Great Zhou Tianzi

200 begging for shelter

Cyclops yelled at the people who besieged Xiong Kui to get rid of him quickly, and inadvertently, he suddenly found an arrow stuck in the necks of the five people around him!

Where did the arrow come from, and when was it shot?

He knew nothing.

Under Cyclops' incredulous gaze, the five of them fell off the horse together, and they were the worst. They didn't know who did it until they died.

"Brother, here comes another guy!" A minion keenly spotted Ji Jie who was running towards this direction at a high speed.

"Damn it, how could you meet such two nosy guys, kill them!" Cyclops shouted hysterically, drew out his long sword and took the lead.

Except for two people who stayed behind to guard the woman, the rest all rushed towards Ji Jie.

Ji Jie stretched out his right hand, and a long spear appeared out of thin air, first stabbing a person to death with lightning speed, and then fighting with Cyclops.

The besiegers of Xiong Kui also parted out to support Cyclops, and the two of them were able to handle with ease in the encirclement of the bandits.

Among the women who were tied up, Chen Yao's eyes were full of death gray. Before she was taken captive, she had a fierce struggle, and now her pretty face is dark.She knew very well what would happen if she was caught by these bandits. She wanted to die but was tied up and couldn't do so. The arrival of Ji Jie and Xiong Kui gave her a glimmer of hope to survive.

Seeing the people around him fall down one by one, Cyclops asked, "Who are you guys? Why are you meddling in your own business?"

"You don't deserve to know my name, you just need to know that next year today is your own death day!" Ji Jie's hands were not affected when he spoke, and continued to harvest life.

"You and I don't know each other, why bother to kill them all!" Seeing that he was no match, Cyclops gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you are willing to let our brothers go, the dozen or so girls will be given to you two, how about it?"

Said such words, Cyclops felt very reluctant, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Chen Yao in the crowd.

"Hmph, you're not his father, why should you help him decide? Even if you say you're going to break the sky today, you can't even hope to survive!" Ji Jie's words ruthlessly shattered the one-eyed dragon's fantasy.

Cyclops turned his eyeballs and thought, "You don't want to give up, I can't provoke you, but can't I hide?"

"If you die, you have to hold your back, watch the sword!" Cyclops pretended to be resigned to death, and rushed towards Ji Jie.

"When... poof..."

Ji Jie easily jumped away from his long sword, and left a deep button on his right arm. If it wasn't for the harassment of another young man at a critical moment, he would have killed Cyclops.

The two horses pedaled wrongly, and the one-eyed dragon continued to go unabated. It seemed to be heading towards Ji Jian, but he turned the horse's head abruptly and galloped in another direction.

"The villain wants to escape!" Chen Yao's attention was always on Cyclops, and all the dozen or so members of her family were killed by him.

"I want to run, I'm dreaming!" Ji Jie stabbed the minions in front of him to death with one shot, forced the others to retreat, thrust his spear into the ground, and picked up a sun-shooting bow and a feathered arrow.

Cyclops is very smart, he knows that Ji Jie will not just watch him escape, and with his superb equestrian skills, let the horse under his crotch run the "S" line, so that it will be difficult to aim if he wants to shoot an arrow behind.

Ji Jie calmed down, quickly figured out the pattern of the Cyclops' movement, held his breath and shot the feathered arrow.


The feathered arrow shot out, and accurately nailed into the back of Cyclops' heart. His body was visibly shaken, and then he fell off the horse.

Without taking a second look, Ji Jie was sure that he was going to die.

"Xiong Kui, don't leave anyone alive!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Seeing that the one-eyed dragon was dead, all the minions were so frightened that they didn't have the confidence to continue fighting. They all turned their horses and ran away.

Still the same sentence, if you want to run, it's not that easy.

The archery skills of the three brothers of the Xiong family were mastered by Ji Jie himself. Although there is still a certain gap compared with him, they can still achieve a hundred hits.Coupled with a Ji Jie who never misses, the two of them became the nightmare of the bandits.

Ji Jie shot two consecutive shots first, aiming at the two guys guarding the woman. Seeing that the situation was not good, the two of them wanted to kill the woman and escape.

The shining big knife was about to cut her neck, Chen Yao closed her eyes.

But after a long while, the big knife did not come down. She opened her eyes cautiously, and saw two bandits who had fallen dead. Each of them had a feathered arrow stuck in the back of their neck, and one of them was still holding the knife just now. time posture.

In the eyes of Ji Jie and Xiong Kui, the fleeing bandits are worse than the rabbits who are in a panic when hunting, and it is a trivial matter to deal with them.

After a few breaths, all the bandits were killed by arrows, and the horses without their owners stopped one after another, standing together in a daze.

Xiong Kui ran to Ji Jie with a smile, and said happily, "Your Majesty, it was really enjoyable! I thought this mission would be boring, but I didn't expect the first day to be so meaningful!"

"You boy, you are also a master who is unwilling to be lonely!" Ji Jie cursed with a smile, jumped off the horse and walked towards Chen Yao.

The women were taken aback. Who told him to hold a shining long sword in his hand? They thought he was also the king of the mountain, and their own lives were too hard.

There is only one exception, that is Chen Yao.

Ji Jie smiled wryly, and amidst the screams of the women, he quickly swung the long sword in his hand a few times, cutting off the ropes that bound them.

"Thank you son for saving me, the little girl will never forget it!" Chen Yao, who had regained her freedom, suddenly knelt down in front of Ji Jie.

Ji Jie's expression was quite normal, and those women looked at Chen Yao in surprise, their minds turned quickly and they quickly figured out the meaning, and they also knelt down.

"Seeing the road is uneven, this is what I should do! You all get up, don't kneel." Ji Jie smiled lightly and said, "Everyone, please go back quickly, it's getting late, and it's not very safe here !"

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave. Chen Yao said quietly: "We all died with our families broken. Where can we go?"

Ji Jie was taken aback for a moment, he was only focused on killing the robbers just now, and forgot that the town had been burned to ruins, these women had no strength to restrain chickens, and no shelter from the wind and rain, what would they do if they encountered bandits again?

"Your Majesty, what should I do?" Xiong Kui was also dumbfounded, this time he came to South Korea to have a very important mission, and with such a large group of girls on the road, you will never be able to accomplish anything.

Forget it, help people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, Ji Jie takes them back to the town, first buries the bodies of their relatives, and then orders Xiong Kui to take them to Dazhou.

When returning to the town, Xiong Kui brought back all the horses left by the bandits according to Ji Jie's request. With the horses, the dozen or so women could reach their destination in a short time.

Back in Dazhou, let Ji Xueling arrange residence and work for them, and start a new life.

All the girls got on the horse, but Chen Yao refused. She walked up to Ji Jie and said softly: "Your Highness, please let me stay by your side and be a maid. Go back to Dazhou, how can you do it without anyone around you to take care of you!"

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