Great Zhou Tianzi

102 Swallow Week

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The [-] Zhou troops whose weapons had been confiscated squatted on the ground one by one. Not only were their weapons confiscated, but their food and supplies were also confiscated.

Ji Jia was tied up and taken to the high platform. As the prince, he had suffered such grievances. He looked at Ji Jie viciously, as if he was going to bite him to death.

"Kneel down!" Xiong Ba roared.

Ji Jia has a lot of backbone, instead of kneeling down, she stands up straighter.

"Damn it!" Xiong Ben kicked Ji Jia's leg, and he knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and Xiong Ben continued to curse: "Don't be so shameless, if it didn't look like you are Xue For the sake of Princess Ling's elder brother, I already chopped you in half with an axe!"

Ji Jie waved his hand, and the two brothers stood behind him without speaking.

Glancing at Ji Jia, Ji Jie said loudly to Zhou Jun below: "I think everyone should know why I, Ji Jie, treat you like this. Your master, the Prince of Great Zhou, Ji Jia, actually colluded with the people of Qin, intending to open the city gate to release Qin Jun came in and took my Zhaocheng! In exchange, Qin Guohui will return the royal city to him, and there will be 20 taels of gold."

Most of Zhou Jun's soldiers only knew about Ji Jia's collusion with the Qin people, but they didn't know that Wangcheng and 20 taels of gold were the terms of the transaction. Hearing this, many people showed resentment on their faces.

"Everyone is bleeding and fighting for Da Zhou and the Qin army, but your master is colluding with the enemy!" Ji Jie continued: "The emperor died at the hands of the Qin people. As a prince, not only did he not want to take revenge, but he joined forces with the enemy. Dealing with one's own people is really unbearable!"

The sound of cursing sounded, and Ji Jia became the person Wan Fu pointed out.

"What evidence do you have to prove that I colluded with the people of Qin?" Ji Jia was unwilling to fail, and said, "Ji Jie, you are making a false accusation. Don't believe his lies! This is his conspiracy. The [-] Zhou army became our own team, so we made up such a big lie to deceive everyone, everyone must not be fooled!"

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at Ji Jie with puzzled eyes, waiting for his explanation.

Ji Jie had long thought that Ji Jia would play with him, so he winked at Xiong Ba behind him, and Xiong Ba said loudly: "Bring them up!"

who are they?Ji Jia soon had an answer.

One is the spy of Qin State who conspired with him several times, one is the leading captain who was in charge of robbing the city gate last night, the other is the secret envoy sent to Longcheng (Tuolong Pass) to deliver a letter to Ji Zhang, and the last one is Ji Zhang himself .

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's say what you said before in order!" Ji Jie shouted.

Ji Zhang was the first to speak, shouting like a mad dog: "Ji Jie, you framed me and the prince..."

"Pa..." Ji Zhang was almost sent flying by Xiong Ben's big ear scraper, and fell heavily to the ground.

Xiong Ben said fiercely: "According to the order, you fmd didn't hear what your majesty said, and if you have nothing to do, you have to beat me up. If you dare to disobey the rules, I will chop you up!"

Ji Zhang spat out a mouthful of blood, with a few knocked out teeth in it, and he became much more honest after being slapped.

Seeing this, the spies of the State of Qin thought that they had already confessed anyway, so what if they said it again, tremblingly, he told how Meng Ao and Sima Jing contacted Ji Jia, without missing a single word, including the two The content of the correspondence between them and how the agreement was reached.

Then there was the school lieutenant, who told the truth about Ji Jia's arrangement for him to lead his troops to seize the city gate. Ji Jia actually promised that as long as he took down the city gate and successfully led the Qin army into the city, he would be named General Zhou, plus gold. 300 taels.

In order to prove that what he said was true, the lieutenant swore that what he did would be proved by the five hundred soldiers under his command.

After hearing the narration of the two, Ji Jia showed a pale face. He didn't expect that Ji Jie knew his plan well. What made him angry was that these two people had no backbone at all, and they betrayed him!

The news is still behind.

Then there was the secret envoy who delivered the letter. At that time, for the sake of safety, Ji Jia only wrote a brief explanation in the letter, and the specific implementation plan was dictated to Ji Zhang by the secret envoy. In this way, Ji Jie took a big advantage.

"What I said is true!" The emissary said with snot and tears: "I have a seventy-year-old mother and a three-year-old son, and the prince said that if I don't do what he said, I will kill my whole family! If this matter is done for him, I will enjoy my glory and wealth!"

After Ji Zhang saw the secret envoy, he immediately started preparing. Like Ji Jia, he didn't like Ji Jie from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't expect to be caught by Ji Jian just as he started to act.

The testimonies of the three witnesses are enough. Ji Jie didn't intend for Ji Jia and Ji Zhang to bow their heads and plead guilty. He said with a cold expression: "Now everyone knows what's going on. Such a seamless scene will never be me. Directed and acted by yourself! Even if you have doubts, the thousands of corpses of the Qin army piled up outside the city are not fake, anyone who doesn't believe it can go and see!"

How can you not believe it, Zhou Jun began to curse Ji Jia and Ji Zhang.

Ji Jie waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said to Ji Jia: "His Royal Highness, I know you don't like me, Ji Jie, but you can't wear the same pants as someone who killed your father and enemy, right? Do you want to be the Son of Heaven of the Great Zhou, and worthy to inherit the position of the Son of Heaven? If such a person can be the Son of Heaven, I would rather quit the Great Zhou and never be a subject of the Great Zhou!"

"He doesn't deserve it, he doesn't deserve it..."

"Brother Ji Jia, get the hell out of Da Zhou..."

"It's really blind, to work for this kind of person..."

Zhou Jun started to curse, and many people took off their shoes and threw them over, hitting Ji Jia and Ji Zhang violently.

Ji Jia's lips moved but she didn't say a word. What's the point of talking about other things after the matter has come to an end, even if she can speak out, it won't help.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Ji Jie said loudly: "Everyone listen to me! You are all warriors in bloody battles, people who are not afraid of life and death in front of the tiger, wolf and Qin army. Following such a master will really bury you! I have a Suggestion, listen to everyone, we are all the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, if I, Ji Jie, eat every mouthful, I won’t just give you half a mouthful, and those who are willing to stay with me to fight against the Qin army, I welcome with both hands! I don’t want to stay Those who want to go to the city to get two taels of silver as a way to leave, if you are willing to stay and don't want to continue to join the army, I will arrange your residence and work, what do you think?"

Quiet, so quiet!

"I am willing to follow Zhao Wenjun and fight against the Qin army!" A young soldier shouted.

"I would also like to..."

"I would like to..."

None of the eight thousand Zhou troops wanted to leave, and all of them were willing to continue serving as soldiers.

That's great, that's 8000 people, and the 8000 people in Dragon City are naturally no problem. Ji Jie's force has doubled, and the comparison with Qin's army has reached a one-to-one comparison.

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