Great Zhou Tianzi

127 I have been watching

Ji Lin had a faint smile on her face, and her big blue eyes looked around, as if she could take the soul away, and then she gave a slight blessing to Ji Jie. .

Ji Jie felt that his whole mind was almost sucked away, so he quickly took a few deep breaths, smiled seriously and said: "Princess Yan is here, the city is full of splendor, please sit down!"

Ji Lin's appearance has obvious European blood, which is not surprising. Her mother is the daughter of a patriarch of the Xiongnu tribe. She is a half-sibling relationship with the current King Yan. The Huns are nomadic people active in Eurasia. The nation, in a sense, is the ancestor of a large part of Europeans.

To be honest, when Ji Jie, who is used to seeing Chinese people, suddenly saw a "foreigner", he felt naturally different, with a high nose bridge, blue eyes, and deep eye sockets.

Ji Lin sat down gracefully, and said in a voice like a yellow warbler: "You take the liberty to visit, and please don't blame the little girl!"

The terrible thing is that when Ji Lin was speaking, a pair of big eyes "shot" back and forth on Ji Jie's body.

"Hehe, the eldest princess was joking, how could I blame you!" Ji Jie took a deep breath, and said at a moderate pace: "You and I belong to the authentic Ji clan, so we should have been in frequent contact with each other, and we should have gone long ago. The Kingdom of Yan pays homage to King Yan and His Royal Highness Princess Chang, but he is so busy with mundane affairs that he really has no free time!"

These few words of Ji Jie smacked of diplomatic rhetoric, but it's really hard to find someone who can tell such a swear word with a lie.

Ji Lin looked at him with strange eyes, and her heart was towards Zhao Wenjun He can still talk freely, it seems that I underestimated him.

"Since you say that, I won't be polite to you, brother Ji Jie!" Ji Lin said with a smile, "I checked the family tree of the Ji family, and we are of the same generation. I am two years older than you, so I am bold Call you brother!"

Damn, this woman is still acquainted, I just mentioned the four words of Ji's authenticity, and she followed immediately. She did her homework well!

"Of course I can, then I'll call you Sister Lin!" Ji Jie never took advantage of his words, and calling a beautiful woman "Sister" was what he wished for.

The two continued to exchange pleasantries. As time went on, Ji Jie's expression became more normal, but Ji Lin became more and more surprised, because his views on certain matters were so unique.

Smiling tenderly, eyes shifting, sometimes resentful and sometimes happy, sometimes naive and sometimes serious...

However, no matter how she tried her best, she could only temporarily attract Ji Jie's attention, and each time it could only last for a short time. You must know that she had never used so many tricks in front of a man. Experience, no matter how determined a man is, he will definitely not be able to withstand her two moves!

The charm technique that Ji Lin practices is called "Eight Ways of Qingling", and it is divided into eight tricks.

But now, after using the eight tricks over and over again, Ji Jie remains unmoved, as steady as Mount Tai, and his gaze is as bright as a torch.

In fact, it was mainly due to the pain from her waist, Sima Xueran was so cruel, it is estimated that the place where she pinched must have been bruised, otherwise how could it have been in pain for so long.

Finally, it was time to reveal the cards.

"Brother, Ji Jie came to you this time because he wanted to form an alliance with Da Zhou!" Ji Lin had no choice but to tell the purpose of this trip. My request now seems to be absolutely impossible.

"Oh, forming an alliance?" Ji Jie still had a faint smile on his face, making it hard to tell whether he was interested or not.

Ji Lin pouted. When she showed her cute side, she was no less lethal than the little girl Zhao Qian; when she showed her mature side, she was even worse than Zhao Ji; Xue Ran is not bad at all.

It is estimated that starting a business is no worse than Qin Qing, at least Ji Jie thinks so.

She combined the characteristics of the beauties around Ji Jie. This woman is really amazing, she can definitely be regarded as a beauty of the level of disastrous to the country and the people. Even if Daji and Baosi are reborn, I am afraid they can only compete with her.

Ji Lin was a little annoyed. She thought that she would be able to deal with him smoothly by going out in person, and forge an alliance between Yan Guo and Da Zhou. Who would have thought that he was a guy who didn't want to get in? Could it be that she wasn't pretty enough or attractive enough?

No matter how big the fire is, we have to endure it, no, who made us ask for it.

Ji Lin stretched out her jaded hand, picked up the white jade teacup and took a sip elegantly, then put down the cup slowly, with the corners of her mouth slightly upturned, and said: "In the land of Huaxia, the conflict between the seven kingdoms, of course there is an extra week now, but what? , everyone regards the Qin people as the enemy! The Qin-Chu alliance, the Sanjin alliance, the purpose of the alliance is to resist Qin. My country of Yan is located in the north. , I had no choice but to come and find you, brother!"

What are you looking for?Your country of Yan does not border with the country of Qin. If the people of Qin want to invade the land of Yan, they must at least destroy the three Jin countries. Han, Zhao, and Wei are not the opponents of Qin if they are singled out, but forming an alliance of advance and retreat It should not be underestimated, the military strength is far more than twice that of Qin!

Furthermore, Qi and Chu will definitely take advantage of the time when Qin and Jin are fighting to stab Qin in the back fiercely. When Qin will fight against the enemy on two fronts, how can there be any reason to win?

The country of Yan is very safe, why do you want to learn from others to form an alliance?

Ji Jie couldn't figure it out for a while.

Ji Lin took out a stack of square paper from the sleeve, stood up and unfolded it, and walked over lightly.

A gust of fragrant wind blew in, and Ji Jie's eyes were completely attracted by Ji Lin's boobs bobbing up and down.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, it's really big, if underwear is sold in this era, it must be a 36e, or even bigger!

Seeing this, Ji Lin couldn't help but straighten her already firm breasts. It was the first time that Ji Jie looked at herself with lewd eyes after being here for so long, and she finally managed to win back.

"Brother, please look!" After Ji Lin handed the branch to Ji Jie, she did not turn around and leave, but bent down, facing him with her open neckline, not minding the pair of big white rabbits in front of his eyes at all.

"You're welcome, let me see!"

It's really... so big... Ji Jie could even see the bright red spots on the two peaks, and his mouth felt parched all of a sudden.

Ji Lin has always been very satisfied with her body, and she no longer pays attention to Ji Jie's slightly hungry eyes, but looks forward to his more intense performance.

"Brother, look carefully..."

"I've been watching..."

"It's disgusting, I'm not asking you to look at someone's place, but to read what's on the paper!" Ji Lin said coquettishly, but she didn't intend to straighten her back!

The goblin, while saying that she won't let me see it, but she refuses to stand up straight, she still wants me to see it!

Ji Jie coughed twice, and moved his gaze to the paper with difficulty, but Yu Guang never left the position just now.

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