Great Zhou Tianzi

187 backyard fire

King Wurong and Ji Jie matched two moves, and he knew in his heart that he was not an opponent. Coupled with the confusion of the enemy's army, he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​running away.

"Want to run, dream!" Ji Jie blocked his retreat.

King Wurong yelled and rushed over, putting on a posture of fighting to the death, but in fact it was used to scare people. If he really wanted to go all out, he would not have the idea of ​​running away.

Ji Jie accepted the challenge calmly, stabbing with his spear, leaving a bloody hole in King Wurong's right arm.

Although King Wurong was injured, it was not serious. He even felt that the injury was worth it, because he finally had a chance to escape.

"Warriors, retreat with me!" King Wurong shouted, breaking out in the direction where the coalition forces attacked the weakest.

Ji Jie did not chase after, but took out the sun-shooting bow and three arrows, put them on the bowstring and shot them quickly. King Wurong heard the sound of the bowstring behind him, and subconsciously dodged.

But it was already too late, the three arrows shot into the back of his neck and back respectively, and all shot out from the front.

When King Wurong ordered the retreat, the Huns had lost the confidence to continue fighting. They wanted to escape here with him, but in a blink of an eye, the master was shot to death.

"Your general is dead, and those who are willing to disarm can save your life!" Ji Jie shouted loudly: "Those who resist in the corner have only one way to die!"

As soon as this remark came out, a frightened Hun subconsciously dropped the weapon in his hand, which soon caused a chain reaction, and more weapons were thrown on the ground by their owners.

Resolutely eliminate those who are unwilling to surrender.

The battle is basically over, only a small group of sporadic enemies are still stubbornly resisting, and they have no effect on the overall battle situation.

The corpses were all over the field, and the blood flowed into rivers.

Looking at the tragic scene on the battlefield, Ji Jie felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He was still alive before, but now he had no life, and became cold corpses.

"Clean the battlefield and count the casualties!" Ji Jie ordered.

The figures were quickly counted. In this campaign, nearly 4 enemy troops were wiped out, more than 1 people were captured, and nearly 1 people escaped. Ji Jian and Zhao Ling are leading the army to hunt down and continue to expand the results of the battle.

The Kuolun tribe had more than [-] casualties, and the Zhou-Yan coalition forces also suffered close to [-] casualties. Putting it all together, the casualties in this battle were one to three.

It stands to reason that Kuo Lun's Nanyuan cavalry should not have suffered so many casualties. The reason is that the enemy has new weapons, but he does not have them. He can only fight back with bows and arrows, which has suffered a great loss.

Anyway, this battle is also a big victory.


In Shanyu Wangcheng, Wu Lidan put a battle report on the table in front of him. It clearly stated that King Wurong and Yilimu were killed in battle. Only less than 4000 of the [-] troops fled back, and more than [-]% were not slaughtered. It is captured.

All the generals lowered their heads and remained silent, knowing that they would only be scolded if they spoke up under such circumstances.

"A bunch of trash!" Wu Lidanyu said angrily: "6 people can't beat the coalition formed temporarily, and they are accompanied by two generals. Without the obstruction of the Wurong tribe, they can drive straight in and go straight to me. Coming from the royal city, the great Xiongnu with hundreds of thousands of soldiers will be defeated by a young boy, and if you say it, you won’t be afraid that the world will laugh your ass off!"

After firing a fire, Wu Lidanyu felt much better, and began to assign tasks: "One hundred thousand troops form the vanguard, and go south today to build a defense line. The remaining 5 people will serve as backup and join the battle at any time. This battle must wipe out the intruders. Enemy!"


"Order the chiefs of the tribes in the east to form a coalition army and attack the Nanyuan King's headquarters from the side. This old guy dares to openly rebel against Ben Shanyu. I want his entire tribe to die without a place to die!"



The coalition army became famous in the first battle, and Rou Yue took over many tribes that wanted to rebel but did not dare to rebel. In a short period of time, the number of troops doubled to [-], which was on an equal footing with Zhou Yan's coalition army.

Just when Ji Jie was about to order to march to Shanyu Wangcheng, the Nanyuan King sent a letter for help. He was harassed by several tribes at the same time and suffered heavy losses.At the beginning, those people were elusive and never loved to fight, which made him burnt out. Finally, he found a chance to fight with the main force, but he fell into the trap prepared in advance. After the first battle, he lost troops and lost a lot of territory.

This accident made Ji Jie have to change his strategy. At this time, the news that Wu Lidan was going south with an army of [-] also came. In front of him, there is no possibility of victory.

The desert is mostly a flat landform, and there is no danger to defend. Ji Jie decided to fight the Huns who fought against the Nanyuan King first, and then concentrate on dealing with Wu Li Shanyu's [-] troops.

Among them, the most important task is to slow down the marching speed of the [-] enemies. He entrusted Rou Yue with this task, and asked her to lead the elite cavalry to detour to the rear defense of the enemy's grain transport team, cut off the grain road and burn the enemy's food and grass. The main force in front The troops had to stop temporarily.

When I saw King Nanyuan again, he had less than 1 people left in his hands. An ambush cost him more than two-thirds of his troops, and he himself was shot by two arrows. The key.

The biggest reason for King Nanyuan's failure was that he underestimated the enemy. He thought that the few tribes that had gathered temporarily did not have strong fighting power, so he underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, and suffered a big loss in the end.

"The old minister really has no face to face the princess and benefactor!" Nanyuan King was ashamed.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so don't worry about Uncle Nanyuan Wang!" Rou Yue persuaded.

"Yeah, victory or defeat for a while doesn't mean anything!" Ji Jie said with a smile, "Tell us about the situation at that time, how did you get fooled?"

After the several tribes joined forces, Mu Tuo, the patriarch of the Cheli tribe, was in charge, and used a swindle to lure the Nanyuan king into taking the bait. In fact, he had hidden an ambush on the way back, and when the Nanyuan king chased him to the ambush, he swarmed up.

"So, Mutuo is a scheming person?"

"That's right!" King Nanyuan said with some embarrassment: "Mu Tuo's ingenuity is well-known in this generation, I underestimated him!"

Although Mu Tuo is well-known, his tribe has a small number of troops and only a few thousand soldiers. No wonder the King of Nanyuan looked down on him, anyone would do the same.

According to the intelligence, after Mu Tuo completed the ambush, he did not beat the dog in the water, but he dispersed the gathered troops and divided them into several small groups to fight, gradually encroaching on the South Plains.

They are indeed smart people who know how to maximize their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Joint operations are their greatest weakness.

"Hehe, then I want to compete with him!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "Let's see who is smarter! Pass my order to set up an outpost every three miles, built with logs, with 30 soldiers inside, equipped with thunderbolt crossbows , not allowed to attack, as long as they dare to show up, don't even think about going back!"

Everyone doubted whether such a method would work, Ji Jie confidently told them to wait and see the result.

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