Ji Jie told the three daughters the content of the conversation with Ji Lin, and when he talked about Ji Lin's embarrassment, they laughed coquettishly.

The little girl Zhao Qian sat on his lap and asked with a smile: "Brother Jie, Ji Lin's breasts are really big?"

"It's huge!" Ji Jie nodded.

"How big is it?"

"It's probably this big!" Ji Jie stretched out his hand and gestured at the size, while talking eloquently: "Don't tell me, this is the biggest I've ever seen, maybe it's bigger than all of you combined! Tsk tsk, one hand Absolutely can't hold it, you have to use both hands together... Hey... why are you staring at me..."

Zhao Qian was fine, the expression on her face didn't change. Ji Xueling and Sima Xueran already had eyes that wanted to eat people.

Ji Jie suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter, as a man, never praise another woman in front of his own woman, and never compare them!

Zhao Qian noticed that Ji Jie's eyes were wrong, and looked back, fearing that the world would not be chaotic and said: "Brother Jie, you have offended the two sisters, do you want me to persuade you?"

You damn girl, if you didn't keep asking, would I have slipped my mouth, woo woo!

"Don't worry, I only take advantage of what I should take, and I won't take anything else!" Ji Jie vowed.

"Then why don't you tell me, what should be occupied and what should not be occupied?" Ji Xueling asked.

"When someone bends down, you just look at her chest, and you argue that you didn't take the initiative! What would you do if she took the initiative to take off her clothes in front of you?" Sima Xueran was not to be outdone.

"This... that..." Ji Jie was speechless, thinking that if she really took off, I would really go for it, what's the big deal, if she didn't go, it would be misunderstood as not doing it!


In the next three days, Ji Lin came to look for Ji Jie six times. Although she failed every time, the next time she came, she always smiled and didn't take the previous unhappiness to heart.

Ji Jie thought that he could take advantage of it, of course it meant taking advantage of the alliance between the two parties, but Ji Lin had already seen through this point, and she refused to give in on key issues. The two had also argued over certain issues. Red in the face.

No, she is here again.

Ji Jie smiled wryly, thinking that you came here just to do one thing, don't worry about other things, of course you have plenty of time.But I can't, there are too many things to do every day, and I have to deal with you, you want to exhaust me to death!

Ji Lin, a self-acquaintance, didn't treat herself as a guest at all. Every time she came to Ji Jie's study, no matter whether he was busy or not, she would find a chair and sit down directly. Twice Ji Jie deliberately pretended to be very busy and didn't have time to pay attention. She actually waited until he couldn't pretend anymore before continuing to talk about the alliance in a leisurely manner.

Ji Jie didn't wait for her to speak, and suggested first: "Sister Lin is here, are you interested in taking a look at the recruits that our Da Zhou is training?"

"Okay!" Ji Lin nodded and said with a smile: "I really want to see how the great Zhou warriors who can defeat Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin are trained!"

Ji Jie smiled and made a gesture of invitation, and went to the boot camp with her.

Before arriving at the camp, Ji Lin's ears were filled with shouts of killing. She couldn't help wondering if this was the voice of recruits shouting. It was no worse than that on the real battlefield. What about recruits who have not experienced the baptism of war? Will there be such a mental outlook?

Could it be that some veterans were deliberately recruited to dress up as recruits?

When Ji Lin looked at the immature faces, she completely dispelled her previous thoughts. These are definitely not veterans, but they exude the temperament that veterans should have. It is not surprising that such an army wins the battle .

Ji Lin once also stood on the top of the city in battle armor to boost morale, and fought to the death with Zhao Jun under the city wall. She remembered deeply the soldiers' defiance of death, but she was still overwhelmed by the soldiers in front of her.

They are all new recruits, but they give people the feeling that many veterans of Yan Kingdom are not as good as them!

When the recruit instructor saw Ji Jie coming, he immediately ordered the soldiers in training to stop, and they formed a phalanx in unison, waiting for his inspection.

The instructor ran up to Ji Jie in a standard running posture, stood still, put his clenched right fist on his left chest, and shouted loudly: "Report to the marshal, the first battalion of recruits is conducting queue and assassination training, please review!"

Ji Lin's thoughts were still in the instructor's running posture, startled by his sudden shout, she involuntarily hugged Ji Jie's arm.

So soft and elastic!

While enjoying the softness from his arms, Ji Jie returned a military salute and said, "Go back to your queue!"


Ji Jie glanced across the faces of the soldiers, and shouted loudly: "Hello warriors!"

"Hello Marshal!" The shouts of the soldiers were uniform and earth-shattering.

"Warriors have worked hard!"

"For Da Zhou, for the marshal, I will do anything!"

Obviously, Ji Jie tampered with the classic dialogue when the leaders of the Republic inspected the army, and it has to be said that he changed it very successfully.

"Keep training!"

"Wow!" All the soldiers clenched their right fists and put them on their chests. Ji Jie did not copy the modern military salute, but adopted the ancient Roman military salute, which is his favorite.

Ji Lin still tightly hugged Ji Jie's arm. Once upon a time, she also imagined that she would rely on a man. As she grew older, she felt more and more that men were unreliable, and they were only worthy of being used by herself.

Holding this man younger than herself, she felt a sense of security that she had never had before.

"Sister Lin, in front of my soldiers, isn't it good for us to do this?" Ji Jie said with a smile. In fact, he wished that the beauty would continue like this, but this is a bit out of date. Most of the soldiers here are innocent girls. As for the boys, it's not good to teach them badly!

Ji Lin was extremely embarrassed, she had never taken the initiative to contact a man like this, let alone being reminded by the other party.

Pretty face flushed, like a very ripe apple, as if you could squeeze water out of it.

"Who made your soldiers startle them!" Ji Lin found an excuse for herself.

Ji Jie gave up the idea of ​​continuing to flirt with beautiful women, it was really inappropriate now, and suggested: "Hehe, after watching the infantry, let's go and see the cavalry!"

"Okay!" Ji Lin lost face in front of Ji Jie and became extremely well-behaved.

The iron discipline can't stop everyone from commenting on the beauty. It's all because Ji Lin is too beautiful. The recruits began to guess that this is the beauty that Jun Shang kidnapped again. Jun Shang is Jun Shang, and this is the fourth one. !

When the two walked to the cavalry training ground, Ji Lin was shocked again!

I saw a cavalry team galloping on horseback. Forty feet in front of them was an infantry phalanx composed of wooden men. They picked up the steel crossbow hanging on the saddle in unison, and fired thirty thunderbolt bullets on the crossbow trigger. Simultaneously shoot.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of explosions caused many wooden figures to fall to the ground, and those standing there were nailed full of black shrapnel!

Ji Lin covered her small mouth with one hand, this is too sharp!

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