Great Zhou Tianzi

236 Consecutive Deceit and Robbery

The second target, Nancang!

When the five of them arrived at Nancang, the sky had already turned pale, and it would be bright in half an hour. Now is the right time to do it.

There are hundreds of guards in Nancang, and they are scattered everywhere. It is impossible to follow the practice of Dacang in the Northeast. Ji Jie had an idea, and summoned a delicate mahogany box from Xumijie, filled it with a piece of ore, Cover the lid and hang a big copper lock, and then stick the seal.

From the outside, the box looks like it contains something of incomparable value.

This is what I want. Ji Jie looked at the box with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Xiong Ba, you are the strongest, carry it and follow me. After a while, the three of us will enter the warehouse, Xiong Kui and Xiong Ben. Stay outside, and remember, we must not let anyone in until we come out!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The three nodded in unison.

It's better to show the Patriarch's ring first, with Ji Jie and Mei Duo walking in front, Xiong Kui and Xiong Ben guarding the gate, no one is allowed to come in or out.

A group of guards looked at each other, this is a warehouse for storing ore, and the goods brought in are all ordinary things, and such a thing has never happened before.

"Hey, what do you think will be contained in that box?" A guard asked.

"I don't know!" Guard B shook his head.

"It must be a very important treasure!" Guard C vowed.

"Since it's a treasure, why don't you send it to the warehouse of the ancestral house, and why send it here?" the guard Ding asked.

"Then I don't know. Didn't you see someone holding the Patriarch's ring? If it's an ordinary thing, why make such a high specification?" The statement of the third guard was approved by most people.

The three entered the warehouse, Xiong Kui put down the box and stood guard at the door, while Ji Jie and Mei Duo continued to walk in.

All kinds of materials flew into Xumijie one after another, and Ji Jie, based on the idea of ​​not wasting anything, left nothing for them.Walking down in a circle, it took less than half an hour to walk, which shows the size of the warehouse and the amount of materials inside.

In the end, the three of them walked out the door swaggeringly, and Xiong Kui and Xiong Ben immediately closed and locked the door. Ji Jie held up the owner's ring and said, "We just put something very important in it, come to pick it up at night! From now until today." Before the blackout, no one is allowed to enter or leave this warehouse, and those who violate the order will be executed!"

The chief guard quickly stepped forward, bowed and said, "Yes!"

"Okay, let's go first!" Ji Jie was about to leave, when the chief guard asked in a low voice, "I don't know what the envoy just put in, and where is it?"

Ji Jie glared at him, and said angrily: "Know what you should know, don't ask what you shouldn't know, don't you even understand the rules?"

The chief quickly bent down and said, "No, no, I understand the rules! It's just that our management is very strict here. No matter what it is, it must be registered when entering and leaving the warehouse. If you don't say anything, how can I register!"

Ji Jie lowered his voice and said, "This is a gift for the King of Qin. Of course, you only need to write the word 'gift' when registering. You alone need to know about it!"

Ji Jie knew that if he didn't say something to the chief, it would be hard to guarantee that this guy wouldn't send someone in to look at it, and it would definitely be a bad thing!People are curious, and when they should be satisfied, they have to be satisfied.

"I see, please rest assured, Mr. Special Envoy!" The chief patted his chest and said, "Until you take the box, I will never let anyone in!"

"So much the better!"

The five left Nan Cang swaggeringly and headed straight for Xi Cang.

Arrived at Xicang at noon, using the same method, this time Xiong Ben went in with Ji Jie and Mei Duo holding the box, and the two brothers Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben were guarding the door.

The grain stored in Xicang is 600 million shi, accounting for [-]% of the total autumn harvest in Berkshire. Berkshire is called the granary of Qin State, and Qin's Xicang is the granary of granaries.

Don't leave a single grain, see what you Qin will use to fill the huge consumption of the army next year, wow ha ha!

The result was the same, the chief guard led a group of subordinates to nod and bow to Ji Jie and the others, and he continued to teach his subordinates that the emissary of the Patriarch is not something anyone can see, they must be respectful, and no one can find fault.

If these two generals knew that the warehouse they were guarding was empty, I don't know how they would feel.

At this time, the people sent by the King of Qin arrived in Ba County and began to dispatch troops. They divided into five groups, four of which went straight to Qin's Sifang Warehouse, and the last one stood still, and the other four groups successfully controlled the four warehouses. After that, attack Qin's ancestral house again.

Ji Jie's last destination is Dongdacang, where there are various kinds of materials stored, mainly kerosene, ore and so on.

"Your Majesty, what excuse do we use to go in this time?" Xiong Kui asked with a smile.

"You're the only one who's smart, right?" Ji Jie scolded with a smile, and said, "It's only three things. I've used the trick just now twice, and it's meaningless to use it again! I've used it before, so that's it. , Change to another method you like to kill!"

"Great!" Xiong Ben reached out and touched the ax on his back, with an eager look on his face, he shouted: "It's been a long time since I've fought with anyone, and it's really a bit of a skill, and I can finally kill!"

"No mass killing!" Ji Jie slapped him and said, "Anyway, they are all from Sister Qing, so how can they be massacred! You three just need to ensure that they don't rush into the warehouse. It's better not to kill than to kill!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Xiong Ba and Xiong Kui shouted together.

"What about you?" Ji Jie asked the disappointed Xiong Ben.

Xiong Ben nodded quickly, and said, "I will do what your majesty tells you!"

"Okay, let's hurry up!" Ji Jie looked at Mei Duo with red eyes and said, "After completing this ticket, we will return to Berkshire. Everyone sleep well and make up for what we owed last night!"

An hour later, when they arrived at Dongcang, the five of them rushed towards the Tibetan gate in a daze without saying a word.

The three brothers ran ahead, each with a giant axe, shouting to break through the horse-repelling formation in front of the gate. In order to serve as an example to others, each of them hacked to death a guard, and the rest were scared to death. guts.

In the face of the sudden attack, there were three extremely brave men, and the guards were in a mess, unable to organize an effective resistance for a while.

Ji Jie protected Mei Duo and went in with the three brothers. Xiong Ben sprinted vigorously, and slammed the huge ax in his hand on the wooden barn door. The three-inch thick wooden door was cut in half. Ji Jie took Mei Duo calmly. The horse went in.

"Who is not afraid of death, grandpa, I will accompany you to the end!" Xiong Ba let out a tiger roar, and the guards who had already been frightened were completely frightened, and no one dared to step forward.

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