Lin Dawei hurried back with a group of brothers to prepare. Seeing that it was getting late, Ji Jie decided to rest here overnight and set off tomorrow morning. Anyway, the "big army" is still two hundred miles away, so there is no rush.

The reason why Lin Dawei is so interested in Ji Jie's proposal is very simple. Ji Jie gave him enough new equipment for 1 people.

Lin Dawei is not a saint. The reason why he became the commander of the civil unrest in Dongjun is not entirely based on the common people's living a good life. This kind of people has a common problem, that is, when they sit in a certain position, their desire It will increase accordingly. Lin Dawei's biggest wish now is to become the emperor of the East County.

However, the King of Qin would not be indifferent to seeing such a thing happen. Lin Dawei clearly knew that with his current strength, he could only satisfy the civil uprising, and any mistake in the process would make him irreparable.He wanted to fight the Qin army with real swords and guns, but this could only be a fantasy. How could a group of farmers who put down their hoes and picked up swords and guns be the opponents of the regular army.

The appearance of Ji Jie made him see hope. As long as he cooperates with him to perform the play well, he can get a new weapon equipped with 1 people. Lin Dawei has long heard that Da Zhou's new weapon is powerful. After some training, you can master how to use it and become a qualified soldier.

He only needs to cooperate with Ji Jie to play a scene, and he can get something that he didn't even dare to think about before. How can Lin Dawei not be excited? How could he refuse this deal, which only makes money but not compensation.

From Ji Jie's point of view, it's just a matter of taking what they need. It's better to support a rebel army that shakes the cornerstone of the Qin state in a disguised form than to support them openly.

Ji Jie is full of confidence in performing this scene well, Lin Dawei even directs major events such as civil unrest in an orderly manner, acting in a play should be a piece of cake.

After Lin Dawei left, the store manager respected Ji Jie and vacated the four best rooms for them to live in. He confessed to the drug use before, and said a lot of words of apology!

Early the next morning, Ji Jie and the others returned to the location of the army. 1000 people were slowly walking forward, and Xiong Kui rode at the forefront.

Seeing the four people coming, Xiong Kui hurriedly patted his horse forward and asked, "Your Majesty, why did you come back so soon? Is everything going well?"

"It's going well!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "I have ordered all the ministries to say that the Dongjun mob is doing evil in the city. Everyone hurry up and try to reach the city before the day after tomorrow, so as to save the people from the fire and water!"

"Yes!" Xiong Kui sent out a messenger, and the team turned into a trot.

After running for less than a quarter of an hour, the soldiers were panting and could no longer run.

Ji Jie smiled wryly and said to Xiong Kui: "Look, Lu Buwei will give me such a soldier. If there is really a group of mobs in Dongjun, we will only end up losing the battle!"

"Hehe, fortunately, your lord is planning a strategy!" Xiong Kui has already learned about the cooperation between Ji Jie and Lin Dawei.

It was said that they arrived at the Dongjun city on the third day, but it was not until the afternoon of the fourth day that Lin Dawei on the city wall saw a group of people walking towards here unhurriedly.

This is already Ji Jie's fastest speed, and several veterans were exhausted because of this, the youngest among them was 51 years old.

Since the last civil uprising, there has been no government office in Dongjun County, and the city is completely in the hands of the people. After making a plan with Ji Jie a few days ago, Lin Dawei ordered people to tie up thousands of scarecrows. From a distance, it looks like a real person.

Now, the defenders standing on the city wall are these scarecrows, dressed in common people's clothes, holding "weapons" made of sorghum poles, each of them "majestic".

Ji Jie put down the binoculars, looked back at the thousand Qin soldiers whose legs were trembling in fear, and shouted: "Dongjun City is ahead, and the mob has taken control of the city wall. We are not many in number, and we are not opponents if we fight hard, so we don't want to fight!" If you say that, you are disobeying the king's order! So I ordered, let's stand in the distance and shoot arrows to kill the mob on the city wall, and then charge in!"

"The general is wise!" 1000 people shouted at the top of their voices, as long as they are not allowed to rush forward, anything is fine!

"Okay, all the soldiers will follow the general to set up an arrow array, and let the Dongjun mob have a taste of the power of the Daqin arrow array!" Ji Jie gave an order, and it took more than four times as long as the main force for 1000 people to form an arrow array. crooked formation.

Regardless of the poor quality of the soldiers, the guys in their hands are the best. The Qin army is famous for its arrow array. Before attacking the city, it must release arrows to kill and wound the defenders in the city and form a great psychological deterrent .

The kicking crossbow, the god arm crossbow, and the bed crossbow were all aimed at the "defenders" on the city wall.

Ji Jie held up an apricot-yellow flag high. This flag is the order flag to command the Qin army, and it also serves as a signal to Lin Dawei.

Lin Dawei on the top of the wall saw the flag and shouted: "Brothers, don't move behind the wall!"

At the same time, Ji Jie also issued an order: "Shoot the arrow!"

Each round of arrow rain has thousands of crossbow arrows, large and small, and the city walls immediately turned into hedgehogs, and the scarecrows fell one by one.

After several rounds of arrow rain, there were not many "defenders" left standing. Ji Jie laughed loudly and said: "It's just a bunch of mobs, everyone has worked hard. Come here first today, and they will die if you come again tomorrow." It's almost there, let's attack the city easily!"

"Long live the general, long live the general!" A group of Qin soldiers shouted, they didn't know the tricks inside, they thought they were about to win the battle!

Lin Dawei slowly got up from the ground, heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the scarecrow and the city wall full of crossbow arrows, and said with a smile: "You have made a lot of money, don't be idle, pull out the arrows, these are all good things. Enough for us for a while!"

Early the next morning, the morale of the Qin army was high, and the arrow array was much more orderly than yesterday.

"Release the arrows!" Ji Jie didn't feel bad at all, anyway, these crossbow arrows were not his own, they all shot out!

There are a lot fewer scarecrows on the city wall today, which is not surprising, because a large number of them were "shot to death" yesterday.

"Come on!" Ji Jie drew out his long sword and waved it. A hundred dead soldiers brought from the Qin family rushed towards the city gate under the leadership of the three Xiong family brothers, followed by a thousand Qin soldiers.

Lin Dawei in the city roared, and led dozens of his subordinates to shoot arrows at the Qin army behind, turning a blind eye to those in front and letting them climb up the city wall.

More than a hundred people from the Qin army were shot to death. Lin Dawei saw that it was almost done, and shouted: "I can't hold it anymore, brothers, retreat!"

Lin Dawei voluntarily abandoned the city wall, and escaped through another city gate with hundreds of his men, and disappeared into the woods outside the city.

There were a few corpses lying scattered on the city wall, and there were bloodstains that were not dried or dried up everywhere.

The corpses were bought from death row in nearby counties and counties. As for the bloodstains, they belonged to pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, and none of them were real human blood.

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