Great Zhou Tianzi

142 The Battle Against the Light

When Brechuan told King Chidi what had happened before, the old guy reached out and stroked the long beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "This Ji Jie really deserves his reputation, he can turn my mind-attacking technique into his A means of boosting morale, really fun!"

King Chidi has fought with the people of Yan State all his life. In his opinion, Yan State has never had a good soldier. No matter who leads the army against him, he has never taken advantage of him. Fighting against such an army is to win It's meaningless.

How much he hopes that he can have a strong opponent, use his strength in military affairs, defeat him, and then step on his feet fiercely, that feeling will definitely be very wonderful.

The opportunity came.

"They won't last long!" King Chidi smiled and said to Brechuan, "Do you think Ji Jie will lead the team to break through as he said?"

Brechuan frowned slightly, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said, "I don't think so. Don't you often tell me that soldiers are cunning, and there is a truth that what is true is false and what is false is true? Since he said Let us prepare for the battle, and we will definitely not break through!"

King Chidi shook his head and said, "Young man, you have only seen the surface of the matter, but not the inside! If today's general had changed you, Ji Jie might not have broken through and was waiting for you to attack the mountain! But the commander The person is me, so I predict that he will rush over!"

"Oh, then when did you say he started to break through?"

King Chidi shook his head again and said: "I don't know either. Our enemy is a man who knows how to use his brain. He will definitely not play cards according to common sense! Order the troops to prepare for battle and use the capstan crossbow as soon as they are within range. Give them a slap in the face!"


The waiting time always passed very slowly, and finally the sun stayed in the west, shooting out dazzling rays of light.

When the time was right, Ji Jie ordered to share all the remaining water for everyone, and then followed his order to rush down together.

The remaining dozens of skins were quickly drank to the last drop, and the soldiers looked much better. Ji Jie drew out his long sword and said, "Brothers, we are surrounded by Rongdi people in this place where no shit is possible. You don’t eat well, you don’t sleep well, do you have the confidence to break out of the encirclement with me?”

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Yes!"

"Okay!" Ji Jie's face was full of pride, and he continued: "You are the elites I selected from the [-] new arms, and you are all good. Listen to my orders now!"

Everyone stood up straight, waiting for his order.

"Deputy General Ji Lin!"

"Yes!" Ji Lin took a thousand steps forward.

"You lead 150 personal guards as the rear guard, and follow at the end of the team. Remember to disperse the encircled enemy troops! No matter whether they come to encircle or chase, they all greet you with thunderbolts!"


"The other 60 guards will be the vanguard with me!" Ji Jie took out a knight shield and said, "The [-] people will rush to the front with me, even if they bite with their mouths, they will tear apart the enemy's encirclement." One hole, the others are scattered on the two wings of the recruits, ready to deal with the enemies who come to block the hole! Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Ji Lin took his hand and said: "I don't need so many people, fifty is enough, you are under a lot of pressure, take another fifty from me!"

Ji Jie waved his hand, and said earnestly: "You are under a lot of pressure. See those three cavalry squadrons cruising around. They will be the most difficult enemy for us to deal with. Whether you can lead everyone out depends on you. Guard our back door!"

Ji Lin nodded solemnly, and walked to the back of the queue with a hundred guards.

In the distance, King Rongdi saw that the Yan army on the hill formed a long snake formation, rushing north and south, and immediately ordered: "People from the east and west will reinforce the south and north, and immediately build a stronger defensive formation. Capstan crossbow ready to fire!"

Seeing the actions of the Rongdi people below, Ji Jie smiled. The purpose of his long snake formation was to confuse King Rongdi, so that he couldn't tell where the snake head was and where the snake tail was. Divided into two directions, with at most a thousand people in each direction, the strength of the two sides is almost the same, and the chance of winning is even greater!

Even if the fight starts and the direction of the head and tail is determined, the two groups of troops are far apart, and it will take a long time to join forces.

"Warriors, charge with me!" Ji Jie took the lead, and with the speed of the downward charge, rushed towards the southern defense line of the Rongdi people.

In contrast, the defense line in the south is looser than that in the north, because [-] miles to the north is the border town of Yan State, and most people will choose the north, as long as they stand out from the encirclement, they can reach the border town in an hour to seek refuge.

But the south is different. It takes at least two hundred miles to reach the border of Yan State.

Therefore, King Rongdi's northern defense line was more tightly constructed, and the number of capstans and crossbows was twice as large as that in the south. King Rongdi himself was also in the north, and personally commanded it.

Ji Jie was about to come and do the opposite, and the Rongdi people were caught off guard.

King Chidi saw it clearly, but he didn't immediately order to return to the south. If he moved by himself, it would be foolish to use the above to attack the west.

The one in charge of defending the south is the right general under the throne of Chidi. Seeing the flood of Yan troops coming towards him, he quickly ordered: "Prepare the capstan crossbow, maximum range, free fire!"

The soldier in charge of winching the crossbow lowered the body of the crossbow to form the largest projection angle. He just raised his head to observe the distance, but he was blinded by the glare of the sun!

"Report to the general, the enemy's distance cannot be determined!" said the crossbowman.

The right general looked up, but couldn't open his eyes, he yelled: "No, this is Ji Jie's scheme! Don't care how far away, come on, hurry up and shoot the arrow!"

Dozens of short spears flew out, but their accuracy was pitiful, worse than the first round of arrows rained by the recruits yesterday!

Ji Jie swung his long sword, split the two short spears that were aimed at him, and looked back. The guards hardly lost any manpower, which is good. As long as the lethality of the thunderbolt can be guaranteed, there is hope of rushing out.

The recruits following behind the guards were not idle either. They rode their horses and galloped while stringing their crossbows. After entering the range, they shot crossbows without hesitation. The few winch crossbows in the enemy line were completely lost in the rain of arrows. .

"fight back!"

Not to be outdone, the Rongdi people shot feather arrows, which were as poorly aimed as the capstan crossbow just now.

"Defend the enemy!" The right general shouted, and the soldiers set up their spears.

However, as long as they look forward, they will be blinded by the sunlight, and they can't see where the enemy rushed to, let alone the crossbow arrows shot at them!

"Thunderbolt preparation!" Ji Jie raised the thunderbolt crossbow, and the guards behind him followed suit!

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