Great Zhou Tianzi

252 Another Assassination

Qin Jun who followed behind saw the "mess" on the city wall, and naturally thought it was their credit, and cheered one by one with their weapons.

The scouts ran up to Ji Jie, and Dasheng reported: "General Qi, the bandit leader Lin Dawei led the remnants to escape. This campaign wiped out more than a thousand enemies, because we found a new cemetery in the west of the city, and the burials should be those who died yesterday. Bandits, there are gradually a thousand new graves!"

"Send someone to count the number of graves, so as to repay the merits of King Qin. This is all thanks to the concerted efforts of all the soldiers!" Ji Jie ordered.

The Qin soldiers around heard it clearly, and they began to shout: "The general is mighty, the general is mighty!"

Mighty uncle, if I hadn't discussed it with Lin Dawei in advance, you people would either all die under the city wall, or you wouldn't even be able to find a shadow of a mob.

Then, a group of people, led by an old man, held condolences and celebrated the "recovery" of Dongjun City on behalf of the people in the city!

These people were also arranged by Lin Dawei.

In this way, the civil unrest that had lasted for several years in Dongjun County was successfully "pacified" by Ji Jie, and the bandits suffered heavy casualties. recorded, and intends to submit the original text directly to King Qin.

Mei Duo didn't know when she appeared behind Ji Jie, poked his stomach with her fingers, and said meaningfully: "It turns out that this is how the victory was won. Brother Jie, I really admire you!"

Ji Jie blushed, and said angrily: "It's true! Soldiers, tricks, haven't you heard of it?"

"This, really not!"


It's understandable to take it slow when dispatching troops, but it won't be the same when it returns triumphantly. Ji Jie ordered the whole army to advance at full speed. No one complained about it. Everyone hurried back to Xianyang to receive the reward.

Yingzheng was very happy to receive the battle report of the recovery of East County. This is the first victory after he ascended the throne, so how could he not be excited.

"Mr. Zhao Wen really lived up to everyone's expectations!" Ying Zheng said happily: "With a thousand troops, he defeated an enemy several times larger than himself. I must reward him well!"

Lu Buwei smiled wryly, thinking that this guy's luck is too good, not only escaped the killer I sent, but also successfully resolved the civil uprising!

How did he know that the assassin he sent was overwhelmed before he could make a move, and by chance, Ji Jie beat him to death.

Killer, it turns out that this word should be interpreted in this way, which is quite sad.

"I want to greet Zhao Wenjun's triumphant return in person!" Ying Zheng made a decision: "Report the movement of the army at any time, so I can make preparations!"

Lu Buwei was unwilling to be defeated in Ji Jie's hands like this. He had secretly interrogated several members of the Qin family in the past few days, and he would never let them go until they got the benefits they wanted.

In Lu Buwei's view, the Qin family is a big piece of fat. Before King Qin Zhuang was alive, he knew that this piece of meat would never be eaten by him. Buy people's hearts.It's different now, the new king is on the throne, and the military and political power is in his hands, so how can we not take advantage of the opportunity to make some money!

"Master, Ji Jie traveled a hundred and twelve miles in one day!" Sima Jing whispered behind Lu Buwei: "At this speed, he will return to Xianyang in four days!"

"In other words, we still have four days!" Lu Buwei frowned slightly, and said, "Follow me back to the mansion in a while, discuss the next thing to do, and we will definitely not let him come back alive!"

"As ordered!"

There are many masters in this world. For example, Cao Qiudao, the sword sage of Qi State, is a master of swordsmanship, but Qi State is thousands of miles away from Qin State. Even if a master like Cao Qiudao is invited, it is too late to take action.

Sima Jing recommended to Lu Buwei a master of the Qin State. This person was called Songyang, who had been working in the Yangquan Palace before. He belonged to the kind of depressed person.

"Oh, with such talents, why doesn't Mr. Yangquan reuse them?" Lu Buwei asked.

Sima Jing replied: "This Songyang is self-confident in martial arts, and he doesn't take the people around Yangquan Lord seriously. He has conflicts with a few people who can talk to Yangquan Lord. These people are often in front of the master. If you speak ill of him, it will be reused!"

"Hehe, so it turned out to be like this, God helped me too!" Lu Buwei said with a smile: "Go find Songyang and tell him that as long as he can kill Ji Jie, I will guarantee his prosperity and wealth!"


Not only Sima Jing was paying attention to Songyang, but Qinqing's people were also paying attention to him. After he was expelled from the Yangquan Mansion, they planned to take him under his command.

This afternoon, when the people sent by Qin Qing were about to talk to Song Yang, Sima Jing stepped up first, called him to a place where no one was around, and offered him a generous offer.

All of these were seen by Qin Qing's people, and they immediately reported back.

Qin Qing slapped the table angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Lu Buwei, come here, hurry up and inform Mr. Zhaowen to be more careful along the way, and send someone to follow Songyang to find an opportunity to strike first Made him!"

Several men in black clasped their fists at her, and then filed out.

Song Yang was indeed a master, he easily got rid of the person Qin Qing sent to follow him, and disappeared without a trace.

When Ji Jie received Qin Qing's letter, he smiled and said to Mei Duo beside him: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing, we are going to be in trouble again! Since it was Lu Daxiangguo who made the move, we have to accept it. Pass down the order, if someone wants to harm this general, if this general dies, all the rewards for this campaign will be wiped out, and all the officers and men will be punished, and their children and grandchildren will never be able to serve as officials!"

"Why do you say that?" Mei Duo didn't understand his intention.

"Hey!" Ji Jie said with a smirk, "I want to turn Lu Buwei's conspiracy into a public conspiracy known to the world, so that he has nowhere to hide! Although most of the people who follow us are old, weak, sick and disabled, no matter how bad they are There are nearly a thousand of them, and a thousand pairs of eyes are staring at me, what kind of assassin can succeed?"

"I see, you found yourself a bunch of free bodyguards, right?" Mei Duo asked with a smile.

"Yes, that's it!" Ji Jie nodded.

As soon as the order was conveyed, all the soldiers were filled with righteous indignation. After finally winning a battle, the big guys had to rely on the rewards after going back to turn around. Who would like to watch the cooked duck fly into someone else's pot!

"Who is so excessive that he wants to hit the general's idea?"

"It must be a person who is jealous of the virtuous and capable, and doesn't want to see others get rewarded for their meritorious deeds!"

"We must not let their plot succeed, we must protect the general's safety!"

"Yes, I won't sleep from tonight, I want to see what kind of assassin can do it under our noses!"

"That's it, count me in!"

"Count me in too!"

Ji Jie's goal has been achieved, this is not over yet, he will reveal some serious news tomorrow, Lu Buwei, just wait for the trick!

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