Great Zhou Tianzi

225 Two-pronged approach


This is Ji Jie's evaluation of Zhao Ji, even an iron-clad man has to be ground into an embroidery needle by her, a beauty is a disaster, with such a woman by your side, don't think about doing anything else, just wait for the country to perish!

Zhao Ji looked satisfied, holding Ji Jie tightly like an octopus and refusing to let go, for fear that he would disappear if she let go.

"Hey, aren't you asleep?" Ji Jie moved Zhao Ji, whose eyes were full of confusion.

"How can I be willing to fall asleep!" Zhao Ji's voice was still so charming, she said: "If there is anything you want my slave to do, the master just ask."

Ji Jie thought that this was pretty much the same, and said calmly: "You should know that I have a good relationship with Qin Qing from Qin's Trading Company. The King of Qin wants to touch her. The purpose of my coming here is to help her resolve the crisis." Originally, things went smoothly, but who would have thought that those two dead men of yours would play cards unreasonably, which would lead to a fall short in success, I want you to blow the pillow wind to King Qin to dispel him."

The two ghost men refer to King Qin Zhuang and Lu Buwei.

Zhao Ji blinked her big eyes, and said in a slightly ambiguous tone: "The master has ordered, so I will naturally do my best! I want to ask, do you have any thoughts about that widow?"

"Hehe, smart! A man will have thoughts about her!" Ji Jie knew that lying at this time would only be a bad thing. Although he never took Zhao Ji seriously, who knew what Zhao Ji was thinking, this woman Her possessive desire surpasses that of ordinary people, coupled with the inherent jealousy of women, if she becomes hostile towards Qin Qing, it will backfire!

"I will help you to the end!" Zhao Ji said bluntly, "I think she did a lot of hard work to save my slave's family from Zhao, but now I can't just stand by and watch!"

"Hehe, that's great!"

"Master, I still want to..."

"Huh? Want more?"

"Well, you're just satisfying my slave once!" Zhao Ji took advantage of this opportunity, and Ji Jie knew it well.

Grandma, you're really a vixen who doesn't drain a man's heart, I just want to satisfy you!


After Yingzheng returned to the state of Qin, he was not registered as the crown prince. Besides him, the king of Qin also had a son, Cheng Qiao. The two had their own cliques, and they fought fiercely for the position of crown prince.

The Qin system stipulates that only the king and the crown prince can live in the palace. Ordinary princes can also live in the palace when they are young. They must move out when they are over 12 years old, so as not to cause promiscuity in the palace. Therefore, Yingzheng and Cheng Qiao are both living in the palace at this time. Outside the Prince's Mansion.

With the token that Ji Jie took from Zhao Ji, Ji Jie found the Prince's Mansion where Ying Zheng lived.

"Report, I want to meet Wang Zizheng!" Ji Jie handed over the token.

Seeing that it was Zhao Ji's token, Menzi quickly took it and said, "Please wait a moment, I will report right away, may I ask your name?"

"Ji Jie!"

"Please wait!"

After a while, a young man dressed in fancy clothes came galloping, isn't he Xiaohu from Zhaocheng Village? Although his face was still childish, it was completely different from before.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Ying Zheng shouted while running, forgetting all the court etiquette he had learned before.

"Hehe, meet Wang Zizheng!" Ji Jie smiled and bowed.

Ying Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately grabbed Ji Jie's hand and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to be like this. Without your protection, Xiaohu would have passed away long ago! Come on, come with me, I miss you very much." The days when your Majesty is together!"

I have to say that Xiaohu grew up back then.

The two walked in together, and finally came to Yingzheng's room. Except for one wall with doors and windows, the other three walls were all bookshelves, full of various bamboo slips and thread-bound books.

There are also dozens of books on the desk, and it can be seen that he often studies hard here on weekdays.

"My lord, sit down!" Ying Zheng moved the chair himself, and when Ji Jie sat down, he stood beside him.

"You sit too!" Ji Jie said with a smile.

"No, no, there is no reason for me to sit down in front of you!" Ying Zheng shook his head like a rattle. Seeing that Ji Jie insisted that he also sit down, he simply sat on the floor next to him and asked Said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, how about coming in?"

"It's okay!" Ji Jie said lightly.

Since the two parted ways in Zhao Guo, Ying Zheng has been paying attention to the affairs of the Great Zhou. He is also very clear about Ji Jie winning several battles in succession. Even when Qin Jun was defeated by Ji Jie at that time, he still There was a night of carnival in the mansion, celebrating the victory of the former emperor.

The purpose of coming to Ying Zheng was also for Qin Qing's affairs.In contrast, Ying Zheng, who grew up in bitter waters, is very sensible, while Cheng Qiao is spoiled and spoiled, and has a domineering personality. King Zhuang of Qin once served as a hostage in Zhao State for several years, and suffered a lot during that time. The father and son had the same situation. I prefer Ying Zheng.

Moreover, Ying Zheng's study time could not be compared with Cheng Qiao's, but it far surpassed Cheng Qiao's. This made King Qin Zhuang even more happy, and he visited the Prince's Mansion from time to time to discuss state affairs with him.

Therefore, Ying Zheng's words carry a lot of weight with King Qin Zhuang.

What Ji Jie has to do is to use a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, let Zhao Ji blow the pillow wind, and on the other hand, let Ying Zheng understand his interests, hoping to have an effect.

Seeing that Ying Zheng still pretends to be Xiaohu, there is no need to be polite to him and tell the whole story directly.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, and said, "Actually, I also feel that my father is a bit ill-considered in this matter. I have also discussed this matter with Lu Xiangguo, and neither of us agrees with my father's approach. Qin Qing and Your Majesty Similarly, they have all contributed a lot to Xiaohu's affairs, and I have spoken with Lu Xiangguo for this, but my father insists on going his own way and won't listen to our opinions at all!"

Although King Zhuang of Qin had the idea of ​​appointing Yingzheng as the prince, he had to push this matter over and over again due to the faction of Chengqiao headed by Lord Yangquan. Power can only rely on the favor of the father and the king and make some small suggestions.

"I also know that this matter is difficult to handle, otherwise I would not have come to Qin in person." Ji Jie said.

Yingzheng thought for a few seconds, then said in a deep voice: "Since your lord has spoken, Xiaohu should do his best! Well, I will find an opportunity to continue to speak to my father. Everyone has seen the chaos in the market a while ago. Kill me!" Although it can be effective, it is not a long-term solution. It can be said that the hearts of the merchants in Xianyang City have been broken. Merchants from other countries will not come to Qin again after hearing about it. This will form a vicious circle! Qin The country's nearly one hundred years of hard work since Shang Yang's reform will also be in vain, I believe my father can think of this."

Ji Jie gave a thumbs up, Yingzheng is Yingzheng, regardless of his young age, but with such profound insights, King Qin Zhuang can't even listen to his own son's words, right?

After thinking about it, Ying Zheng has achieved such accomplishments at a young age, and he must be great when he grows up.

Ji Jie began to re-examine the young man in front of him. He had a hunch that Ying Zheng would become a strong opponent for him soon.

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