Great Zhou Tianzi

152 The Adventure at the Bottom of the Cliff

Ji Jie took off his tattered armor, changed into clean clothes, and followed the Huns forward.

From their conversations, we learned that these people belonged to the Huns' tribe, the Baishan King. Like the Rongdi people, there were many tribes among the Huns. The Baishan tribe led by the Baishan King was the second largest tribe after the Huns. The big tribe, the Baishan King has long wanted to replace it.Knowing that the Hun King came out to hunt with only a 1000-man personal guard camp, he immediately dispatched [-] cavalry, and he personally led them to encircle and suppress.

As long as the King of the Huns is killed and the other tribes are unified, King Baishan can become the overlord of the Huns, King Da Shanyu.

Hearing this, Ji Jie shrugged his shoulders, thinking Rouyue, you made me so miserable, when the time comes, I will definitely sit by the side and watch you kill each other while applauding.

The 5000 people came aggressively, and they were about to rush to the predetermined attack position. The appearance of a small animal disrupted Baishan King's plan. He immediately ordered the 5000 people to be broken into pieces and must be captured.

The small animal is naturally the snow toad in their mouth.

Ji Jie felt that the name Xuechan was quite familiar, as if he had seen it there before, but he just couldn't remember it.

Where have you seen it?

From Baishan King's actions, it is not difficult to see that Xuechan must be very important, otherwise, how could he change his plan temporarily? You must know that he has been planning to assassinate the Xiongnu King for many years!

How can such an important thing be given to others cheaply? Ji Jie is also very interested.

When the snow toad first appeared, it froze several of Baishan King's subordinates into popsicles, and then plunged into the valley. In the past few days, people have found its traces, but the little guy is very clever. Can escape from heavy siege.

The king of Baishan promised a big reward, whoever can catch it, the reward is 500 taels, and [-] cattle and sheep.

By the way, a flash of inspiration flashed in Ji Jie's mind, and he remembered where he had seen the word Xuechan. He turned around and walked to a place where there was no one, and with a thought, Wang Ding engraved with "Shen Nong Chapter" appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The last paragraph of the Shennong chapter records the method of making the elixir of life. One of the sentences is "The snow toad in the cold land of Mobei is made by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon. It is the most important thing in the elixir of life..."

Ji Jie has never been interested in medicine, but the things mentioned in "Shen Nong Chapter" are definitely not ordinary things. Zhao Qian must understand the importance of Xuechan, so she caught it and gave it to her to play with!

It's just that there are snow toad hiding places everywhere in such a big valley, which team can we follow to find it?

At this moment, the whistle sounded, short and rapid, several Huns looked at each other, and immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

Someone must have found the snow toad and signaled for help.

Running for three miles in one breath, Ji Jie hid behind a rock. Right in front of him was a circle besieged by hundreds of Huns.

There are two "ice sculptures" standing on the bank, which are two Huns who have been frozen into ice cubes, and they still maintain the posture of catching snow toads.

There was a pure white frog floating in the pool. To be precise, it was not a frog, because this guy only had three legs, two in front and one in the back.

A middle-aged man in fur clothes came down to the shore surrounded by everyone, glanced at the snow toad in the pool, and said, "Quickly think of a way, it's hard to trap it here!"

The middle-aged man is the King of Baishan, with a square face and beard, and a pair of eagle eyes full of wisdom.

A person beside him said in embarrassment: "No one can get close to it, and it is even more difficult in the water. Even if it does not emit white gas, it is still difficult to catch!"

Looking at the extremely nimble snow toad in the water, Baishan Wang had an idea and said: "Cut the net, use the finest fishing net!"

"That's right!" Several people suddenly realized, and immediately went to prepare.

It is indeed a good way to use a fishing net. The white gas emitted by the snow toad has a limited distance. In a sense, the fishing net can extend the length of a person's arm, and it can be salvaged. When the white gas in its body is exhausted, it can be caught live.

After several days of rounding up, the Huns have gained some experience in arresting. The white gas emitted by the snow toad can cover a range of two feet away. People and livestock within this range will be frozen into ice sculptures in an instant. It will cause different degrees of frostbite within a range of three feet, and five feet away is a safe distance. It can emit white gas up to nine times a day.

Baishan King has lost dozens of people, so he must be caught.

After a while, more than a dozen nets were sprinkled on the pool at the same time, the snow toad was so flexible that none of the nets could catch it.

"Connect the nets together!" King Baishan ordered.

More than a dozen nets are connected together, and the area is enough to cover the entire pool. This time it depends on where you want to escape.

Sure enough, when the net was collected, the snow toad was trapped in it, the mesh was so small that even tadpoles couldn't get out, let alone it.

Ji Jie was ready to come out and grab it. Before that, he drank a few gulps of strong wine to keep out the cold.

The people pulling the net felt heavier and heavier, and more people joined in. Soon they found that besides the snow toad, there was a big lump of ice in the net.

Needless to say, this must be the snow toad spraying white air into the water, and the surrounding water froze. The diameter of this piece of ice was more than one foot. According to the density of the ice, it is not difficult to calculate that it weighs tens of tons.

"Come here, come and pull together!" King Baishan greeted more people to join in.

The strength was strong enough, but the fishing net couldn't take it anymore, just heard a "呲啦", a big hole was torn open at the joint between the net and the ice, the snow toad kicked back and jumped out easily.

"Damn, what a pity!" Bai Shanwang cursed.

The people around asked: "What should I do, are you still offline?"

"Get off!" Baishan King said decisively: "It has already sprayed white gas six times today, just let it spray three more times, and see what it can do? What you have to do is to force it, don't care about the fishing net, go on!"


Ji Jie took out the jug and took another sip, and said to himself: "This little thing is really difficult to deal with, it seems that it can't be solved in a short while, brother, take a nap first, and get enough energy to grab it with you !"

Until the bright moon was in the sky, the Huns were still busy. Finally, Xuechan was forced to breathe out his eighth breath. There was only one hour left before midnight. If he couldn't take it within this hour, he would have nine more chances .

Baishan Wang sat on a horse, with a low table in front of him, with grilled meat, cheese and fruit on it, but he had no appetite at all, and he watched the crowd's netting movements intently.

Finally, the snow toad was trapped in the net again, and people carefully pulled it out.

This time there was no ice, and it lasted until it was pulled ashore, but no one dared to approach it. Everyone knew that it had another chance to take people to the popsicle. Isn't it courting death to go up now?

"Who dares to go up?" Seeing that his subordinates refused to go forward, the King of Baishan slapped the table and said, "Whoever dares to go up will be rewarded with a thousand taels and ten thousand cattle and sheep!"

Still no one dares to go, the reward is very generous, but you have to die to get it!

"I'll go!" A man with a very low hat brim came out from the crowd. King Baishan was overjoyed, but he didn't realize that under the hat brim was clearly a face from the Central Plains.

That's right, it's Ji Jie.

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