Great Zhou Tianzi

151 snow toad

After hearing Ji Jie's words, Rou Yue narrowed her eyes, obviously agreeing with his proposal.

"My princess has always shot arrows without fail, don't look down on people!" Rou Yue stretched out her hand, and someone had already handed over the bow and arrow.

Rou Yue's accomplishments in bow and arrow are at best considered average, and the reason for her high self-confidence is simply the short distance. Ji Jie is only 20 meters away from her, and even a child of the Huns can hit a hundred shots.

"Really? I don't believe it!" Ji Jie teased and said, "Don't cry because you missed the shot, it's embarrassing in front of so many people!"

"Dare to look down on me!" Rou Yue picked out a feathered arrow with a barbed arrow from the quiver. This kind of arrow is very lethal. Once it hits the target, it is very difficult to pull it out, unless you cut a big hole with a knife. to be taken out.

This is to make Ji Jie suffer.

"Hey, what if you miss the shot?" Ji Jie asked before she could shoot the arrow.

The corners of Rouyue's mouth turned up slightly, forming a perfect arc, and she said unhurriedly: "My princess is mainly because I can't hit you, so I will let you go!"

"Okay, I'll give you three chances!" Ji Jie stretched out three fingers!

Why give her three chances? The main reason is that she will regret it. If you dodge the first arrow, she will definitely feel that you are fooled. Although she is in front of so many people, she is a woman after all, and women are unreasonable. Privilege, so, if you give her three chances and miss three arrows in a row, will she still have the nerve to continue to embarrass her?

It's not that Ji Jie doesn't have a way to escape, facing such a beautiful woman, he naturally couldn't let go of the opportunity to flirt, otherwise he wouldn't just sit here and wait for so long.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Fresh, but how can I trust you?" Ji Jie said with a smile: "A certain person promised to shoot and break up before, but he immediately regretted it!"

Rou Yue blushed slightly, turned her head and said coldly to her subordinates: "This is a matter between me and him, no matter what the result is, no one is allowed to intervene, otherwise I will cut him alive! In the name of God Kunlun I swear, if the three arrows fail to hit the person in front of me, let him go!"

The Huns believed in the Kunlun God, and Rou Yue swore in front of so many people that she would not regret it.

"Princess Rouyue is mighty!" The sound of flattery immediately sounded.

Rou Yue drew the longbow to form a full moon, and when Yu Zhi loosened the arrow, the arrow roared out.

Ji Jie didn't pay attention to Rouyue's shooting action at all. The eyes are unreliable at such a long distance, and he has to use his hearing to determine the direction of the arrow.

As soon as the bowstring was fired, Ji Jie took a step towards the right, but before he could stand still, the feathered arrow whizzed past him.

Rou Yue frowned slightly, how could she dodge at such a short distance and at such a fast speed?She gritted her teeth, took the second arrow, and shot it without thinking!

This time Ji Jie took a step to the left, and the feather arrow also flew past his body.

If the first time was fooled, what about the second time?How could she get it right twice, Rou Yue was startled in her heart, but she didn't show any of it on her face, she pretended to be calm.

The Xiongnu soldiers also stared wide-eyed one by one, and many of them held their breath!

Ji Jie smiled and raised a finger, reminding her: "There is one last chance, in order to convince you, I will stand still this time, the same sentence, as long as I can shoot on me, I will lose !"

The more confident he is, the more uncertain Rou Yue's heart becomes, and the hand holding the bow trembles slightly.

A person beside him handed over an arrow with a strange shape. Two-thirds of the body of the arrow was the arrowhead, extending all the way to the top. It was much heavier than ordinary feathered arrows. Then he whispered a few words in Rou Yue's ear .

Rou Yue was overjoyed, and the expression of winning appeared on her face again.

At such a short distance, using a heavy arrow can increase the flying speed, but how much can it be increased?Ji Jie didn't take it to heart at all, and stood carelessly, waiting for her to release the arrow.

"You have to be careful!" Rou Yue opened her bow for the third time, and her expression also became serious.

"Come on, I'm ready!"

The feathered arrow shot out, one-third faster than the previous two, but it was nothing to Ji Jie. He suddenly stretched out his right hand, like a pair of pliers, and accurately grasped the arrow shaft in his hand. The arrow was only ten centimeters away from his chest!

"I win……"

The word "win" has not yet been uttered, and a sudden change occurs!

The long arrow suddenly broke away from the arrow shaft and continued to fly forward. Ji Jie obviously felt that the hand holding the arrow shaft suffered a lot of recoil, which was of course caused by the force used to push the arrow.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Jie took a step back subconsciously, and his body also turned to the side, but the arrow still hit the tattered armor, and then his chest felt cold, and he was hit by the arrow!

Ji Jie took another step back, but he didn't expect to step on the ground, and fell down because of his unsteady center of gravity!

When he reached out to grab the arrow shaft, Rou Yue's heart trembled, because she could see clearly that the arrow was pointing to his heart.

He jumped off his horse and rushed over to look down. It was pitch black below, and Ji Jie could not be seen anywhere. After a while, there was a clear sound of falling into the water.

"Didn't you say it was safe?" Rou Yue turned her head and questioned the person who gave her the arrow.

The man smiled wryly and said, "It's safe. If he didn't take those two steps back, how could he slip?"

"Arrange people to go find me immediately!"

"How do you find it? This is a cliff of ten thousand zhang. If you fall down, there is no possibility of surviving..."


There is a deep river below, otherwise Ji Jie would definitely die if he fell from such a high position!

He drank a few sips of water, and then he floated to the surface of the water smoothly, and paddled to the shore with his hands and feet together. The sharp pain in his chest made him very clear-headed.

The boat capsized in the gutter. I didn’t expect the Huns to have such an exquisite mechanical arrow in their hands. If he didn’t use his hands to pick it up, there would be no problem at all, and it would be no problem to pick it up sideways. But at that time, in order to convince Rou Yue, he chose front.

It was this mistake of thinking that almost caused a catastrophe.

Thinking about what happened just now, I feel hairy in my heart.

Ji Jie climbed ashore to rest for a while, the chest injury was not serious, and the arrow only penetrated more than an inch into his body. With his physical fitness and the repairing ability of "King Yu Jue", he will recover within two days* *become.

But how to get out from here?

Ji Jie found that besides the girl with the name of the princess, he also had a special relationship with the terrain of the valley. No, he was trapped in it again.

The sky is getting brighter, first determine where you are, and walk out along the direction of the map. This is a valley that is tens of miles long, and it is not easy to go out.

After walking for a whole day, until it was getting dark, Ji Jie heard voices in front of him, and he walked over quietly. It turned out to be a group of Huns.

It can't be so fast, can they catch up here in just one day?Just kidding!

Just wondering, one of them said: "Snow toad is really hard to catch, because of it, King Baishan postponed the time to attack the guard camp!"

"That's right, when Baishan King sits on the Xiongnu King himself, it won't be easy to get Xuechan?"

"What do you know, the King of the Huns changes every few decades, and the snow toad takes thousands of years to appear, which one is more important? Anyway, whether the King of the Huns will return to Shanyu King City in a short time, there are plenty of opportunities to kill him!"

"That's right, I heard that if you get a snow toad, you can live forever..."


Ji Jie listened for a while, and it turned out that these people were not with Rou Yue, and they seemed to be looking for something called Xue Chan.

What are Snow Toads?

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