Great Zhou Tianzi

250 The Cause of the Civil Revolution

The rope binding the two brothers of the Xiong family suddenly broke by itself, and the two rushed towards the black man, each with a dagger in his hand, stabbing into the body of the man in black without thinking, Xiong Ben shot his bow left and right, stabbing the two of them to death.

"You... ah..."

The guy in the lead quickly dodged, and just took two steps to the side when he was shot in the chest by a throwing knife. It was none other than Ji Jie who shot the throwing knife.

The leading man in black was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and asked with difficulty: "Who are you?"

"My name is Ji Jie!" Ji Jie said coldly: "I am the target of your assassination, sorry, you died before me!"

"It turned out to be like this!" The man fell to the ground, dying.

Mei Duo was taken aback, the speed of the three of them was really too fast, and in the blink of an eye, all the men in black were killed on the spot. It turned out that when the four of them were thrown down, they had already cut each other's ropes.

"What should we do now?" Mei Duo asked, looking at the four corpses in front of her, her heart was trembling.

"Of course by shouting!" Ji Jie said with a smile, and the two brothers began to shout at the top of their voices.

Soon, the bronze door above the head opened, and the shopkeeper stuck his head in and shouted, "Whatever you shout, be honest... Ah, why are the four of them dead, you...let go..."

When the shopkeeper's head came in, Ji Jie raised his hand, and a noose flew up, and it was precisely wrapped around his neck.

"Let go, no problem!" Ji Jie said with a smile, "Let us go up, otherwise I will drag you down and stab you in the chest!"

"Don't, don't, we have something to discuss..."

In this way, the four returned to the ground smoothly, and the shopkeeper and his gang watched them tremblingly.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people!" Ji Jie said a word of reassurance, and before they could breathe a sigh of relief, he continued, "I am the brave general Ji Jie who was sent by the King of Qin to suppress the civil uprising in Dongjun!"

"Ah?" The shopkeeper's eyes widened, you are Ji Jie, aren't you a bad person?

"Don't be afraid if you say it, I'm a general because I want to catch ducks on the shelves!" Ji Jie waved his hand and said, "Think about it, I'm Lord Zhaowen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, what does it have to do with you Qin people? No! If not Lu Buwei held my handle, so I shouldn't be this general! Besides, if I really want to suppress you, why did I bring so few followers into the city, why didn't I lead my troops to attack?"

After hearing these words, the shopkeeper was a little relieved, and said: "Su asked Zhao Wenjun about benevolence, then what do you say is your purpose?"

"Find out the truth!" Ji Jie pointed to the street outside the door and said, "It doesn't look like a civil uprising outside, what's going on, I've found out the truth so I can go back and return to your King Qin! "

"Let me tell you the truth!" There was an angry voice outside the door, and the next second, a big man with a square face appeared at the door.

"Big boss!"

"The boss is good!"

The shopkeeper and the staff saluted the square-faced man one after another. It seemed that he was the boss of Dongjun City, and he was given the nickname Xiashanhu Lin Dawei.

"Okay, Ji Jie is all ears!" Ji Jie said with a smile.

Lin Dawei sat across from him, glanced at the two brothers of the Xiong family and Mei Duo, and finally rested his eyes on Ji Jie's face, and said: "Ji Jie is really extraordinary, not only are there warriors around him With you, there will be more beautiful women to accompany you, admiration!"

"It's not worth mentioning!" Ji Jie replied: "You, Boss Lin, are even more admirable. You can make the people of a county obey you. The government and King Qin can't do anything about you. Looking at the land of China, you are the only one! "

"Oh, Mr. Zhao Wen knows Lin?" Lin Dawei asked.

"I've heard a lot about Boss Lin's deeds!" Ji Jie meant that I didn't know you, I just heard your name.

This Lin Dawei is quite honest, and he explained the reasons for the frequent outbreaks of civil uprisings in Dongjun County: It turned out that this place did not belong to Qin State more than a hundred years ago, but to Chu State. In fact, it belonged to Ba State before Chu State. Belongs to the Kingdom of Shu!

It's chaotic enough, it's really chaotic enough, that is to say, in the past 100 years, the ownership of Dongjun has undergone several changes, so that people here have no concept of the country at all. There will be endless plundering, and adjectives such as loving the people like a child have never appeared.

Especially after being occupied by the Qin State, the successive governments imposed heavy taxes and ignored the life and death of the common people. The people in Dongjun were unwilling to be ruled by the Qin State, so the people changed frequently.

After all, the people are people, and they are vulnerable to the regular army. After suffering a few losses, these people realized the problem, and they united and acted together. The mob team had no choice but to give up.

Over time, East County has been dubbed as a difficult place to govern, and only demoted officials will come here to serve as county guards.

"The people of Dongjun pay taxes when they should pay taxes, and pay grain when they should pay grain." Lin Dawei said with a smile: "It's just that these things have just been put into the warehouse by the government, and before they can be transported away, they will be taken away by us." Take it back, whoever owns it will take it away, this is Dongjun!"

For those officials who wanted to investigate thoroughly, Lin Dawei and the others adopted direct assassination methods, or put them to death without anyone noticing when they provoked a civil uprising.

Ji Jie admired Lin Dawei's actions very much. The people of a county were twisted into one rope, and it would be in vain to kill thousands of troops.

"Mr. Zhaowen, I, Lin Dawei, tell you this out of respect for you!" Lin Dawei said with deep meaning: "You will not really lead the Qin army to conquer us, will you?"

Of course not, I don't have time to help Lu Buwei calm down the internal strife, the more chaotic the Qin State, the better, I even support you from some aspects to fight against the King of Qin!

"Do you think this is good?" Ji Jie said with a smile: "Let's play a play together, and the name is Zhao Wenjun Da Po Xia Hu, how about it?"

"Oh, what does Mr. Zhao Wen mean?" Lin Dawei asked with great interest.

Ji Jie smiled and looked towards the shopkeepers.

Lin Dawei understood, waved his hand and said, "Everyone who has nothing to do with it can go out. I have something important to discuss with Mr. Zhao Wen!"

After the irrelevant people left, Ji Jie expressed his plan, and Lin Dawei applauded again and again.

"Since Boss Lin agrees, let's make our own preparations!" Ji Jie stretched out his hand and said, "Since it's acting, we have to act more realistically. After I leave Qin, I will send you soldiers who can equip 1 people." New weapons, then you will be able to compete with the Qin army face to face!"

"Hehe, thank you Zhao Wenjun!" Lin Dawei said happily: "Then let's prepare separately!"

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