Great Zhou Tianzi

141 Attack on the Heart

Opening her eyes, she saw Ji Jie's familiar face. Ji Lin's pretty face flushed slightly. Last night, Ji Jie was holding her at first, but now, she is holding Ji Jie.

She wanted to get up, but found that one of her legs was pressed by Ji Jie. She was afraid that she would wake him up if she moved, so she continued to lie down.

Actually, Ji Jie had woken up a long time ago, the war was so tense, how could he sleep until the sun was up, and even when he was sleeping most soundly, he still had one ear pricked up.

It wasn't that he was afraid of waking Ji Lin up, but that his grandson was willing to let go because of the soft fragrance and gentle jade in his arms.

"Hey!" Ji Jie suddenly opened his eyes, smiled at Ji Lin who didn't know why, and said, "Good morning!"

"Good morning!" Ji Lin replied subconsciously, and immediately realized that she had been tricked, grabbed his ear, gritted her silver teeth and said, "Okay, you were dishonest early in the morning and dared to bully me , see how I deal with you..."

"Don' hurts..." Ji Jie gritted his teeth in pain, and hurriedly said, "Everyone is watching, it won't affect you well, at least you and I are generals, how can we flirt here?"

"You... who flirted with you..." Ji Lin let go of her hands and got up, then kicked his ass.

Damn, the strike was really ruthless, Ji Jie rubbed his red ears and stood up too.

The smell of barbecue wafted up again, and the stomachs of all the soldiers began to growl.

Grandma's, eat meat early in the morning, and you won't be afraid of getting tired!Ji Jie spat at the camp of the Rongdi people, but he didn't spit it out. He didn't drink water all night, and he was almost dying of thirst!

"Everyone has a sip of water, and then dinner!" Ji Jie ordered helplessly. This is not the way to go, and the problem of drinking water must be solved quickly, or break out of the siege.

King Rong Di left three squadrons of 200 people to patrol back and forth outside the encirclement as a support.The fighting power of these 600 people is no less than that of Ji Jie's 1000 people. Even if they can open a hole in the encirclement, these 600 people will block it.

Once in a melee, Thunderbolt can no longer be used, only to be beaten.

It can be seen from this that King Rongdi has a high military quality, and it is too difficult for Ji Jie to lead people out of the siege.

After eating half of the hard biscuit, Ji Lin felt her throat was soaring that she couldn't eat any more. She asked, "When will we break through?"

Ji Jie looked up at the rising sun and said, "In the afternoon, let the soldiers persevere and tell them that they will definitely return to Yan Kingdom alive!"

Ji Lin nodded.

In order to wear down Ji Jie's morale, King Rongdi did not give any orders to attack. They ate roast lamb and drank water. Many people deliberately poured water on the ground, making the people above very angry. be envious.

After a morning of sun exposure, the soldiers all turned into wilting cucumbers, and many of them had cracked lips due to lack of water.

"When will we break out?"

The same thing, Ji Jie asked no less than three times, women, just can't hold back.

Ji Jie pointed to the sun above his head and said, "When the sun is westward!"

"Why?" She didn't understand what it meant, how could breaking out have something to do with the sun?

"You will know when the time comes!" Ji Jie smiled mysteriously.

After finally surviving until the afternoon, Ji Jie asked everyone to rest as much as possible and not to move around. This can also reduce the evaporation of water in the body and save a lot of energy to prepare for the breakout.

The sun in early autumn is still vicious.

"An enemy is coming!" Someone shouted.

Ji Jie jumped up and looked around, and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the situation clearly. They were not the enemies of the brigade, but only four or five Rongdi knights, who seemed to be the envoys of King Chidi.

The soldiers got up one after another and aimed at those people with their bows and crossbows.

"No arrows are allowed without my order!" Ji Jie said in a deep voice.

"May I ask if you are the team of Emperor Zhaowen Ji Jie and Princess Ji Lin?" a Rongdi man asked loudly.

Sure enough, it was a messenger. Ji Jie wanted to hear what they had to say, so he took a step forward and replied, "That's right, I am Zhao Wenjun Ji Jie, who are you?"

The man clasped his fists and said, "I am Bulechuan, the deputy vanguard of King Chidi. I have heard the names of Lord Zhaowen and the princess for a long time. It is really amazing that you can slaughter the vanguard of my Chidi tribe overnight." It's not easy! Lord Chidi knows that you are short of water, so let me give you some, please accept it!"

After finishing speaking, Brechuan dropped two big leather bags, and the other four also dropped two skin bags.

Many Yan Jun looked at the skin and began to lick their lips.

Ji Jie sneered and said: "Please worry about King Chidi, I accept his wishes, you go back and tell him, let him prepare for the battle, don't wait until I break out of the encirclement to know regret!"

Bulechuan gave Ji Jie a contemptuous look, shook his head with a smile and said, "I will convey, Mr. Zhaowen take care, and leave!"

"Wait!" Ji Jie pointed to the water bag on the ground and said, "How did you bring it, how did you bring it back!"

Brechuan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, we didn't poison you! King Chidi is an eagle on the grassland, and he doesn't bother to use indiscriminate methods to deal with the enemy. In his heart, you are a terrible person." Dear enemy!"

"We don't need your charity, take it back!" Ji Jie snapped.

Brechuan clasped his fists again and said: "I am a member of King Chidi, of course I have to listen to him. If he asks me to send it over, I can only send it over. How can there be any reason to bring it back? If Mr. Zhaowen doesn't need it , just let them stay on the ground!"

Ji Jie didn't wait for his words to finish, and grabbed the longbow from a guard beside him, grabbed five arrows with his right hand, and quickly opened the bow and set the arrows. ring.

Five arrows flew out at the same time, sticking to the ground, crossing the tip of the grass, and flying towards the skin on the ground.

Five in a row!

Blechuan was taken aback. Leaving aside the accuracy, the average person cannot shoot five arrows at the same time. On the grassland and desert, the best archers can only shoot four arrows in a row!


After the feather arrow pierced through the first skin bag, it shot into the second skin bag immediately.

Five arrows just shot through all ten skin bags, and the water inside flowed out along the arrow holes, and the skin bags were quickly flattened.

Brechuan admired the five-body projection. He had never seen such a brave archery. If the five arrows were not skins, but the five of them...he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Dayan doesn't need charity from the enemy!" Ji Jie roared.

"We don't want alms!" The soldiers shouted together at the top of their voices, and their demoralized morale instantly swelled.

Brechuan turned his horse's head and galloped away with his men.

Ji Jie looked at the backs of the five people drifting away, and said in his heart that he was playing psychological warfare with me, you, King Chidi, are still a little tender!

Regardless of accepting the water or not, the morale will be further lowered, but Ji Jie completely reversed the situation by means, not only did not let King Chidi's conspiracy succeed, but stimulated the morale of the officers and soldiers!

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