Great Zhou Tianzi

134 Gentleman

Ji Jie walked up to the bearded man, stretched out his hand and pulled down the domino hanging from his waist, which was engraved with a strange symbol, and turned around and asked, "Does anyone know the Rongdi script?"

"I know it!" A young soldier walked over to take a look and said, "This symbol represents the word "pioneer", and the pattern next to it represents the Chidi tribe in the Rongdi tribe!"

pioneer?Depend on!

What kind of vanguard officers should be sent out to rob?The head of this King Chidi was either kicked by a donkey or caught by a door!

Since it is a vanguard, it means that there must be another army behind, so we can't stay here for long!

"Everyone has worked hard, rest on the spot, and hurry up tomorrow morning!" Ji Jie ordered, and then chased after Ji Lin who had already run away.

The moonlight was good at night, Ji Lin stopped by the small river, let go of her mount and let her move freely.

"Hey, what's the matter with you coming here alone? If you won the battle, shouldn't you reward your subordinates? It's good to give a word!" Ji Jie sat next to Ji Lin very rudely.

Ji Lin moved to one side, and snorted, "I told you to make the decision. If you want to reward, you can reward it. Why do you ask me?"

Come on, I'll reward your soldiers, I'm stupid, even if you reward you, you will pay for it.

"Don't be angry, isn't he just a vanguard officer of the Chidi tribe? Whoever kills is not killed. As for being so stingy?" Ji Jie stuffed the domino into Ji Lin's little hand and said with a smile: "It is your credit, this The head office is fine, if you didn't attract his attention, how could I shoot him dead with one arrow, generally speaking, your contribution is greater than mine!"

"That's about the same!" Ji Lin said with a smile, women, the speed of changing faces is so fast, you will never be able to keep up.

Like finding a treasure, Ji Lin tightly held the dominoes.

"No way, you're a princess. You haven't seen anything before. Why do you value a small domino so much?" Ji Jie pretended to be surprised and said, "Haven't you been on the battlefield before, didn't you Got more valuable loot?"

Ji Lin pouted and said, "No!"

"how is this possible?"

"How is that impossible!" Ji Lin muttered in a low voice, "It's true that I have been on the battlefield, but I have never fought the enemy face to face, let alone the spoils of war. They are just going to improve the morale of the Yan army!"

Wow, send a beautiful woman to boost morale, let the soldiers fundamentally realize that if the city is destroyed, a beautiful woman like the eldest princess will become the wife of the enemy, that is absolutely impossible!

In this way, her elder brother who is the king of Yan has a bit of strategy, or crooked talent.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ji Lin felt Ji Jie's burning gaze, and couldn't help but blushed. She practiced seduction since she was a child, and she rarely blushed. how many times.

"Hey, it's said that seeing nobody under the lamp is special, and seeing Sister Lin this month is even more special!" Ji Jie had a smirk on his face.

"I hate it!" Ji Lin stood up and ran.

Running away again, Ji Jie spread his hands, thinking that I didn’t say anything too much, so what’s wrong with this, I haven’t practiced the method of picking up girls yet, girls in ancient times were thin-skinned, so I have to pay more attention in the future Son, so as not to be abrupt, beautiful woman.

There was nothing to say all night, Ji Jie woke everyone up early the next morning, and set off early.

Sure enough, in the evening of that day, a group of Chidi cavalry with a number of more than [-] came here under the leadership of King Chidi. After seeing the corpses all over the ground, they became angry and led people to chase them away without saying a word.

It's a pity that Ji Jie and the others have already traveled hundreds of miles, so it's no wonder they can catch up.

Speeding up their progress, the group arrived at the west gate of Jicheng in the afternoon of the second day. The road was unimpeded, and many people saluted the carriage. Everyone knew that it was the carriage of the eldest princess.

Jicheng is even more dilapidated than Ji Jie imagined, it can even be described as devastated. I thought that the royal city of the Great Zhou Dynasty was dilapidated enough, but I didn't expect that there were mountains beyond the mountains, and there was a capital even more dilapidated than the royal city.

"Now you know why I have to use tricks to lure you here!" Ji Lin looked at the ruins of the city with her beautiful eyes, and said, "If we don't work hard, the country of Yan will probably catch up with the other five countries." Before it was destroyed, there was no need for the Qin people to fight, just the Rongdi people and the Huns were enough!"

"Sister Lin, I apologize to you for the many things I have done before!" Ji Jie said seriously: "You are a real patriot, I admire you very much, don't worry, I will do my best to help you!"

Ji Jie believes that if a person can contribute for his own country, even if he is not a perfect person, he is at least a noble person!

Ji Lin held his hand a little excitedly, but her words were not so kind: "Then give me some new equipment, as you have seen, our country of Yan is very poor, how about free assistance?"

"Huh?" Ji Jie's previous admiration evaporated in an instant, why is this woman more profiteer than me?


King Yan is a middle-aged man in his 40s. The first impression he gave to Ji Jie was that this guy must have not slept well last night, but he didn't know whether it was because he was busy with state affairs, or because he was working hard in bed with his wives.

King Yan was a modest gentleman, and he was very polite to Ji Jie. He greeted Ji Jie as soon as they met, and personally arranged a residence and servants for him.

Among the Seven Kingdoms, there are very few kings who can be as courteous and respectful as he is. Unfortunately, Yan Kingdom is too poor, and talented people don't want to come to this place where nothing shits.

I really don't know how they raised the tens of thousands of taels of gold used to buy armaments a few times ago.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhaowen, I will raise 10 taels of gold within half a year, and I will never break my promise!" King Yan said solemnly: "Sister Wang has already told the widow that thanks to Mr. Zhaowen's great love, she sold me a new model of the Yan Kingdom. Weapons, I thank you!"

King Yan bowed to the ground with an even earnest expression.

As the monarch of a country, Ji Jie was really touched by King Yan's ability to let go of his identity and make such a polite gesture.

"You are welcome, King Yan. You and I are both descendants of the Ji family. It is right to help each other, not to mention that I am not helping in vain!" Just be a younger brother, and I'm considering whether to provide more help to your country!"

"My widow... no... Thank you again for my brother! Brother, you have been tired all the way, go back to rest first, and hold a banquet for you at night!" Yan Wang was very happy, and said: "Sister Lin, you arrange it yourself, the scene must be Be big!"

"No problem, the highest standard of courtesy!"

Ji Jie saluted and turned to leave.

The two siblings looked at each other and laughed heartily at the same time.

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