Great Zhou Tianzi

201 soft and warm

Seeing the sincerity in Chen Yao's eyes, Ji Jie's heart warmed for a while, this is the benefit of helping others.

"Hehe, you'd better go back to Dazhou with everyone. I'm a big man with hands and feet, so I don't need to take care of them!" Ji Jie thought she was worried, and said with a smile, "I promise you in the name of Mr. After the Great Week, someone will arrange your life and work, and you will no longer have to worry about being bullied by bandits and robbers."

In order for these girls to follow Xiong Kui to Dazhou with peace of mind, he did not conceal his identity. The three words Zhao Wenjun have already resounded throughout the land of China, and are loved by the people of the Central Plains.

Some people may say that these girls are originally Koreans, wouldn't it be more appropriate to hand them over to the local government?

Ji Jie thought a lot. First of all, doing so might reveal his and Xiong Kui's identities. People from the government will definitely ask what you do, why you happened to be robbed by bandits so coincidentally, and why are you so good at fighting? None of the ten bandits are opponents!

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Ji Jie's identity cannot be known to outsiders. After all, Dazhou and South Korea are at war, and they have eaten up [-] of their siege troops a few days ago.

Second, they are all weak girls. After being accepted by the government, they are likely to be sent to the palaces of princes and nobles for their enjoyment.

Therefore, sending to Dazhou is the best choice.

Seeing that Ji Jie refused to agree, Chen Yao quickly knelt on the ground and said, "Your Highness, please let me stay by your side. The moment my parents and family members were killed, I swore to avenge them! Your Highness killed those bandits , to avenge me, the little girl is willing to serve you for the rest of her life as repayment! If you don’t agree, I will die in front of you right now, since you don’t accept my repayment, then it’s as if you didn’t save me!”

After finishing speaking, Chen Yao had an extra dagger in her hand and put it on her neck, and tears began to roll in her eyes.

Ji Jie hurriedly said: "Don't be impulsive, be careful that you hurt yourself..."

Xiong Kui came over and whispered into Ji Jie's ear, "Your Majesty, I think you should nod your head in agreement. You can see that this girl has a very strong personality! You're the only one left after I'm gone. It's a bit of a shame." Don't worry, she is a native Korean, and this mission is so special, maybe she can help somewhere!"

This made some sense, Ji Jie had no choice but to nod and said, "Okay, I agree, you put down the knife quickly, where did you get the dagger? Girls don't play with such dangerous things!"

Chen Yao put away the dagger obediently, and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your success!"

Xiong Kui took the girls on the road, Ji Jie looked up at the already bright sky, and said, "Let's wash up first, then leave here, find a place to rest, I'm really sleepy after not sleeping all night! "

"Yes, Your Highness!" Chen Yao nodded obediently, and said, "I'll fetch water for you! That... the basin... and the bucket..."

Ji Jie couldn't help laughing. During the process of burying the body at night, he already knew that Chen Yao was a young lady from a wealthy family. A young lady insisted on being my maid, so she was in a hurry!

"I have it here!"

When Chen Yao turned around, Ji Jie was holding the copper basin in one hand and the bucket in the other. He smiled and said, "I'll serve you, Miss Chen, just tell me where the well is... don't you even I don't know where the well is..."

Although her face was covered with black stains, Ji Jie still clearly saw that Chen Yao's ears were red, presumably her face was also very red, and whispered: "There are in my yard!"

The Chen family's mansion was not completely burned down, perhaps because of the sympathy for the fragrance and jade, Cyclops did not let anyone burn Chen Yao's boudoir.

Ji Jie found a water well very smoothly, and he was the one responsible for fetching water. In his own words, I am a man with hands and feet, so I can't just watch women work.

After pouring water into the copper basin, Ji Jie made a gesture of invitation with a smile and said, "Ladies first!"


Obviously, Chen Yao was not used to Ji Jie's politeness. Women had no status in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.

"Wash it quickly, you don't want my help?" Ji Jie said with a smile.

"No, no, I'll do it myself!" Chen Yao picked up the copper basin and walked towards her room.

Tsk tsk, everyone is particular about being a lady.

Ji Jie took out the second copper basin from the Sumeru ring, poured water into it, threw it into a towel, and wiped it carelessly to finish washing. He took out a toothbrush and the toothpaste he made himself, brushing his teeth must not be careless.

Not only did he demand this of himself, but Ji Jie also promoted brushing his teeth throughout Dazhou, and the army even forcibly implemented it.

"Little girl... get up early and go to the latrine with your pants up..." Ji Jie hummed an unhealthy tune while brushing his teeth, foam flying all over the place.

Generally speaking, the toothpaste he formulated was very successful. At least on the surface, it was no different from modern ones, and Zhao Qian added several kinds of herbs that are beneficial to dental health. Prevent the occurrence of tooth decay.

"Wow..." The door opened.

Seeing a stunning beauty walking out with light steps, Ji Jie was stunned. Is this the dirty little girl just now?Impossible, how could it be so beautiful!

A typical oval face with excellent temperament, slender eyebrows, paired with a pair of beautiful watery eyes, which makes people very excited. There is a small cherry mouth under the bridge of the straight nose, fiery red lips, and a pointed chin.

The newborn sunshine is gently falling on her face, outlining her flawless face clearly. Ji Jie can clearly see the mist on her eyelashes, even the fluff behind her earwheels. Clearly, the March breeze blows, and the silky long hair flutters slightly.

Chen Yao changed into neat clothes, it was a goose yellow dress, with her snow-white neck exposed, her tall breasts and her willow waist that she held tightly, and her two weak and boneless hands were placed on the belt. , the legs are hidden in the skirt, but judging from the distance from the belt to the ground, they are definitely two perfect long legs, wearing golden boots.

No wonder last night when Cyclops said he was willing to trade them for his own life, he had a look of reluctance. It turned out that there was such a beautiful girl inside!Ji Jie thought to himself, if it were me, even if I tried my best, I would not give such a beauty to others!

Chen Yao smiled sweetly, and all kinds of charms suddenly appeared, even the blooming flowers in the yard were overshadowed.

Seeing Ji Jie looking at her without blinking, she was a little embarrassed, and a blush slowly crept up.


Ji Jie couldn't hold back, all the toothpaste spewed out of his mouth.

Chen Yao's expression changed immediately, and she ran over with concern, grabbed his hand and said, "What's wrong with you, Your Highness? Did you get poisoned? Did you eat something wrong? Don't scare Yao'er." !"

In Chen Yao's consciousness, there is only one explanation for a person who foams at the mouth, and that is poisoning.

Ji Jie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but it felt good to be held by her little hands, soft and warm.

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