Great Zhou Tianzi

254 Qin Qing's Choice

The King of Hell is good to see, but the little devil is difficult to deal with.

Ying Zheng agreed to release him, but when, how, and what procedures are required during the release process are all in the hands of Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei smiled sinisterly, Ji Jie knew that he would not let him go easily!

After bidding farewell to Ying Zheng, Ji Jie got into Qin Qing's carriage, which had been waiting outside the palace, and Qin Qing was also inside.

"Thanks for your hard work!" Qin Qing's caring words let Ji Jie sweep away the fatigue accumulated for many days.

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's just directing a scene!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "Sister Qing, you have to treat me well, in order to solve the Dongjun matter, I paid [-] sets of new weapons! "

Qin Qing nodded, and said softly: "If you have any request, my sister will promise you!"

Wow Kaka, Qin Qing showed a rare little girl appearance, Ji Jie almost had a nosebleed, if it wasn't for the fact that she is a widow, she would have said directly: "Then let's sleep together tonight! "

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ji Jie looked at the beauty in front of him with fiery eyes.

Qin Qingqiao blushed, and quickly lowered her head, the two of them had no words to express at this moment, everything was in silence.


For two days in a row, Lu Buwei didn't mention anything about the release. Ji Jie and him had already fallen out, so it was inconvenient to find him. This time, Qin Qing went out in person.

For Qin Qing, Lu Buwei still has some respect.

"Well, letting people go is a must, the king has spoken!" Lu Buwei said with a trademark smile on his face, "However, Mrs. Qin, did you spend some money, you know, 300 people from Berkshire to Xianyang, 5000 guards, and living in the prison for so many days, people eat horses, this is a lot of expenses!"

It turned out that I wanted to get some benefits from it. Since it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem.

"Okay!" Now that Qin Qing knew what Lu Buwei was up to, there was no need to stay any longer. She stood up gracefully and said, "I will send 5 taels of gold to Xiangguo's residence immediately!"

"Fresh!" Lu Buwei gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "I'll arrange for someone to go to the prison to release him immediately!"

5 taels of gold is nothing to Qin Qing, just a drop in the bucket.

Soon, five carriages appeared at the gate of Xiangfu, each with a large wooden box, Lu Buwei opened one of them, and golden light shot out immediately.

"Very good, inform the prison in the east of the city to release people!" Lu Buwei closed the lid of the box, waved his hand and said, "All of them will be transported into the warehouse!"


Everyone in the Qin clan was wounded, 300 people gathered together and moaned endlessly, Ji Jie felt like he had fallen into a nest of flies.

The strange thing is that the injuries of these people are all the same. It is reasonable to say that the same fifty-killing stick hits the body, and the young and middle-aged are a little bit unable to bear it. The old guys should die, but now they are all alive and well.

It has to be said that Yinggan is the most experienced prison officer in Xianyang City, and he is very measured.

Qin Xuan and the four elders looked at each other, and then began to ask the teacher: "Qing'er, what is going on? My Qin family has been loyal to King Qin for generations, why did King Zhuang attack us? Did you do something out of line? thing?"

"It's all Qing'er's fault, and uncle and uncle are troubled!" Qin Qing took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Qin Xuan said reluctantly: "It seems that it is really your fault. We discussed it in prison, and you must take full responsibility for this matter! You are no longer suitable to continue to lead the Qin family. Patriarch's ring, we will take care of the Qin family's affairs in the future..."

"You're dreaming!" Ji Jie couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted Qin Xuan's words very rudely, and said, "If it weren't for you old fellows dragging you down, as for the people sent by King Qin Zhuang Duan? If it weren't for Sister Qing running around, you would still continue to enjoy life in prison! I wonder, how could the Qin family have such ignorant old fellows as you, without any self-knowledge, since you are so old, Just don't worry about other things!"

Qin Xuan pointed at Ji Jie's nose angrily and shouted: "It's you again, tell me, where are the things in the five warehouses of my Qin family? Did you do it!"

"So what!" Ji Jie said tit for tat: "These things are the fruits of Sister Qing's hard work, of course they can't be left to King Qin who wants to get something for nothing, let alone you moths! What qualifications do you have to take back Sister Qing?" Patriarch's ring, no one is pitiful after death!"

"You..." Qin trembled angrily.

Qin Qing quickly grabbed Ji Jie's hand and said, "Brother, you go back first, I'll settle the matter here!"

"If you think you can solve it by yourself, I will never say a word again!" Ji Jie said with a cold face: "Of course, I will not care about anything related to them in the future, anything!"

Qin Qing was stunned. In her previous consciousness, Ji Jie was always the one who helped her solve her troubles. Now she finally realized that he actually had a bottom line. Unfortunately, he seemed to be touching his Bottom line.

"Brother, I listen to you, let's go!" Qin Qing took the initiative to hug Ji Jie's arm, and the two walked out together, leaving behind the moaning crowd.

"Qing'er, are you still from my Qin family? Are you"

"Shut up!" Qin Qing erupted at this moment, and the fire that had been hidden in her heart for several years erupted in an instant: "Out of respect for the elders, I have ignored the things you have done these years, and given You have the right to surpass other family members, but you are useless except to hinder you! A person must have self-knowledge, you have seriously affected the development of the piano player, and I have never said a bad word about it! But what about you, you’re still slapping your nose on the face. To tell you the truth, if it weren’t for my brother Ji Jie, you would have died a long time ago! I announce that from today onwards, the position of violinist supervisor will be revoked, and at the same time, the Presbyterian Church and all void positions, cancel any privileges of those left behind!"

Everyone froze on the spot!

After saying these words, Qin Qing said softly to Ji Jie: "Brother, let's go! Whether these people want to go or stay is their freedom. I will go to Dazhou with you tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Ji Jie nodded heavily, he was very satisfied with Qin Qing's choice.

After the two left, an elder who had been dismissed tugged at Qin Ling's sleeve and asked, "What should I do?"

Qin Xuan looked up to the sky and yelled: "Rebellious, I just said how can a girl succeed the head of the family, you don't listen, and now you come to ask me again, I know what to do!"

Soon, a document was issued to everyone in the Qin family. The content on it was very simple. The Qin family will move to Dazhou, and those who are willing to accompany will gather in front of the door tomorrow morning. The head of the family, Qin Qing.

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