Great Zhou Tianzi

128 Going to catch up

The piece of paper that Ji Lin showed to Ji Jie was an intelligence report, which said that the Rongdi people were going to attack the Yan Kingdom and the Great Zhou Dynasty in the near future to plunder property for the winter.

The Rongdi people are nomadic people active in the northwest of the Yellow River Basin. They are warlike by nature and make a living by plundering.

The Rongdi people were very powerful in the early Spring and Autumn Period, and the small countries in Huaxia were seriously threatened by them. Even big countries such as Jin and Qi were often attacked by them.Until the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, the vassal states had made great progress, especially by uniting with each other through hegemony, which increased their defense capabilities against the Rong and Di people, and gradually gained the upper hand.

Later, most of the Rong and Di tribes were wiped out, and even threatened to be exterminated.Entering the Warring States period, the countries in the Central Plains fought continuously, and they got the opportunity to recuperate. Today, they have become a force that cannot be underestimated, controlling most of northern Qin and Yanxi, adjacent to the areas controlled by the Huns in the north.

Dazhou was the country most severely affected by the Rongdi. The reason why the poor land is left is mainly because of the continuous encroachment of the Rongdi people over the years.

According to news, after the people of Qin State defeated Xirong, the largest tribe of Rongdi, the people of Xirong surrendered like Qin State, and many tribesmen integrated into the society of Qin people. The people of Qin State became the behind-the-scenes controllers of the Rongdi people. Man's will.

However, before Ji Jie took over the management of Dazhou, the poor people here had been weak for many years, and there was really nothing to grab. They focused their attention on the Yan people in the north.

This is also the strategy of the Qin people. Qin and Yan are not bordering each other. It is absolutely impossible for Qin to use troops against Yan, and he does not want to allow it to grow and develop in a peaceful state. Therefore, taking advantage of the geographical advantages occupied by the Rong and Di people, Yan State carried out continuous harassment to prevent its development momentum.

Even the Qin people bribed the Huns through the Rongdi people and let them go south to attack the city of Yan.

If it weren't for these, Yan would not have become the weakest country among the Seven Kingdoms.

"You want to form an alliance to fight against Di Rong?" Ji Jie asked with a smile, once again looking straight at Ji Lin's chest with a pair of thief eyes.

Ji Lin smiled slightly, maybe it was because she kept this posture for too long, her upper body moved, and her chest swayed for a while, making Ji Jie dizzy!

Ji Jie doesn't think he's an animal that turns into a lower body thinking when he sees a beautiful woman, but if she takes the initiative to send it to her door, if he doesn't take advantage of this kind of advantage, is he still a man?

Do not see evil, fuck him!

It can be seen that Ji Lin is very satisfied with Ji Jie's previous performance. She smiled, straightened up and returned to her seat, and the expression on her face returned to normal. She lightly opened her lips and said, "That's what I mean, what do you think, brother?" ah?"

Grandma, play hard to get with me, well, I will play if you play too!

In the blink of an eye, both of them returned to their normal expressions, as if the previous ambiguity never happened at all.

"I think it's better to sweep the snow in front of the door!" Ji Jie said lightly: "When the Rongdi people plundered, they mostly used small groups of cavalry. They acted quickly and ran away after the robbing! They want to find their main force. World War I was really difficult, so defense is fundamental. To tell you the truth, I have set up a sentry station at the border between the two sides. The patrol team patrols the defense area every day and distributes self-defense weapons to the surrounding farmers. , as long as they dare to show up, it is guaranteed that there will be no return!"

There is another level of meaning in Ji Jie's words, that is, my Great Zhou is no longer the main target of the Rongdi people's attacks, why should I form an alliance with you, the alliance is very beneficial to you, and has little to do with us.

From the time when Ji Linshi began to perform the charm technique, Ji Jie knew what she wanted to do. If she had no purpose, why would she spend such a large sum of money?Since it has a purpose, it is definitely beneficial to her, and it will naturally hurt my interests if it is beneficial to her.

Ji Lin was so angry that she just wanted to stomp her feet, no man could be undefeated by her playing hard to get.Let the man in front of you take advantage of it first, and then his attitude towards him will plummet. At this time, the man will be at a loss. He will do whatever you ask him to do, and he will not even blink if he dies. It's probably just to make the beauties smile, or to pay attention to their own eyes one by one.

Instead of showing the disappointment that he should have, Ji Jie flatly rejected her proposal, and said so relentlessly.

Fighting with brother, brother has been in modern society for more than 20 years, what kind of people have never seen, brother has a lot of experience in this field!

However, experience comes from setbacks and failures.

At that time, I couldn’t remember how many times Ji Jie, a poor generation, was dumped. There were many times when he was taken advantage of. It all depends on how the person takes a bath.

Coupled with Guigu's three years of hard study, he has thoroughly studied the cunning on the battlefield. As for love scenes, shopping malls, etc., these are all interlinked.

It was Ji Lin's turn to take a deep breath. She forced herself to calm down the anger in her chest, put on a coquettish expression, stared at Ji Jie with a pair of big eyes and said, "My brother, don't you think about the future? Da Zhou is getting richer and richer. I'm afraid that the Rong and Di people also know about it! Let's not talk about the same ancestors of our two families, but let's talk about it, shouldn't Da Zhou and Dayan cooperate?"

This woman is really not simple.

Cooperation is not impossible, the key is in what way to cooperate, I will not do things that are at a disadvantage.

It is of course good to be able to destroy Rong and Di, once and for all; it is no big deal if you can’t, it’s just for training. The more powerful Huns in the north are eyeing the Central Plains, and one day they will fight against them. Before that, you can accumulate some experience in grassland warfare , there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Thinking so in his heart, Ji Jie didn't show it on his face.

"I understand the truth, but the matter of forming an alliance is very important, I'm afraid I can't give an answer right now!" Ji Jie said with a smile.

Play hard to get!Ji Jie returned to Ji Lin the trick she had just used without changing it, which is called repaying the other with the same way.

There was a light in Ji Lin's beautiful eyes, there is a door!

On the way back to the inn, Ji Lin was very happy, she thought that he didn't directly refuse, that is to say, there was still room for maneuver, as long as she worked hard, made more concessions, and gave him more sweetness, wouldn't it be...

...Eh...that's not right!

The more I think about it, the more wrong I am!

Bastard, isn't this the way I often play with men, damn Ji Jie!

"Boom!" Ji Lin closed the door heavily, startling the four maids who were close to her. They looked at each other, thinking that the eldest princess was so happy just now, why did she change her face in a blink of an eye?

Ji Lin sat on the chair, a smile soon appeared on her uncertain and pretty face, and she said to herself: "Brother Ji Jie, I didn't expect you to be such a difficult guy, my aunt won't admit defeat, it's done!" You have a more sense of accomplishment, just wait for the recruit!"

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