Great Zhou Tianzi

195 Destroy the enemy

Tu She didn't even take a second look at the place where he was once stationed. At this moment, he only had eyes on the "fleeing" coalition soldiers.

"Come on, kill all the people in the Central Plains!" Tu She yelled, and all the soldiers around him rushed to catch up.

Zhao Ling and Ji Jian slowed down together, and rode alongside Ji Jie who was in charge of breaking the rear. Ji Jian asked, "Your Majesty, when shall we start the counterattack?"

"Hehe, count to fifty silently in your heart, and then start to counterattack!" Ji Jie said with a smile.

"Okay!" Ji Jian nodded, and Zhao Ling counted silently with him, fifty times, which took about one minute.

Suddenly, the coalition forces stopped, and the troops in the back became the vanguard, and the people in the front lined up in a row, holding a gun in one hand and a steel crossbow in the other.

Tu She was slightly taken aback, thinking why didn't they run away?Facts show that the coalition forces are no match for my cavalry of the Huns. Since you don't want to live anymore, then I will fulfill you!

"Kill!" The coalition army shouted to kill behind the Huns.

Tu She hurriedly turned his head, and saw a group of coalition soldiers rushing out from the abandoned camp, and they had already caught fire with their own soldiers behind them.

How can it be!

How can it be impossible?On the surface, Ji Jie left 1 people to stick to the camp. In fact, after they set off, these 1 people quietly set off to the abandoned camp, lying in ambush inside, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Facing back and forth, the Huns were attacked from the front and back, and they were suddenly caught in a dilemma.

"Left and right wings, turn around and outflank!" Ji Jie ordered, and Ji Jian and Zhao Ling each led their own troops to outflank the enemy from the two wings. Coupled with the squeezing of the enemy by the front army and the rear army, they were soon surrounded.

It was Ji Jie's bold attempt to encircle with fewer troops than the opponent. Before the battle, he ordered the soldiers to use thunderbolt bombs to suppress the enemies who wanted to break out of the siege once they formed an encirclement circle, leaving no room for them to breathe. Chance.

Tu She personally led the team to break through, but was easily blocked by the coalition forces, and as long as they had a sign of breaking out, thunderbolts would fly back from all directions.

"Block the opening for me, and shrink the encirclement! The artillery immediately return to the position just now, and pull back the trebuchet that was left in place, and the speed must be fast!"

Under Ji Jie's command, tens of thousands of Huns were besieged within a narrow area of ​​less than three square miles. Due to the limited distance, they could hardly meet the conditions for charging.

Feathered arrows, thunderbolts... fell on the Huns like raindrops.

Tu She hid in a circular shield formation. He never thought that things would develop to this point. If he had known that the camp should be demolished last time, or if he had been more careful just now, he might have discovered the secrets hidden inside. people.

During this period of time, the consumption of thunderbolt bombs was very high, and the effect was outstanding. The enemies in the encirclement fell one by one, and no more than [-] were alive and kicking.

Not long after, the artillerymen happily came back with their trebuchets. They quickly entered the attack position and bombarded the encirclement indiscriminately. The situation of the Huns became worse.

"Collect the armor from the dead bodies!" Tu She ordered: "The more the better, organize a 3000-man heavy cavalry regiment, and make sure to tear a hole in the encirclement, otherwise we will all die here!"

After the 3000 death squads were formed, everyone wore at least three layers of armor, and even the horses wore two layers of chain mail. With these [-] people as the vanguard, they formed a sagittal formation, followed by the rest, and the Huns began to break through.

"Chariots out!" Ji Jie waved the command flag, and dozens of log chariots rushed in through the opening of the encirclement.

Inspired by Li Mu's chariot, Ji Jie made a lot of improvements. The front and sides are full of sharp knives and guns, and hobs are also installed on the wooden wheels. Push fast.

The chariot, which looks very heavy from the outside, is actually very flexible. Ji Jie installed a steering system inside, and a special person is responsible for the direction of travel.

When the chariots faced off against the temporarily formed heavy cavalry, Tu She's strategy failed again. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the [-] vanguard troops were disrupted, unable to form the impact they should have.

Tu She was extremely anxious, if this continues, the entire army will be wiped out in a few hours.

"Leave 1 people, and the others will attack the encirclement indiscriminately!" Tu She can only use the most stupid method to disperse most of his forces, attract the enemy's firepower, quickly find weak points, and then concentrate his superior forces to attack hit hard.

Ji Jie on the podium smiled and said to Ji Lin: "Tu She is a general. Under such circumstances, he can still manage to stay calm in times of crisis and organize many offensive and defensive transitions. I guess they will succeed this time!"

"Then you are still staying here so leisurely, ordering a siege, and finally surrounded the enemy!" Ji Lin said anxiously: "Once they tear a hole, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?"

Ji Jie shook his head and said: "That would only force them to fight trapped beasts, leaving them with a hope of survival. These people only remember to run away and forget to fight back! They can run, so we won't chase them? "

Ji Lin nodded, and cast her eyes on Ji Jie's words in admiration.

Sure enough, under the personal leadership of Tu She, they successfully tore a hole in the encirclement, and the Huns began to flee.

"Chase!" Ji Jie ordered.

The coalition forces began to pursue, and every enemy was only focused on running for their lives, forgetting that they still had the ability to fight back, and as a result, all of them became targets for the pursuers.

After chasing until the sun went down, and chasing for a distance of more than 200 miles, the Huns left the corpses all the way, and only a very small number of people escaped and continued to run north.

The coalition forces were victorious, and Ji Jie ordered to return to camp to rest.

Tu She collected the remnants of the army, and there were less than 3000 left in the [-] army, and all of them were wounded.

The grass and trees are all soldiers, Ji Jie has ordered to stop the pursuit for two hours, but Tu She still dare not delay for a moment, for fear that another group of people will catch up.

The coalition forces suffered less than [-]% casualties in this campaign, and the leader of the army, General Bo, wrote down the contributions of all the soldiers so that they can be rewarded for their merits in the future.

The whole camp was immersed in the joy of victory, Ji Jie gave a big feast to reward the soldiers, drank happily, and the envoy of the Sima family sent a letter.

Unfolding the letter paper, Sima Xueran's familiar handwriting was displayed in front of Ji Jie. The content on it made his face turn ugly.

The Allied Forces of the Three Jin Dynasties exceeded 50, and the situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty was extremely critical. People in the three cities were in panic, and Ji Jie was urgently needed to come back to preside over the overall situation.

"Grandma's!" Ji Jie slapped the table and scolded, "Damn Han, Zhao, and Wei Three Kingdoms, they looked respectful when they bought new weapons, and now they dare to attack me!"

Hearing the words, all the generals also began to worry about the Great Zhou. The Three Jin Alliance should not be underestimated. Even the Qin people in the country of tigers and wolves were defeated by them for the first time. How can the Great Zhou with a population of only a few hundred thousand compete with it? Unless Junshang Jijie personally directs, otherwise, it will undoubtedly fail.

Rou Yue's heart began to beat wildly, the conquest of Wu Li Danyu had just started to improve, but it was really unlucky to encounter such a thing!

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