Great Zhou Tianzi

235 Misty Smoke Comes in Handy

Ji Jie thought a lot, since he had already met some old-fashioned old men in the Qin family, after getting their permission to go to the Sifang Daku, the people below would cooperate better with him.

What he didn't expect was that Qin Xuan refused, with an expression of no discussion.

"Absolutely not!" Qin Xuan squinted at Ji Jie and said, "Sifang Warehouse is the foundation of my Qin family's industry. There are more than thousands of things stored in it. You can see what you want! Boy, you are too big!" Overestimate your own identity, isn't it just a small emissary of the Patriarch, what's the big deal, I'm still the patriarch's uncle!"

Ji Jie sneered twice, took out a jet-black ring, held it up high, and said, "Could it be that I can't enter the warehouse with this thing?"

"Patriarch's ring!" The two old fellows exclaimed at the same time, absolutely unmistakable, it is real and not a fake.

Qin Xuan's expression became even uglier. He never thought that Qin Qing would hand over the patriarch's ring, which represented the highest power of the Qin family, to a brat who smelled like milk, and this kid was very arrogant and unpopular.

"I just greeted you out of respect. Who would have thought that you would be so disrespectful!" Ji Jie snorted, "You don't have to give me face, what about it? Are you confused, seeing the Patriarch's ring?" Should I forget what to do?"

In fact, Ji Jie didn't think about embarrassing these old guys at the beginning, who made them go too far, they deserve it!

The five old fellows got up together and saluted Ji Jie respectfully. Ji Jie could clearly see that Qin Xuan's eyes were full of resentment.

Let go of the grievances, there is still time for you to continue to be grievous, and when the soldiers of the King of Qin come to commit crimes, I will see how you deal with it.

"Okay, I've finished talking, I'm leaving!" Ji Jie turned around and took Mei Duo's hand, and walked out with the three brothers, and when he walked out of the gate, he said: "You can do it yourself, there is no regret in the world. !"

Qin Xuan's beard trembled from anger, and he threw a teacup heavily on the ground, smashing it into pieces.

"Look, look, what kind of people are around Qing'er!" Qin Xuan trembled angrily, and said to the four elders: "I just said that Qing'er, a girl, can be the head of the family. Now You know, if things go on like this, sooner or later Qin's foundation will be ruined in her hands!"

Walking out of Qin's ancestral house, Mei Duo asked cautiously: "Brother Jie, why don't they welcome us?"

"A bunch of conservative old guys always think that their own views are right, and they will never believe that younger people have better ideas!" Ji Jie said with disdain: "Fortunately, the Qin family has established the system of concubines and concubines. It's very serious, I didn't let these old guys have more power, otherwise, sister Qing would have been struggling!"

Xiong Ben put the giant ax back on his back, curled his lips and said, "Your Majesty shouldn't have stopped me just now, and asked me to chop off the rude old man with an axe, so dare to say something more after seeing the rest! "

"Hehe, they are not worthy of your attack!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "At that time, people from the King of Qin will help us, but when you showed your ax just now, you frightened them very much. You did a good job!"

The five of them went straight to the nearest warehouse in the Northeast, where more than [-]% of the saltpeter and sulfur in the entire Qin Kingdom were stored. These are necessary for making gunpowder, and it is also the most important part of this mission.

In addition to the north warehouse, there is the south warehouse, which stores tens of thousands of iron and copper ores, as well as a large number of silver ores and gold ores.

Qin Xuan and the four elders thought that Ji Jie was just inspecting the warehouse on a routine basis. After all, there were only five of them, including a woman. Who would have thought that they were simply planning to stock up on the warehouse.

It was already midnight when the five of them arrived at the Northeast Warehouse. It is more appropriate to describe it as a cave. A huge hole was dug artificially on the wall of an earth-stone structure. The air in the hole The degree of dryness and humidity is moderate, suitable for storing combustibles such as sulfur and saltpeter. In addition to these, there are also a lot of other precious species such as mercury.

There is only one entrance to the warehouse, and there are dozens of sentries outside.

"I was ordered to come and inspect!" Xiong Ben showed up in front of the sentry with the Patriarch's ring, and dozens of people knelt down at the same time, shouting: "All blessings, Patriarch!"

Seeing the ring is like seeing the head of the family, this is the rule set by the Qin family.

The leader hurriedly asked his subordinates to open the warehouse door and asked Ji Jie to go in and check.

Ji Jie winked at the three brothers, then led Mei Duo to walk in, and at the same time declined the kindness of leading the way.

When the two of them walked into the warehouse, Xiong Kui said with a smile: "Brothers, the special envoy sent by the Patriarch has a habit of not liking many people standing outside during the inspection process. There should be a place to rest here. Let's all go back together." Rest for a while, and come back after the inspection is over!"

"Is this appropriate? What if something happens?" The leader had doubts on his face.

"It's nothing inappropriate, maybe someone dares to go in and steal things, this is the Qin family's warehouse!" Xiong Ba beat the side drum.

"Alright then, everyone go back first!"

After dozens of people entered the house, the three brothers slammed the door shut and locked it. At the same time, they threw several porcelain vases through the window.

The room was in chaos, and everyone wanted to rush out, but they couldn't do so because the doors and windows were closed. After a few porcelain vases fell to the ground, a puff of fragrant smoke enveloped the entire room.

It was Miyan, made by Mei Duo herself, which is the kind that was used to fascinate Jijie last time but failed.

"Puff... puff..."

The sound of falling to the ground was everywhere, and the three brothers looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Your Majesty's idea is brilliant!"

"Yes, there is no bloodshed!"

"Miss Mei Duo is also very powerful, Xiao Xiaonian can make such a powerful drug, otherwise how could she get it so easily!"

The three brothers praised Ji Jie and Mei Duo one sentence at a time. According to their original intention, they would definitely show their huge axes and threaten these dozens of people not to move.Although it can also achieve results, but having said that, once they leave, these people will report to the ancestral house, and the remaining three warehouses will also step up their defenses. It will not be so easy to succeed!

"I just don't know if it's Miss Mei Duo's body that's powerful, or Princess Zhao Qian's antidote is better!" Xiong Ben pondered, "I really want to know the result!"

"I want to know your size, lest the world will not be chaotic!"

Xiong Ben received two thumps on the head, and Xiong Ba and Xiong Kui gave him one each.

In the warehouse, there was a mountain of supplies. Ji Jie held Mei Duo's hand and walked forward with a happy expression. As long as they walked, no matter what kind of things, no matter what size, they all flew into the place he was wearing. In the sumeru ring on the finger.

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