Great Zhou Tianzi

255 Unexpected result

After Qin Qing returned to her room, she ordered the people outside: Except for Ji Jie, no one should be seen, especially the group of people who just came out of the prison, all kept out of the door.

The two elders were blocked outside, and after talking nicely for a long time, Qin Qing still didn't want to see them.

Before dawn the next day, the servants began to load the carriages according to her instructions, taking away everything that could be taken away, and dozens of carriages were fully loaded.

As soon as the rooster started to crow, Ji Jie was dragged out of the bed. It was Mei Duo, of course Qin Qing would not do such a thing.

"Why, the sun hasn't come out yet!" Ji Jie hugged the quilt and refused to get up.

"We're going to leave in a while, why don't you get up!" Mei Duo said while scratching his itch, "Get up soon, big lazy pig, go and help Sister Qinqing move things, your ring is so fit, it's not good It would be a shame to use it!"

"Forget it!" Ji Jie said while yawning, "I don't want other people to know the secret of Xumijie! Girl, why are you so excited today, oh, I see, I can't wait to go home and meet with me In-laws, hey, I guess right?"

Mei Duo rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "What, I can't wait!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed!" Ji Jie said meaningfully, "You won't be able to see your in-laws, because they died long ago! You can see a lot of sisters, so you have to be mentally prepared!"

sisters!Mei Duo was slightly taken aback, and thought to herself, do you have many sisters?

After eating breakfast half an hour earlier, Qin Qing and Ji Jie appeared at the gate after they were full of wine and food.

"Check the vehicles and horses!" Qin Qing gave the order, and the entourage once again inspected the carriage in depth to ensure that there were no problems during the long journey.

At this time, the Qin clan began to gather towards this side. They were in groups of three or four, carrying or carrying luggage, and some drove their own carriages. It seemed that they planned to leave here together.

Seeing this, Qin Qing smiled and said: "Everyone is willing to leave with me, I am very happy, we are still a family, join the team, let's go! "

After the team set off, a few more carriages joined in, all with outer sheds that could hold both things and people. Needless to say, those hiding inside and not daring to show their faces must be old guys, including Qin Ling .

The convoy passed through the newly opened city gate and headed towards Dazhou in the northeast. The city gate officer did not stop him, so he hurriedly reported the matter to Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei called Sima Jing and said: "The Qin family is going to flee with their whole family, do you have a good way to stop them?"

Sima Jing thought for a while and said: "I'm afraid I have to report this matter to the king. As long as he nods, the prime minister can send troops to stop them, or notify the border gate to stop them!"

Lu Buwei shook his head and said: "This method is not feasible! If it is something else, the king may agree without hesitation, but this matter is related to Dao Qinqing and Ji Jie. Can't you see that the relationship between the king and them is unusual, It's okay if he doesn't know about it, as long as he knows, he will definitely order the border guards to open the city gate and let him out!"

Sima Jing smiled wryly, and said: "The Prime Minister is right, but if we rashly send troops to stop and detain him, the king will know about it sooner or later! Moreover, I also found that the relationship between Ji Jie and the Queen Mother is not normal. At that time, when the mother and son were in trouble together, wouldn't Xiangye obediently let him go?"

Lu Buwei frowned. He had also heard a lot of gossip about Ji Jie and Zhao Ji in the past few days. In his opinion, Zhao Ji could only belong to him, especially after the death of King Qin Zhuang, any man would Don't get involved with it.

"Then send someone to secretly rob and kill on the road!" Lu Buwei gritted his teeth and said, "You go and inform General Meng Ao to send a thousand cavalry, and there are five hundred private soldiers in my house, all of which will be handed over to you! Remember, Put on the clothes of ordinary people, and be sure to kill grass and roots!"

"Yes!" Sima Jing turned and left.

With 500 people, Sima Jing caught up with Qin Jia's convoy at noon the next day.

"Surround them!" Sima Jing gave an order, and [-] cavalry surrounded them from both sides. It didn't take a cup of tea to completely surround the convoy.

It's just that the convoy didn't panic as it should, which made him a little puzzled. It stands to reason that no one can be calm in the wilderness surrounded by people!

"Ji Jie, Qin Qing, you have nowhere to escape!" Sima Jing shouted, patted his horse and walked over.

Ji Jie pulled off the bamboo hat on his head, and "Qin Qing" next to him did the same. The person who took off the hat was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, not Qin Qing at all.

That's right, it's Meadow.

What about Qin Qing?Sima Jing's heart skipped a beat, his eyes stopped on several carriages that could accommodate people, and he began to comfort himself in his heart that his people must be hidden in the carriages.

Ji Jie sneered and said, "Isn't this Sima Jing? What did you mean when you said I had nowhere to go?"

Sima Jing said loudly: "By the imperial decree of the king, come to encircle and suppress the Qin family who are traitors!"

"The king's order?" Ji Jie asked back: "Which king gave the order?"

"Of course it's His Majesty the King of Qin!" The reason why Sima Jing didn't attack the convoy right away was because he wanted to humiliate Ji Jie before he died, and take revenge for forcing him to leave the Sima family. .

"Then let me see the imperial decree!" Ji Jie stretched out his right hand.

Sima Jing laughed loudly, and said, "It's so stupid! Your Majesty's orders are verbal..."

"Really?" A young man's voice came from a carriage, and someone immediately lifted the curtain, and Ying Zheng appeared in Sima Jing's eyes with a cold face!

King?Sima Jing's body began to tremble. What he said just now was tantamount to a false imperial decree, but he never expected that King Qin would be here!

"Sima Jing, why don't I remember giving you such an order?" Ying Zheng's eyes were so sharp that Sima Jing's legs went limp.

"This... this..." Sima Jing rolled his eyes and said hastily: "The villain made a mistake, it wasn't the king's will, it was the queen mother's order..."

Ying Zheng smiled, turned around, bowed to a carriage behind and said, "Queen Mother, is that so?"

"Of course not!" Zhao Ji's voice came from inside.

Sima Jing is ready to die, why are Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji both in the convoy?

Zhao Ji twisted her body and got out of the car, took Ying Zheng's hand and said, "My lord, it seems that someone wants to bully our orphans and widows, and rob us halfway in our name, Zhenger, what do you think should be done?" what to do?"

With a wave of Ying Zheng's hand, there was a sound of tearing silk, and all the accompanying coachmen and entourages turned into people wearing royal court uniforms.

"Fake imperial decree, punish the nine clans!" Ying Zheng squeezed out these few words, and Sima Jing fell off his horse with a "plop".

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