Great Zhou Tianzi

324 North and South Pincers

Li Mu's death had an immeasurable impact on the State of Zhao, but the high-ranking King Zhao did not see this. He attributed the failure to the fact that the soldiers were not acclimatized to the battle in the Zhou Dynasty!

As for Li Mu, the King of Zhao finally gave him a more pertinent evaluation: he had made great contributions to the State of Zhao many times throughout his life as a soldier, and he died in the battle against Zhou.

Sima Shang also received generous funeral treatment.

Guo Kai and Zhao Mu, the two treacherous ministers, were very satisfied with this result. They would never have watched Li Mu come back victorious. Wang Qianqian was slandered, because Li Mu's comeback would herald the end of their power.

One hundred thousand Zhao soldiers died in Dazhou, and the whole country was in grief. Only Guo Kai and Zhao Mu drank while enjoying the singing and dancing. They no longer had to worry about Zhao Guojun being taken away by others.

"Hehe, congratulations to Xiangguo, congratulations to Xiangguo!" Zhao Mu smiled obscenely, raised his wine glass and said, "The 20 troops of Zhao State are all under the command of Lord Xiangguo!"

"Same joy, same joy!" Guo Kai raised his wine glass and said, "Juluhou is also very good. You have been given the position of Handan guard, and you have [-] Handan guards in your hands! As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not suppress a local snake In the future, on the ground in Handan, I will have to rely on the care of Lord Hou a lot!"

"Oh, what Xiangguo said is really killing a villain!" Zhao Mu quickly swore: "No matter how great my official is, I am still a pawn under your subordinates. You let me go east. I dare not go west!"

"Hehe, that's good, that's good!" Guo Kai was very happy after hearing these words, pointing at the dozens of young women who were dancing below, and said: "Whoever you like, just take it away!"

"Then I won't be polite!" Zhao Mu's thieves looked at the dancing girls.


Ji Jie sent someone to inform Han Wang Han An and Wei Guo Xinling Lord Wei Wuji, saying that he would attack Zhao Guo in the near future, especially telling Wei Wuji to pay close attention to the movements of Wei Guo King and the generals, so as to prevent the backyard from happening again.

Then, some of the defenders were left behind in the cities of Zhou and Yan, and Ji Jie raised another [-] troops and marched towards Zhao Guo in a mighty manner.

In the main hall of King Zhao's palace, King Zhao and all the ministers discussed politics, and specially invited Prince Zhao Qian.

"The last time my army of [-] attacked Zhou failed, but this time Ji Jie personally led [-] troops to attack Zhao. Do you have any good strategies?" King Zhao asked.

Guo Kai stepped forward and said: "Under the leadership of Ji Jie, although the Zhou army has never been defeated, I, Da Zhao, am not easy to bully. We still have 30 strong soldiers stationed in dozens of cities. It can also consume Ji Jie's 10 people!"

"Master Xiangguo is right!" Zhao Mu echoed, "Ji Jie's wish to defeat Zhao with a crowd of one hundred thousand is simply wishful thinking!"

Hearing this, King Zhao felt confident, and said with a smile: "Since everyone is so confident in defeating the Zhou army, I can rest assured. Prince, what do you have to say?"

Zhao Qian shrugged slightly and said: "What Guo Xiangguo and Juluhou said is very reasonable. Even if the Zhao army is inferior to the Zhou army in terms of combat strength, as the defensive side, it has taken advantage of the timing, location and harmony of people. With these factors, persistence is a piece of cake!"

Zhao Wang nodded proudly, his son can have such an opinion, he has a bright face as an old man.

"Pass down the command of the widow, the soldiers of each city must fight to the end, and live and die with the city!" Zhao Wang ordered: "Let's fight against the powerful enemy together with one heart!"

"Let's unite together to fight against the powerful enemy!"

"Let's unite together to fight against the powerful enemy!"

The slogan was loudly shouted, and Zhao Qian also clenched his fists and shouted with the ministers in a dignified manner, just like the legendary angry youth after 2000!

But Zhao Qian didn't think so in his heart. He knew Ji Jie very well and knew that the kid never played cards according to the routine. God knows whether Zhao's generals can keep up with his changes in thinking, even Li Mu can't. I guess this bunch of idiots They can't.

If you want to say who is the most dandy among the "second generations of kings" in the Seven Kingdoms, it must be Zhao Qian. He has no interest in governing the country since he was a child. He only needs to satisfy his daily eating, drinking and having fun. It doesn't matter at all.

Therefore, when he heard that Ji Jie had led troops to invade Zhao, not only did he not have the slightest worry, but he also felt a little gloating, and even hoped that Ji Jie would become the master of Zhao.

Why, because Ji Jie is both his good friend and his brother-in-law, even if Ji Jie kills all the Zhao people, he won't move a finger from him, maybe he will come up with more exciting ideas for him What about the show!

Although Zhao Qian is a dandy, it doesn't mean he has no brains. He has never expressed this kind of thinking in front of outsiders, especially in front of his father.

"Let's fight, let's fight, you guys hit you, I'm going to Xiuchun Tower to have fun!" As soon as Zhao Qian left the palace, he returned to his original foolishness, went straight into Xiuchun Tower and never came out again.

After Ji Jie led his troops into the Zhao territory, he did not directly choose the city to attack, but made a detour and headed south all the way. The Zhao Guoshou general received the order to shrink the defense and rely on the city wall to consume the enemy's energy, so he gave up the periphery of the city. So defensive that Ji Jie marched smoothly all the way, without any form of harassment during the process.

This surprised the Zhao people, and they couldn't help guessing what his real purpose was. Could it be that he wanted to merge with the tens of thousands of troops stationed in the border city of Qi?

Wrong too!

Ji Jie's real goal is to form a north-south attack on Zhao Guo. As for where he can get the troops to complete the attack from the north, haha, of course it is Rou Yue and her prairie cavalry!

The strength of Rou Yue's troops has reached 20, and she left 8 people to continue to fight against Wuli Shanyu. She personally led 12 elite cavalry to pass through Yan State and enter Zhao State. Jie, until the moment she ordered the siege, did Zhao Jun not understand that these people came down from the sky?

Rou Yue's cavalry equipment was completely provided by Ji Jie. At first glance, it looked no different from Da Zhou's cavalry. No wonder those Zhao Jun were surprised. In this way, the three cities changed hands without any precautions, and the Qi State was shaken.

At this time, Ji Jie also started to advance northward. Although the obstacles encountered were hard nails, they were pulled out one by one.

Zhao Wang panicked, this time he really panicked, no matter how good the psychological quality is, no one can bear the pressure brought by the two-front battle, let alone the mentality of the old man is not very strong.

Guo Kai and Zhao Mu also panicked, and lost eight cities in seven days. Calculated at this rate, it would take less than two months for Zhao Guo to be wiped out!

Zhao Wang hysterically shouted to Wei Guo for help, South Korea was already unreliable, that boy Han Wang and Ji Jie were wearing a pair of pants.

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