Although Ji Jie used a discussing tone, the action of putting the knife on Rou Yue's neck was not the case, it was very unkind.

"Hey, don't stare at me, please!" Ji Jie said angrily, "Who told you to punish me? After you finished me, can't I turn around and punish you? I'm very kind. Others, how can there be such a cheap thing, give me a quick word, do you agree or not?"

"What if you agree, and what if you don't agree?" Rou Yue's attitude was a bit domineering.

Ji Jie thought in his heart that it would be better if he did not give you some violence, this girl must have been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, so that now she doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth, so he threatened: “I don’t agree, I will just lightly touch your beautiful neck. You will squirt a lot of blood in an instant, and you will not be able to speak, even if you die, no one will know! If you agree, we will break up as if we have never met!"

Rou Yue stared at Ji Jie for a few seconds, and finally chose to give in.

She nodded lightly, a teardrop of grievance slipped down from her beautiful eyes, tsk tsk, this lovely and pitiful look is really moving, if Ji Jie hadn't been so determined, the knife in her hand would have been thrown away long ago to the side.

"Hehe, it's good to be obedient, you have to be obedient!" Ji Jie returned what she said to her intact.

After finishing speaking, Ji Jie pushed his hands hard, bounced his body high, and then jumped out of the big tent.

It feels really good to be pressed against the beautiful woman, and I am really reluctant to leave like this!

When he was tied up, he had already observed the terrain of the camp. He ran to the stable to ride a horse, slipped out quietly, and then got on the horse and galloped towards the east.

He figured it out, even if Rouyue chases after her, she still has to get dressed, right? A girl's clothes can't be put on so quickly. It takes some time. By the time she gets dressed, I'll be gone long ago!

Just as he expected, Rou Yue had to succumb to the pressure just now, she jumped up as soon as he left, got dressed and ran out of the tent, picking up the fairy rope thrown in the urinal , Stamped his feet and shouted coquettishly: "Come on, are you all dead? There are assassins!"

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding guards cheered together, all of them were puzzled.


"Follow me!" Rou Yue didn't bother to explain anything, she untied the horse's reins, and was the first to get on the horse, and the rest followed.

At this time, Ji Jie had already run for a mile, and was running leisurely forward, and there was a loud sound of horseshoes behind him, but who could catch up with the black lights?

Humming a little tune, suddenly there was a whistle from behind, very sharp, as if it could cut through the sky.

The body of the war horse under his crotch shook, and then stopped abruptly.

"Wow, what's going on?" Ji Jie was taken aback, and suddenly remembered something. He had heard people say that all northern nomads love horses and are proficient in horse taming. A good man can tame a horse. Just listen to him alone.

Could it be that the owner of the snatched horse is such a capable person?

If so, you've hit the jackpot!

No matter how much he beat the horse with the whip, it just refused to take another step, and Ji Jie felt like crying.

After pumping hard, the horse suffered from pain, and finally took a step, but before he was happy, there was another whistle from behind, it was all right, and stopped again, this time he really refused to go again.

A mile away, a knight walking alongside Rouyue on his horse galloped and said with a smile: "Princess, don't worry, the assassin stole the villain's horse. That horse was raised by the villain since he was a child. He is very obedient. As long as the villain Let it stop, even if you kill it, it will not move forward!"

"Okay, I have caught the assassin, and I will reward you a lot!"

Dare to throw my binding rope in the piss pit, which is tolerable or unbearable!

Up to now, Rouyue finally figured out why he was able to get away. It must be the boy A Chi. He has told him many times but he doesn't listen. Every time he urinates at the door of the tent, the weakness of the binding fairy rope is the boy's urine. Isn't it Isn't it helpful, otherwise, how could that nasty guy escape!

The hateful people from the Central Plains dared to threaten this princess, put a knife on my neck, and hugged me with those dirty hands... After grabbing you, I immediately cut you into pieces, Rou Yue thought bitterly.

Ji Jie had no choice but to jump off the horse and walk on foot. Fortunately, he practiced several peerless exercises in succession in the past year, and his lightness skills have also improved. You have to be caught up in half a moment.

In a panic, Ji Jie chose a dead end, and there was a cliff in front of him, but he didn't know anything, and he kept running forward with his head depressed.

Rou Yue and the others soon arrived at the place where the horses stopped, and a guard who was good at tracking immediately reported: "I found footprints, that person is running towards the east cliff, that is a dead end!"

Rou Yue laughed a few times, and then said bitterly: "This is really hell without a way. You broke in, keep chasing him, and see where he goes!"

Hey, that's not right, there seems to be no way ahead!

Ji Jie stopped subconsciously, looked at it carefully and was dumbfounded, there was no way out, he was standing on the edge of a bottomless cliff, and the sound of rushing water came from below!

My life is miserable!

He sat down on the ground, panting heavily, thinking to himself, since he met that foreign girl, Princess Er, why is it so difficult, just now he was saved from a desperate situation, and in the blink of an eye, he was on a dead end again.

The place where the sky and the earth meet is pale.


Rou Yue and her men reined in the horse at the same time, she looked at Ji Jie who was squatting on the ground with great interest, and said with a sneer, "Run, you should keep running!"

Ji Jie patted his buttocks and stood up, and said: "I can run if I want to, and stop and rest if I don't want to run, it's none of your business! Don't be complacent, if I don't want you to catch up, you just have to bring thousands of troops The horse is in vain!"

He didn't lie, the reason why he didn't use thunderbolts and the like was because he told Rou Yue that the two were even.

Obviously, Rouyue didn't want to get even, otherwise she wouldn't have chased after her.

"The tone is quite loud!" Rou Yue didn't know that Ji Jie had extraordinary means, she thought he was just being stubborn, she winked at the people behind her, and said, "Grab him, cut him into pieces, and throw him off the cliff!"

"Slow!" Ji Jie shouted.

"Why, are you going to beg for mercy?" Rou Yue's words just now were mainly to scare her. The moment she saw Ji Jie, she swept away the idea of ​​killing someone. Even she felt strange. It stands to reason that she should hate him, but she always Feel a strange.

However, in front of his subordinates, he kept the pride he should have on his face, and said: "It's okay to beg for mercy, kneel down and swear to be my slave for the rest of your life, and I will consider saving your life!"

"I'm sorry you misunderstood me, I want you to kill me yourself!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "For example, with a bow and arrow, of course if you don't have confidence in your own archery, then forget it! "

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