Killing cattle and sheep, the coalition camp celebrated with great fanfare. The smell of barbecue wafted out for dozens of miles. The greedy Huns salivated, but they could only sigh and lower their heads to continue gnawing on the hard bread in their hands.

In Tu She's big tent, everything that could be dropped fell, and Tu Men stood lividly beside him, muttering in a low voice, "It's because you refused to send troops to rescue, otherwise it wouldn't be like this..."

"What did you say?" Tu She was already on the fire, pointing at his nose and cursing: "You have 5000 people, and they only have [-]. If you lose, let others take everything away, you How was the battle fought?"

"You blame me!" Tumen's voice also raised an octave, and retorted: "Give you 5000 people, escorting tens of thousands of cattle and sheep, can you withstand the sneak attack of 1 people?"

The two brothers stared at me and at you, Tu She sighed and said, "Send a letter to Wu Li Shanyu asking him to send reinforcements, and of course there are more supplies."

During the two-day carnival, Ji Jie led 1 cavalry to fight, and Ji Lin and Nanyuan King led the remaining nearly [-] people to defend the camp. Tu She's spies saw it clearly and hurried back to report.

Tu She frowned, the reinforcements and supplies were still on the way, thinking that the enemy wanted to eat me before the reinforcements arrived!

Let's fight, I'm afraid we won't be the opponent; retreat, I'm afraid we will lose the morale of the army, what will we do when the enemy chases us, and the retreat will turn into a rout. When the camp was robbed for the first time, a lot of things were destroyed. This new camp was barely put together, and the residents were okay, but it was not satisfactory for defense.

Then fight to the death, Tu She made a decision, even if he lost tens of thousands of lives, Zhou Yan's allied forces had to be backed.

Ji Jie led the army forward for thirty li, Tu She led the army for twenty li, the two sides put on a posture.

The coalition army is still divided into three parts: the central army, the left army and the right army. Ji Jian's 1 horses and Kuo Lun's 1 cavalry form the left army, Zhao Ling's 5000 men and Rou Yue's 2 men form the right army. Ji Jie led [-] people to form the Chinese army.

Except for the cavalry, all ministries are equipped with artillery, and giant catapult positions are set up behind the central army, which can carry out long-range strikes on the entire battlefield; thunderbolt bullets are sent to every soldier, and everyone is ready.

"Your Majesty, shall we take the initiative to attack?" Xiong Ba asked.

"No!" Ji Jie smiled and said, "With our strength, it's more appropriate to play a defensive counterattack, and order the giant trebuchet to start attacking to anger the opponent's general!"


The trebuchet troop began to reload, and the giant trebuchet position with a height of more than ten meters made intensive and rapid machine sounds, and a dozen thunderbolts weighing tens of kilograms were thrown into the sky, forming gorgeous parabolas. .

The distance between the enemy and us was more than two miles. Tu She didn't believe that any weapon could fight such a long distance, but the coalition forces did just that.

A dozen or so small black dots appeared in the sky, roaring towards them. The black dots gradually became larger in the eyes of the Huns, and the disdain in their eyes was gradually replaced by panic.

"Steady them all and form a shield formation!" Tu She ordered.

The first-line troops immediately gathered together and formed a combined shield array of dozens of people. The shields protected the front and the top of the head. Most people thought that the flying stone bullets were just ordinary stone bullets.


The first bombing thunder hit the shield, and the huge impact tore the shield apart, tearing apart the soldiers hidden inside.

Before it was over, there was a huge explosion, and the surrounding soldiers and horses were blown away by the air waves. Shrapnel and iron balls hidden inside were scattered in all directions, and everyone within a radius of more than ten feet was hit.

"Boom boom boom..."

There were more than a dozen explosions in succession, and there were fallen war horses and dead bodies with incomplete limbs everywhere.

The fear of the Huns reached its peak in an instant, not only the soldiers, but also the generals. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Tu She glanced back, he knew that there was only one way to dispel the fear of the soldiers, and that was to charge forward, rushing to fight hand-to-hand, and the long-range weapons of the coalition forces also lost their effect.

In fact, he did not expect that the coalition forces had such long-distance weapons. The original cavalry tactics had fundamentally changed. Of course, Ji Jie and his new weapons were behind the scenes.

"Very well, continue to carry out intensive artillery strikes!" Ji Jie issued a new order.

At the same time, Tu She brandished his weapon and shouted: "The first-line troops charge, the left and right wings follow closely behind, charge!"

With 1 troops on the front line, plus [-] each on the left and right flanks, [-] Hun cavalry began to charge. In an instant, there was a loud sound of horseshoes, and the ground shook like a mountain.

"Medium-range artillery is ready!" Ji Jie raised his hand and put it down abruptly.

Hundreds of medium-sized trebuchets roared, and the sky-shattering shells flew towards the enemy who had just entered the range.

Amid the dense explosions, the Huns cavalry turned their backs, and only one round of attack caused thousands of casualties, followed by the second and third rounds.

Then came a round of crossbow attacks, and finally thunderbolts.


With 3 Chinese troops and 4 people on the two wings, 2 people went forward together, leaving only [-] Huns who had suffered several rounds of attacks, and they were absolutely at a disadvantage in numbers.

Ji Jie only left 1 people as a reserve team, and it can almost be said that they went out in full force.

When the cavalry from both sides fought in a scuffle, Tu She saw that the one-sided situation had eased, and immediately ordered: "Let me go to the left and right reserves!"

The 1 Xiongnu reserve team rushed to kill, and there were only more than [-] people left in Tu She's hands.

It's hard to describe in words the scene of swords, lights and swords, and the melee of nearly 10 people!

"All the troops press on!" Tu She personally led the last more than 1 people to rush forward. The superiority in numbers gave the Huns the upper hand, and the coalition forces fought very hard.

Ji Jie's complexion changed. This is not the way to go. The new weapons can't be effective in the melee. The enemy fights with nearly twice as many troops as I can't afford. a lot less.

"Mingjin retreat!" Ji Jie ordered.

A crisp metallic sound came out, and the coalition forces began to withdraw from the battlefield. Ji Jie personally led 1 people to the rear to cover everyone's retreat.

"Haha, the Central Plains people are no match for the Great Huns' cavalry!" Tu She shouted arrogantly: "Warriors, come with me and kill all these nasty Central Plains people, go!"

The Huns were so motivated that they came chasing after them one after another. Before Ji Jie even had time to dismantle the trebuchet standing on the position, he led the crowd to retreat towards the camp.

No one, including Tu She, noticed that the retreating coalition forces were still so orderly. Except for the discarded trebuchets, there was no sign of a rout at all.

The front passed the camp abandoned by the Huns, which maintained the scene when they retreated. The coalition forces passed through smoothly, and the Huns soon arrived here.

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