South Korea has not sent a new commander to the camp of the Three-Jin Allied Forces. Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou's plot to use South Korea as a weapon failed, and the two sat in the big tent and drank very depressed.

"I hope the new general sent by the King of Han is a guy even stupider than Han Chuang!" Zhao Mu put down his wine glass and said, "In this case, we can persuade him to avenge the death of thirty thousand companions, and let Han Jun give us a visit." road!"

"Well, Han Jun will be allocated for us to travel!" Xiao Weimou nodded and said, "Without their participation, I really feel a little lonely."

Poor King Han Hui, he never thought that his two allies were digging holes for him. He couldn't sleep for several nights because of the new general.


Not only was foaming at the mouth, but Ji Jie also looked like he was poisoned, and Chen Yao came out.

"What on earth did you eat that shouldn't be eaten?" Chen Yao reached out and took some froth from the corner of his mouth, put it into her mouth without thinking, and said while sucking: "No, why is there a refreshing peppermint smell?" The smell doesn't seem to be poisoned, it seems to have a herbal smell..."

Of course it wasn't poisonous. Seeing Chen Yao sucking her finger, Ji Jie's saliva almost flowed out.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Yao seemed to have seen some clues, she quickly stepped back, looked at Ji Jie with a frightened face, and quickly took out the finger that was in her mouth.

Ji Jie wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: "It's not poisoning, this is the toothpaste I invented, used to brush teeth... just to clean teeth and mouth..."

Chen Yao's face turned into a red apple in autumn, so red that water dripped out.

"Hehe, let's start in a while, you can clean it up!" Ji Jie pointed towards Chen Yao's room, since the things inside are still intact, let's take them away together, don't waste it.

Half an hour later, the two hit the road.

Chen Yao was not the kind of weak woman Ji Jie imagined, she had a cheerful personality, and she rode very well, following closely behind him without lagging behind.

On the way, the two chatted while walking. Although Ji Jie knew the situation in South Korea well, the source of the information was obtained through improper means after all, and what Chen Yao said was a native who was born and bred. , is more pertinent.

South Korea is the country with the most serious monarchy system among the Seven Kingdoms. King Han Hui has the final say on all major and minor matters. On the surface, the entire national authority is like an iron bucket, but the inside is already rotten.

The sons of King Han knew that they were intriguing all day long when they had nothing to do, and Prince Han An's position as crown prince was in jeopardy.

King Han Hui saw these things in his eyes, but he didn't care about them, and let his children mess around, making the whole court a mess.

It is not that South Korea lacks talents, but most of the educated people have no chance to be recognized by the King of Han. The most obvious one is Han Fei, the son of the royal family, who studied under Xunzi and learned superhuman quick thinking.

The name Han Fei is not unfamiliar to Ji Jie at all. This old man is a famous representative of Legalist thought in ancient China, and later generations gave him a high evaluation.

"Since you have such talents, and you are still from the royal family, why can't you be reused by the King of Han?" Ji Jie asked incomprehensibly.

Chen Yao smiled and said: "It's a very funny reason, because this Han Fei is a stammer! It's true that he has real knowledge in his stomach, but he is not good at words. Most of Han Wang's side is flattering people who can speak well, and they can't talk. How could he like a stuttering person? Therefore, even though Han Fei tried to make suggestions to the King of Han many times, but they were not accepted, if it wasn't for his blood relationship with the King, he would never have had the chance to face the King."

Ji Jie shrugged, thinking that King Han really doesn't know what to do, he doesn't need a talent like Han Fei, you must have been kicked in the head by a donkey!

"Do you know Han Fei?" Ji Jie asked.

Chen Yao nodded and said, "We used to be playmates when we were young, and he was a few years older than me. Later, my father resigned from his official position, and we lost contact."

That's great. The moment Ji Jie heard Han Fei's name, he thought about how to recruit him to work for him. He was worried that he, a Korean son, would not be an official. With Chen Yao's insinuation, maybe he would He readily agreed.

"Changing the road, visit Han Fei first!" Ji Jie made a decisive decision.

Chen Yao looked at him incredulously. Didn't she say that the most important thing on this trip was to break the siege of Dazhou by the Sanjin Alliance? Why did he go to the depressed Han Fei first?

"Talent is more important than everything else!" Ji Jie explained: "The development of Dazhou and even the world cannot be separated from people with real talents like Han Fei. It is a trivial matter to disintegrate the three-entry alliance, but it is impossible to follow such a Big things are on par!"

Although at this time, under Ji Jie's intervention, various laws have been greatly improved compared with before, and the law enforcement department is also improving day by day, but after all, his research in this area is not deep, just based on some impressions of modern laws In doing things, he is not at the same level as a Dafaist like Han Fei.

Moreover, the knowledge in Han Fei's stomach is more applicable to the current form.

"Your Highness is really courageous, Yao'er bows down!" Chen Yao said sincerely.

Since meeting King Han for the last time but failed, Han Fei moved out of the capital's New Deal and took a child to live in seclusion in the deep mountains, proclaiming that he would never go out of the mountains again in this life.

The place where Han Fei lives in seclusion is located in Fengshan, three hundred miles south of Xinzheng, not far from where the two are now. In addition to reading poetry and books, Chen Yao also has a lot of research on the geography of the Central Plains. Under the leadership of the leader, the two quickly arrived at the edge of Fengshan.

Pointing to several towering green mountains, Chen Yao said: "There are five peaks in this mountain. I don't know the exact location of Han Fei's residence. I can only ask the mountain people as I walk in!"

"It's okay, just treat it as a spring outing!" Ji Jie patted his horse into the mountain.

Winding mountain roads, gurgling water, and the fragrance of birds and flowers everywhere, but after asking a few mountain people, they had never even heard Han Fei's name, let alone where he lived.

I searched for it all day, turned all over the two mountains, and searched in every corner, but to no avail.

In the evening, on a dry highland, Ji Jie quickly set up a tent, Chen Yao picked up some dry firewood nearby, and the two planned to spend the night here.

Rolling his eyes, Ji Jie pretended to be embarrassed and said, "I only brought a tent, and there are two of us, so how about sleep in the tent and I sleep outside!"

"How can this work!" Chen Yao waved her hands again and again, and said, "You are my savior, and Yao'er's master, so there is no reason for the master to sleep outside and the maid to sleep inside!"

One more maid, in fact, Ji Jie never regarded her as a maid from the beginning to the end.

Ji Jie waved his hands again and again, "No, even though it's spring now, it's still very cold at night, you can't handle it! I sleep outside, remember what you said, you have to do whatever I say!"

Chen Yao had no choice but to nod her head, but immediately said, "It's fine for me to live here, and you can't sleep outside!"

"What do you mean?" Ji Jie asked.

Chen Yao faltered and said: "We... whoever is inside... It's fine if you don't... It's really cold outside. If His Highness catches a cold because of this, Yao'er will be to blame for death..."

Looking at Chen Yao's red face, Ji Jie felt so happy, he tricked the beauty into being fooled by a little trick, brother is really talented, wow ha ha ha!

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