Great Zhou Tianzi

133 Night Raid

Fortunately, the Chidi people were busy eating, and their camp was relatively close to the river, so Ji Lin's team was not found.

Ji Lin grabbed Ji Jie, pulled him aside and asked, "What do you think we should do?"

Ji Jie said angrily: "Ask me why, didn't you say that from the moment I stepped into the carriage, I have to listen to you in everything?"

Ji Lin was about to get angry, and suddenly smiled and said: "So you are ready to listen to my arrangement, that's fine, I order you to handle this matter with full authority, and all my two hundred soldiers will be under your command, my princess It's the same, attack when you say attack, retreat when you say retreat!"

It feels good to ask him a difficult question, and Ji Lin enjoys it.

The retreat should be smooth. After all, the two teams are separated by three miles, and the horses can't hear the cry. It's a mess, as long as they run for more than ten miles, they will be safe.

However, the purpose of the Rongdi people is obvious, that is to go to loot property, they are already the enemies of Dazhou and Yan.

"Destroy them!" Ji Jie began to assign tasks: "Put out the fire, no one is allowed to make loud noises, everyone eats dry food, feeds the horses at the same time, and then seizes the time to rest, and rush up to deal with them in the middle of the night! A few, go to monitor the enemy, report any situation in time, be careful not to expose yourself!"


Ji Lin was quite satisfied with Ji Jie's arrangement.

Looking at the mutton that was about to be roasted, Ji Jie swallowed a big mouthful of saliva. Grandma's Rongdi people didn't even let me eat a good meal. I will repay you, wait!

Until they approached Zi, the Rongdi people did not find an army ambushed three miles southwest of them.

One by one, they took off the brass bells on the horses’ necks, wrapped the horses’ hoofs in sackcloth, and each led his own horses to the Rongdi camp. This was done to keep quiet and save energy for the horses. The horses ran all day , it is difficult to go all out at night.

The Rongdi people also stayed on horseback for a whole day, and the distance traveled was even longer than Ji Jie and the others. caught.

When they reached a distance of forty feet, Ji Jie motioned for everyone to stop. He took out the thunderbolt crossbow and reloaded it skillfully, and the others followed suit.

When Ji Lin took over the two hundred thunderbolt crossbows, she specially asked cavalry instructors to teach her soldiers how to use this weapon. Most of them didn't have actual combat training, but they still knew how to use it.

"Maximum throwing distance!" Ji Jie knew very well that these thunderbolt crossbows were a bit unreliable. In order to ensure the maximum lethality, the maximum throwing elevation angle must be used.

Everyone held up the thunderbolt crossbow in a dignified manner, and Ji Jie ordered: "Let go!"

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of bowstrings, and thunderbolt bullets flew out "swish".

"Retract the crossbow, get on the horse!" Ji Jie was the first to get on the horse, and many soldiers focused on the flying thunderbolts. Hearing his order, they jumped on the horse subconsciously.

"Draw the sword!"

"Boom boom boom..."

There was an explosion, and less than half of the two hundred thunderbolts landed in the enemy's camp. Ji Jie was quite satisfied with such a result.

Flames blazed and shrapnel flew in all directions. Many Rongdi people didn't know how they died until they died. Those who were lucky enough not to be hit by shrapnel were also terrified. There were countless frightened horses, and they had no purpose at first. running wildly.

"Come on, kill!" Ji Jie took the lead, waving his long sword and rushing towards the fire.

"Kill it!"

There was an obvious female voice mixed with the shouts of killing. Ji Jie looked back, and it was indeed Ji Lin. She was holding a weapon in the shape of a hook and sickle, and followed closely behind him.

He was not killed by the bombing, but he was also frightened to death by the sudden attack, and the Rongdi camp was in chaos.

"Don't panic, listen to my orders, everyone defend the enemy!" Wearing a beard with red feathers on his head roared: "Defend the enemy, defend the enemy immediately!"

At a distance of forty feet, relying on the speed of the horse, Ji Jie slashed at a Rongdi man who hurriedly raised his scimitar.


The swords intersected, the scimitar was cut into two pieces by the sword, the long sword continued unabated, and fell on the neck of the owner of the scimitar, killing the man on the spot.

Ji Lin and the Yan State soldiers behind them were very brave. Relying on the impact of their horses and their height advantages, they slaughtered the Rongdi people like melons and vegetables. There were only a handful of enemies who could stand still.

The bearded man with red feathers rode a horse without a saddle and rushed towards the Yan army. He swung his two scimitars left and right, and was invincible wherever he went. Several knights were beheaded by his horse.

"This guy is a leader, I'll go meet him!" Ji Lin rushed towards that man ahead of Ji Jie.

"You're really impatient!" Ji Jie was a little helpless, because in his eyes, the bearded man was already under his sword. .


Ji Lin and the bearded man fought together, with a dozen or so moves evenly matched.

Soon, the remnants of the enemy were wiped out, and only the bearded man was left. Ji Jie looked at it for a while, and felt that the weapons in Ji Lin's hands seemed not so smooth. Many moves evolved from short weapon moves. As for the power—— If you are weaker than yourself, you will naturally have nothing to say, but if you meet someone who is comparable, you will not be able to take advantage of it.

The bearded man glanced back when the two horses pedaled wrongly, and when he saw that the entire army under him was wiped out, he immediately became angry!

He grabbed the longbow hanging on the saddle and handed it to his left hand. Just as his right hand touched the feathered arrow in the quiver, before he could pull it out, he felt a heavy blow to his chest. He looked down and saw a long bow dripping with blood. The arrow has already shot out of the chest!

who is it!Why didn't you hear the sound of the bowstring?

The bearded man's consciousness began to blur, his body swayed twice, and when he fell off the horse, he vaguely saw a young man sitting on the horse in the distance, holding a strong bow with a simple shape, and his body was still holding the arrow. time posture.

The bearded man has the nickname - Shunfenger. He can hear the sound of bowstrings when arrows are fired tens of feet away, and he can always dodge them immediately. But this time, his chest was shot through, and he didn't hear anything. .

"Shooting the Sun Bow" is really extraordinary, this move is only mastered by Ji Jie in the past few days, it is called Shadowless!

Ji Lin patted her horse and ran over, glared at him, and said, "Why are you robbing me of my prey?"

"The prey? You are really brazen. If it weren't for my help, who would be the prey!" Ji Jie put away the sun-shooting bow and said angrily, "Besides, you handed over the rights to me. What do I want to do?" It's all right, isn't it?"

Ji Lin had no words to refute, and ran away angrily.

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