The sound of war drums was deafening, and the soldiers held their weapons tightly. Ji Jie glanced across the resolute faces, and he shouted loudly: "Warriors, what you are going to face today is the mighty Hun cavalry. Many people followed me, Ji Jie, in the north and south, and made great contributions. I promise here that I will lead you to victory today!"

"Your Majesty is mighty... Your Majesty is mighty..."

Hearing the shocking shouts of the coalition forces, King Wurong was full of disdain, and said to Yilimu beside him, "There are only [-] people from the Central Plains, and it is a dream to defeat my [-] Hun cavalry!"

Yilimu echoed: "You're right! The people of the Central Plains are good at infantry warfare. When it comes to horse warfare, there is no ethnic group that can match our Huns' cavalry. We only need one charge to wipe out half of their troops. Looking back, we can fight again." Let's charge once, and there will be no Central Plains people left who can stand!"

Yesterday, after they got the exact location of the coalition forces' formation, the two of them looked up to the sky and laughed together. It was an open field with a wide field of vision, which was conducive to large-scale cavalry attacks.

"Since they are ready to die, why are we being polite!" King Wurong waved his hand and said to the soldiers behind him: "Listen, warriors of my clan, let's take the lead. When the opportunity to make meritorious service comes, give it to me." Use your housekeeping skills to kill all the people in the Central Plains, go!"

The soldiers drew their weapons and charged towards the coalition formation.

Yilimu also turned his head and shouted: "Warriors, charge!"

The [-] troops charged together, and the ground under the horseshoes trembled. From a distance, it looked like a black torrent, overwhelming the sky.

Ji Jie stood on the podium, pulled out a command flag, and ordered: "The artillery is ready, wait for the enemy to enter the effective range, and shoot freely after two volleys!"

Also standing on the stage was Ji Lin, who had no missions against the enemy for the time being.

The artillerymen began to reload. The observers in front had just waved their command flags, and hundreds of trebuchets were fired at the same time. The cavalry in front raised their knight shields. At this moment, the enemy also shot crossbow arrows.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a violent explosion, and gunpowder smoke instantly enveloped the enemy running in the front, and the stumps and broken arms fell down along with the clods that were blown up.

Then came the second round of bombing, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the enemies.

The Huns' arrow skills should not be underestimated. Although the coalition soldiers at the forefront held their shields high, many of them were shot and fell off their horses. The scene was extremely tragic.

The Huns began to change their formation, with more than [-] people on each side, attacking in a detour from the left and right sides.

The artillery on the two wings of the coalition forces began to shoot, and there were explosions on the battlefield one after another, followed by more intensive explosions, and thunderbolts began to show their power.

The thunderbolt bombs used by the coalition forces are superior to those bought by the enemy with a lot of money in terms of range and power, and they are even more incomparable in quantity. In order to control the number of attrition, Ji Jie is not afraid to lose money.

King Wurong and Yilimu were also in the charge, and they were a little timid at this time.

The Huns, who are accustomed to the rain of arrows to clear the way and charge with their horses, have never seen such a formation. In their view, no nation or army can withstand their impact. Already frightened out of his wits, he chopped melons and vegetables at them, and then he returned victorious.

But now, one after another, black things fell among the soldiers, and after an explosion, they were turned on their backs, but the opponent remained motionless, waiting for your arrival.

In order to maintain a consistent lethality, Ji Jie ordered the frontline troops to line up in three rows and fire thunderbolts one by one. Had to choose a detour.

I thought it would be easy to fight hand-to-hand, but the Huns didn't know until now that it would cost blood.The shape of the two wings is similar to that of the front, and the attack is also blocked.

King Wurong and Yilimu looked at each other, smiled wryly at the same time, shouted "Come on" together, and led the troops to continue the charge. They pinned their hopes on the hand-to-hand combat.

After paying a huge price, the two sides finally fought together.

According to the current comparison of the strength of the two sides, the coalition forces have surpassed the Huns, and they have paid at least 2 casualties before.

The formation of the coalition forces was tight, and the arms cooperated very well. When the Huns rushed in front of them, it took a lot of effort. The so-called impact of the horses became an intangible cloud, and the combat effectiveness also weakened.

The artillery continued to shoot, of course, towards the middle and rear of the Huns. The forward momentum was curbed, and the follow-up forces were bombarded. The Huns were troubled internally and externally, and the melee did not bring them much benefit.

When the time finally came, Ji Jie took out the flare and pointed it at the sky.

The signal flare soared into the sky and exploded in the air. Xiongba and Xiong Ben, who were ambushing in the ditch, led 4000 people to rush forward. The enemy didn't notice this, and no one thought that they would soon be surrounded by the coalition forces who wanted to encircle them. .

"The command mission is over!" Ji Jie smiled and said to Ji Lin: "Are you interested in killing the enemy with me?"

"Of course!" Ji Lin took off a pair of Wu hooks on her back at the same time she answered.

"Then please!" The two jumped off the wooden platform and sat directly on the horseback.

Ji Jie rushed towards Yilimu, that guy has already killed several coalition troops, he let you escape last time, and today he will definitely kill you.


The two weapons collided, and Yilimu's mace failed to take advantage of it. Without thinking, he waved the thing in his hand and threw it at Ji Jie's head.

Ji Jie tilted his body, dodging the blow calmly, and quickly thrust out the spear in his hand, piercing his body from a tricky angle.

"Ah!" Yilimu screamed and fell off his horse.

Ji Jie slammed into the horse's belly, and the horse raised its front hooves and then stomped heavily. The horse's hooves with fine iron palms stepped on Yilimu's chest, and the crisp sound of bones breaking came out immediately.

Yi Limu spat out a mouthful of blood with pieces of flesh, his head tilted and he died.

As the saying goes, to capture a thief, you must first capture the king, and Ji Jie set his next target on King Wurong.

King Wurong witnessed the process of Yilimu being killed with his own eyes, and he thought to himself that the boy was a well-known warrior of the Huns, but he was killed by one blow, who killed him, so powerful!

In front of so many subordinates, he couldn't show the slightest timidity, so as not to shake the morale of the army.

"Come and tell me your name!" King Wurong shouted, "I, King Wurong, will not kill unknown juniors!"

Ji Jie stabbed the enemy in front of him to death, and said loudly: "Great Zhou Zhaowen Jun Ji Jie, so you are the Wurong King, take your life!"

At this time, Xiongba and Xiong Ben led the crowd to kill, and the Huns were attacked by the enemy, and they were in a mess.

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