Great Zhou Tianzi

224 Looking for Zhao Ji and Helping Each Other

Qin Wang was dumbfounded at first, and then became furious.

"As a citizen of Great Qin, they don't seek the well-being of the people. They only care about making money. These disgusting businessmen!" The King of Qin cursed: "I hate businessmen the most. They are all treacherous people!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Buwei, who was standing aside, couldn't get over his face. If it was a businessman, he was the biggest profiteer.

Lord Yangquan took a step forward, and said in a disdainful tone: "Your Majesty, why bother to get angry about this matter? In my opinion, since you know that profiteers are hoarding goods, you should arrest a group of them and behead them in public to see if they dare to play tricks!"

Lu Buwei hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, don't do it! Farming is the foundation of a country, and business is the way to make a country rich. Killing and hunting will not achieve good results, but will make the situation worse..."

"Lu Xiangguo is afraid of being implicated because he is also a businessman?" Jun Yangquan interrupted him, and said with a sneer, "Don't worry, your majesty is willing to use you for surgery!"

Lu Buwei still wanted to refute, King Qin said first: "It's impossible not to kill others! If it weren't for your delay in taking down the Qin family, and bringing back such troubles, and wiping your own ass, this matter will be left to you. Three If the business cannot be stabilized within a day, I will ask you!"

Lu Buwei was sweating profusely, asking him, who was born as a businessman, to kill other businessmen, what would the world think?

But the king's order was hard to disobey, so he could only do what the king of Qin wanted.Then, a group of unlucky businessmen were escorted to Caishikou, accused of engaging in speculation, and their heads were all beheaded.

Lu Buwei couldn't do it at all, so most of the first batch of people killed were insignificant people, plus some death row prisoners who were named businessmen, but it was precisely because of his compassion that the situation developed even more. serious.

The merchants were angry. What they were doing was to make a living at the price difference. What happened to hoarding goods? Did the Daqin law say that it is not allowed to do this?

Fanning the flames is Ji Jie's strong point, and the three Xiong brothers also worked hard, and a large number of businessmen openly opposed the policies of the King of Qin.

Lu Buwei saw that his good intentions not only failed to be recognized by the merchants, but intensified even further. He was ruthless, and more merchants were arrested and beheaded. By opening the warehouses of these people, all the goods were confiscated and then sold at a low price.

At the same time, Lu Buwei posted a bulletin, stating that those who continue to hoard goods will only have a dead end.

The merchants panicked. They knew that this time it was not a joke. Money was important but it was gone.

Then, prices plummeted, even lower than before the price increase.

Ji Jie didn't expect the development of the situation to take a 180-degree turn. Fortunately, he sold several batches of goods at high prices before, and he didn't lose money in the end. However, it took a lot of people's manpower and material resources to make a profit after tossing for so long. It's a loss!

No, I still have to think about it, by the way, go find her!

An idea flashed in Ji Jie's mind, and a person's name Zhao Ji appeared. I haven't seen her for a long time. I don't know what happened to this woman.

Since Zhao Ji was taken back to the Qin Kingdom, she has been locked up in the palace by the King of Qin like a bird, but the King of Qin has been drugged by Lu Buwei. Although there is that thing in the crotch, it is as soft as tofu. Only pills can have a bed fight, and each time it does not exceed 2 minutes.

Zhao Ji was not satisfied, and often called Lu Buwei to the palace in private, but Lu Buwei was getting old after all, one or two times was fine, and he couldn't take it too much, so he chose to ignore it during this time.

In the middle of the night, Ji Jie, dressed in night clothes, sneaked into the palace smoothly, found the West Palace where Zhao Ji lived, and jumped onto the roof with a kick of his legs.

Gently peeling off a piece of tile, a scent of fragrance followed, he was not unfamiliar with this fragrance at all.

Looking through the small hole in the roof, just below is where the big bed is. Zhao Ji is wearing a tulle coat, and her exquisite figure is clearly revealed. There are still water droplets on her hair, and she looks like she just took a bath. Pass.

Lying lazily on the big bed, the neckline of the tulle coat is wide open, and with Zhao Ji's posture sitting on the bed, her tall breasts are almost completely exposed to the air, from Ji Jie's current point of view , it can be said that it is clear at a glance.

Grandma, what a disaster!Ji Jie swallowed a mouthful of spit, recalling the scene of the battle with her before, his body reacted immediately.

At this moment, a maid's voice sounded: "I would like to report to Empress Zhao Ji, the king sent someone to deliver a message, saying that the state affairs are busy, so I won't come to your place to spend the night today!"

"Understood!" Zhao Ji responded, and then muttered in a low voice: "Useless old thing, you can only hold on for a while at a time, and the old lady just got into the mood and let out like a squirt! Now it's all right, I won't come anymore, So is Lu Buwei, an old man! It's really a hard life, why is there no man who can satisfy me!"

Ji Jie finally understood the true meaning of the word "deep boudoir and resentful woman", and there is a living example in front of him.

Gently opening the wooden window, Ji Jie rolled over and slipped in. He landed lightly, without stopping for a moment, and directly threw himself on Zhao Ji!

"Who are you..." Zhao Ji was about to exclaim, but Ji Jie covered her mouth with his hand.

"Hehe, don't you even know who I am?" Ji Jie asked with a smile.

Zhao Ji's big eyes were surprised at first, and then replaced by surprise. She stretched out her arms and hugged Ji Jie's waist tightly, and said in a raving voice, "Master, am I dreaming?"

With the word "Master", the two of them seemed to have returned to the dungeon in Zhao Guo together.

"Dream? Hehe, do you often dream?" Ji Jie asked.

Zhao Ji nodded heavily, she could clearly feel the temperature coming from Ji Jie's body, and said softly: "Every night, I think of Master, dream of Master, dream of being with Master, really!"

For a woman like Zhao Ji, Ji Jie's definition is that she can be used, but not handed over.

To put it bluntly, it means being able to use it.

"Master, why did it take you so long to look for my servant?" Zhao Ji twisted her body and rubbed his sensitive parts while blowing hot air in Ji Jie's ear.

"You're in Qin and I'm in Dazhou, so it's inconvenient to meet up!" Ji Jie casually found a reason. I came here to ask you for a favor."

"Oh?" Zhao Ji looked at him meaningfully, and asked, "What can I, a little girl, do for you?"

"You're still a young girl, but you are the highest-ranking woman in the Qin Palace!" Ji Jie's hand touched Zhao Ji's chest heavily.

Not only did Zhao Ji not hide, but she even moved forward, touched his crotch with one hand, and said in a flattering voice: "No matter what the business is, as long as the master says a word, the slave will go through fire and water! But, after you say this Before this matter, can you do the slave family a favor first?"

No problem, let's help each other out!

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