Great Zhou Tianzi

153 Recognizing the Lord of Spiritual Objects

Before Ji Jie showed up, he quietly knocked a Hun unconscious and put on his clothes.At this moment, everyone's attention is on Xue Chan, who will carefully check whether he is one of them.

The Baishan King was full of eagerness, watching Ji Jie slowly walking towards the fishing net, he waved to the people around him, and asked, "What's the name of this person, if he dies, in addition to the reward I promised just now, Then crown him with the title of Warrior, and let all those who fall praise him!"

"My subordinates will investigate immediately!"

For hundreds of people, it is not so simple to ask a person's name.

The snow toad has a pair of round green eyes, which means it has lived for at least 1000 years. These small eyes are staring at Ji Jie who is slowly walking towards it.

With a distended belly, the snow toad uttered the same calls as ordinary frogs, and it became more and more urgent.

The onlookers backed away unconsciously, they knew very well that this was the precursor of the snow toad spraying white gas, and many of their companions turned into popsicles after this!

Ten feet, eight feet, six feet...

Seeing that Ji Jie was about to enter the area affected by the cold air, he stopped in his tracks. To be honest, he didn't think his luck would be better than these Huns, so it's better to be cautious.

He took out a signal flare, pulled out the lower half, ignited the first half and threw it over. He immediately crouched on the ground, protecting his body with a shield.

The snow toad made a gesture to spit out white air, but when it saw clearly that it was a "stick" flying over, it swallowed it back abruptly, this guy is not too old for his age, he is very smart.

The signal flare is also a double-bang cannon. Ji Jie unplugged the first bang, and the second bang will continue to emit fireworks after the explosion.

"Ding Dong..." The signal flare landed right in front of Snow Toad, and the opening for spraying fireworks was facing its nose.

The little guy looked at the signal flare with great interest, and suddenly there was a "bang", which made it startled, followed by sparks and the smell of burning sulfur.

Snow Toad was startled, and spit out a breath of white air without thinking. The two-foot-long fireworks and the surrounding air were frozen into popsicles. Although Ji Jie was five feet away, he still felt a biting cold. The wind blows, and the upper and lower teeth start to fight.

Fortunately, the feeling of cold was fleeting, he stood up abruptly and threw himself at Snow Toad.

The snow toad opened its mouth wide and continued to blow air, except for a little cold air, it couldn't do any harm to people!

"Where are you going!" Ji Jie covered Xue Chan, who was about to jump, with both hands.

My mother's fourth uncle and grandma, it's so cold!

It felt like he was pressing his hand on the ice cube, it was cold, he pressed the little guy with one hand, and took out a piece of linen with the other hand, wrapped it up and held it in his hand.

King Baishan was very happy, and shouted: "Quick, bring it to me and have a look!"

Not only the Baishan King, but everyone else was also excited, and everyone started running towards Ji Jie, everyone wanted to touch the snow toad that had lived for a thousand years, and experience what it felt like.

However, you may not have a chance!

Ji Jie raised his head slowly, with an evil smile on his face!

Central Plains people?The few Huns running in the front stopped at the same time, so that they collided with the people behind and fell down.

Ji Jie raised his hand, and a few thunderbolt bullets fell among the Huns, and then blossomed.

Baishan King was dumbfounded. He couldn't understand how things would develop to such a point. How could there be a Central Plains man in his team, and he must be a wizard, otherwise how could there be an explosion?

Thunderbolt bounced away, and Ji Jie rushed out quickly.

"My king is a wizard, what shall we do?" Other Huns also regarded Ji Jie as a wizard.

"Shoot the arrow! Stop him from escaping!" The White Mountain King yelled hysterically: "I am the only one who deserves to own the snow toad. Stop him, kill him and take back the sacred object!"

For a while, the feather arrows flew wildly, Ji Jie walked like flying, and the feather arrows were nailed to his feet one by one.

Grandma, running away is not an easy task.

Accidentally, an arrow hit his calf, but fortunately it didn't hit the target, but made a hole one centimeter deep and one inch long.

It was too late to execute the "King Yu Jue", Ji Jie just ran forward with his head depressed, throwing thunderbolts behind him without looking back, what he urgently wanted to do was to distance himself from the pursuers.

Using both hands and feet, Ji Jie climbed to a commanding height, and the Huns also began to climb up.


A black, watermelon-shaped thing rolled down from the top, with white smoke rising from one end, and the Huns didn't understand why.


With a loud bang, more than a dozen people were blown away, limbs and arms were scattered in all directions, and a bloody rain came.

The Huns behind you look at me and I look at you, no one dares to climb up.

White Mountain King gritted his teeth and looked at the dozens of dead subordinates, and shouted to the top: "Friend, who are you, why did you snatch me Xuechan?"

"It's a joke!" Ji Jie gasped while leaning against the stone and said, "Snow Toad is not raised by your family, whoever catches it belongs to him, if you have the guts to grab it, if you don't have the guts to get out, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! "

Baishan King was unwilling to see Xuechan being snatched away, so with a wave of his hand, his subordinates rushed up with weapons.

As many as come, die as many as possible, Ji Jie threw down the sky-shattering cannonballs without hesitation, Baishan King's eyes became more and more red, according to the speed, it won't be long before all of his people will die here.

Ji Jie above was having fun, a snow toad jumped out of the sackcloth without paying attention, and hit his injured calf with his head, bleeding all over his face.

"Wow, you can't run away!" Ji Jie threw himself on the ground regardless of his image, holding him tightly.

Snow Toad struggled a few times, and at the same time stretched out its pink tongue to touch his face.

As a result, under Ji Jie's inconceivable eyes, traces of blood began to appear in Snow Toad's snow-white body, like blood vessels, and the red substance was flowing rapidly inside...

Snow Toad slowly closed his eyes, he didn't know whether the expression was uncomfortable or comfortable, Ji Jie could clearly feel its body trembling constantly.

Don't die, it's not easy for brother to catch you, so if you die like this, I will lose a lot!

Snow Toad's whole body was red, reaching the peak of redness, and then the blood color began to fade slowly, returning to the original white, with a layer of more obvious luster than before.

To say that it was as white as snow before, but now it is as white as flawless white jade.

Xue Chan slowly opened his round eyes, the blue eyes turned blue, and they kept turning around, the most important thing was that Ji Jie's eyes changed a lot.

What kind of look is that?

Just like the way a pet looks at its owner, Ji Jie once raised a puppy, and he is no stranger to this kind of look.

This is too incredible!


With a clear cry, Snow Toad jumped up high with a kick on its hind legs, landed firmly on Ji Jie's shoulder, and rubbed its cool head against his neck, acting coquettishly.

Grass, is it a spiritual creature that recognizes its master?

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