Great Zhou Tianzi

253 Conspiracy and conspiracy

Including the 1000 dead soldiers of the Qin family, there are more than [-] pairs of eyes staring at Ji Jie all the time. Even when he pees, there will be hundreds of people booing at the same time. No matter whether the water can be released, anyway, what are you doing? Whatever I do is right.

When Songyang saw this situation, he was dumbfounded. It was the first time he had seen such a high-standard defensive measure after debuting for so long!

It is said that a master can take the head of a general among thousands of troops. This is just an unreliable legend. No matter how good a person is in front of thousands of troops, the only result is being tortured.

"Grandma, according to this situation, there are no three to five hundred people who can touch Ji Jie!" Songyang cursed and said to himself: "There is no way to do it, so go back and report to Lu Xiangye! No, just go back like this. You will definitely be underestimated, no matter what, you have to try it out!"

At first, Songyang planned to sneak close to Ji Jie's camp when he was sleeping, but he didn't have a chance to do anything until midnight. Those people were too ghostly. They were divided into two teams, one to sleep on the spot, and the other to continue watching intently. Tents, those who slept on the ground stood up to receive the whistle when the shift was changed, and those who were originally standing lay on the ground to sleep.

He had no choice but to find a guy who went out to pee, kill him, change his clothes, and sneak into the Qin army.

However, he immediately understood the meaning of the word difficult, and when someone asked him which centurion he belonged to, he quickly pretended to have a stomachache to fool him.

Forget it, Songyang began to retreat.

During breakfast the next day, Ji Jie announced that the assassin was named Songyang, who originally followed Lord Yangquan, but was later bribed by a high-ranking minister of Qin State to carry out the assassination mission.

As for who this minister is, Ji Jie didn't mention his name, but only said that this person has a high position and authority in Qin State, with one person under ten thousand!

It's fried, but anyone with a brain can think that this person is Lu Buwei.

1000 people yelled at Lu Buwei, and they all scolded from the bottom of their hearts. What a spectacular scene!Seeing this scene, Ji Jie couldn't help thinking, if he saw and heard this with his own eyes, he wondered if he would die of anger on the spot.

These soldiers don't care what Lu Buwei's purpose is. In their view, whoever becomes their source of income is the enemy.

Especially when they found the corpse of a companion in a dry ditch, it meant that the assassin had come last night. Fortunately, Ji Jie was fine, otherwise there would be big troubles.

The guard specification has been raised again, and no flies will fly in front of him!

Songyang told Lu Buwei the whole situation, and Lu Buwei's beard trembled in anger. It's really not eating mutton, but it caused a lot of trouble!

"Lord Xiangguo, you are so incompetent!" Song Yang knelt on the ground and said, "If you can send me three hundred dead soldiers, I will definitely be able to take Ji Jie's head!"

"300 people, are you crazy?" Lu Buwei shouted: "With those 300 people, I still need you. Are you trying to make my assassination plan a well-known thing? Step back, it's useless thing!"

"Yes!" Songyang had a resentful expression when he stepped back, it could be seen that he was not convinced by Lu Buwei's way of handling things.

Sima Jing persuaded from the side: "Master Xiangguo, no one expected the situation to develop to such an extent! Maybe Ji Jie deserved to die!"

Lu Buwei waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it! Since the assassination can no longer be completed, let him live a few more days. I will kill him sooner or later!"

Ying Zheng led a group of officials to greet him at the gate of Xianyang City. Lu Buwei was smiling like everyone else.

Ji Jie ordered the troops to stop at a distance of [-] feet from the city gate. According to the "Zhou Rituals", the commanders of the three armies must dismount at such a position and walk to the king on foot.

On the surface, Ji Jie obeyed the etiquette, and no one noticed anything wrong.

At this moment, 1000 people shouted at the same time: "President Lu Buwei conspired to assassinate meritorious ministers, please be the king!"

Including Ying Zheng and Lu Buwei, everyone was stunned on the spot.

"President Lu Buwei conspired to assassinate meritorious ministers, please be aware, Your Majesty!"

There was another shout, and everyone looked at each other, casting doubtful eyes on Lu Buwei.

There was cold sweat on Lu Buwei's back, but it didn't show on his face. Ying Zheng asked in a deep voice, "Father Xiang, what's going on?"

Lu Buwei replied unhurriedly: "I think there must be some misunderstanding among the officers and men. The meritorious minister they said should be Ji Jie! Do you remember that I was the one who recommended Zhao Wenjun to be the general of the conquest? Will it work against him?"

Ying Zheng nodded. Lu Buwei's words did make some sense.

Ji Jie sneered, Lu Buwei's performance today is not at fault for ordinary people, and they may even think that he is very generous, but in fact, if he has never arranged for the assassination, he will be furious without thinking, the more calm he is The more it shows abnormal.

Surrounded by all the soldiers, Ji Jie walked in front of the King of Qin. Since he was not from Qin, he didn't need to kneel down.

"Your Majesty, I will return victorious!" Ji Jie cupped his fists.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhaowen lived up to expectations, and I am deeply comforted!" Ying Zheng stepped forward and asked, "What do the soldiers mean by shouting just now?"

What do you mean, listen to me carefully.

Ji Jie's voice was full of emotion, and he also told the story of encountering an assassin when he first went to the city to "investigate", Ying Zheng's face changed accordingly.

"Father, is what Mr. Zhao Wen said true?" Ying Zheng turned around and asked.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhaowen must have been deceived!" Lu Buwei said with a smile on his face, "The current state of Qin looks calm on the surface, but in reality there is a dark current. They will use various means to suppress the veterans. I believe Mr. Zhao Wen can also see this!"

Yingzheng was young, and the military and political power was in the hands of the Lu party. Ji Jie knew that it was impossible to shake Lu Buwei's position in Qin with the assassination alone.

Shrugging his shoulders, he snorted softly, "I'm not very clear about your affairs! Now that I've returned victorious, please fulfill the promise you made to me before the expedition, and reward the soldiers!"

This is considered to have achieved the goal, turning Lu Buwei's conspiracy into a conspiracy.

"No problem, my widow will order him to be released!" Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "The brave general has returned in triumph and amnesty the world. The Qin clan has been acquitted and released. The matter will be handled by the prime minister!"

Ji Jie looked at Lu Buwei with the eyes of a victor, and thought to himself, old guy, you'd better not trouble me again, otherwise you will end badly.

Lu Buwei dismissed Ji Jie, thinking in his mind what method to use to get some benefits from the Qin family, and he couldn't just let the Qin clan go so easily.

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