rushed out.


Hacking and killing all the way, Qin Bing cried for his father and mother, only hating his parents for losing two legs.

After chasing for nearly ten miles, Ji Jie ordered to withdraw his troops back to the city when he saw Meng Ao leading the rest of his troops out to meet him.

In this battle, more than 1000 people from the Qin army were beheaded, nearly 1000 were captured, and only more than [-] people were killed on their own side. It can be described as a complete victory.

The battle situation in Longcheng (Tuolongguan) was basically the same as here. After Ji Jian first controlled Ji Zhang and his thousands of people, he attacked back and forth with the people in ambush outside, and caught the Qin army by surprise.

Together, the two sides killed and captured more than 2 Qin soldiers. Meng Ao used the only [-] cavalry as the main force to attack the city, and the rest of the camp were all infantry. As a result of Ji Jie's retreat, the pawns couldn't chase the cavalry with their own two legs!

Moreover, on the way back to the army, Ji Jie encountered remnants of soldiers who failed to attack Dragon City, and hacked and killed them again.

Back at the camp, Meng Ao angrily cut Tiao An in half with his sword, and asked, "Sima Jing, what's going on? Why did the people sent to the two cities get flanked? Didn't you bribe Ji Jiahe?" Are Ji Zhang two brothers?"

With cold sweat on his face, Sima Jing said tremblingly, "I don't know either. Could it be that Brother Ji Jia turned his back on the water temporarily? Or this is simply Ji Jie's scheme. Don't worry, General, I will find out right away!"

"You'd better give me a satisfactory explanation!" Sima Jing roared: "If it weren't for the fact that you and I are both serving the Prime Minister, I would have killed you! No matter what the reason is, there is a problem. Your people leaked during the operation, Ji Jie knew about our action plan in advance, otherwise how could this be the result!"

Sima Jing smiled wryly. This was putting all the responsibility on his head. Originally, he wanted to be promoted to a noble, but now it's all right, just wait and suffer!

Zhaocheng, the torches illuminated the whole city brightly. Looking at the faces with resolute expressions, Ji Jie felt a kind of satisfaction that he had never felt before. These are my soldiers, my soldiers, all of them It's a good job.

"You are all good!" Ji Jie shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty is mighty..." Zhao Ling shouted loudly, and the soldiers started shouting after him.

"Your Majesty is mighty..."

"Your Majesty is mighty..."


The sound spread throughout Zhaocheng, encouraging people.Only one person heard these words, like a needle prick, and he was Jijia who was imprisoned.

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