Great Zhou Tianzi

323 Li Mu's Death

Li Mu is not a fool, when he saw that the soldiers were getting worse and worse, he realized that he could only wait for death if he stayed here, so he ordered everyone to pack up and return to the territory of Zhao State.

Soldiers don't have the strength to pack their things, it's good to stand up straight, of course, the shaking of their legs doesn't count.

Grandma's, then no, everyone rides away!

Just as Li Mu gritted his teeth and gave the order, the veterinary officer came in with weak legs and said, "General Qi, our war horses have also been tricked, and they have diarrhea like the soldiers!"

"What?" Li Mu's eyes widened, saying that he couldn't even escape!

It's better to stick to the big camp, it's better than there are no barriers on the way to escape. He gathered the soldiers inside the big camp and built a line of defense.

At noon, Zhou Jun had a full meal first, and then he was ready to go. Ji Jie gave an order, and 2 people, Ma Xiongjiu, walked out of Longcheng in high spirits and headed towards Zhao Jun's camp.

"The general is not well. Zhou's army of 2 people has come here under the leadership of Ji Jie!" The messenger sent back the news, and only a few spies and Li Mu who were stationed outside were not poisoned. beams and columns.

"It's coming so fast!" Li Mu said with Chang Ge in his hand, "Order the soldiers to stand up for battle. They are only allowed to hide in the trenches and shoot cold arrows. No one is allowed to fight. Stick to the camp and make no mistakes!"


Li Mu walked up to an archery tower, and saw a group of Zhou army cavalry rushing quickly, he was filled with resentment, if not all his men were poisoned, he would not pay attention to this point at all.

Ji Jie pointed to the main gate of Zhao Camp and said to Xiong Ben: "It will be the focus of our army's attack for a while. I will lead the thunderbolt crossbowmen to bombard you indiscriminately for a while, and then you lead people to rush in. Don't look at their camp. Like an iron turtle, as long as a gap is opened, the inside will be in chaos!"

"Xiong Ben is ordered!" Xiong Ben took off the huge ax on his back, and with a wave of his hand, he led the 5000 men and horses away, detoured from the flanks to the main entrance.

"Thunderball, let it go!"

"Call me!"

The two sides issued attack orders almost at the same time. Zhou Jun's 5000 men slammed towards a point at the main gate. Zhao Jun was beaten helplessly. They are very weak, and after a long time of dawdling, only a small number of people are in place.

"Continue to suppress!" Ji Jie ordered.

After a while, there was no voice of resistance at the main gate of Zhao Ying, Xiong Ben roared, and rushed in with his troops at high speed, hacking and killing, the inside exploded.

Ji Jie also rushed in with the rest of the people, and the battle was one-sided. Zhao Jun, who was soft-handed and weak-footed, couldn't even hold his weapons steadily, so there was no way to fight against the enemy.

At the top of Longcheng City, the four girls stood on the top of the city gate. Li Yuechan put down the binoculars and said to Mei Duo sincerely: "Sister Duo'er, you are really good. Zhao Jun suffered such a big loss with a little trick. I think In this battle, Li Mu will definitely die in the hands of Brother Jie!"

Li Yuechan didn't recognize her life, and after hanging out with the girls for a long time, her name for Ji Jie changed accordingly.

Mei Duo said with some embarrassment: "It's good if I can help Brother Jie, but this kind of method is too vicious. If Zhao Jun didn't go too far and killed so many people in Longcheng, I definitely wouldn't use it!"

Qin Qing looked at Mei Duo with approving eyes and said: "It's great that you think so. This time it was indeed Zhao Jun who made the provocation and placed the battlefield on the land of Dazhou. They may not know I have already touched the inverse scale on Ajie's body, I hope this battle can wipe out Zhao Jun, especially their chief general Li Mu!"

Once Li Mu died, Ji Jie's plan to annex Zhao was half completed, and no one would be able to stop him from moving forward.

At this time, Li Mu was in the midst of a fierce battle. He stabbed one Zhou Jun to death with one blow, and beheaded another with a swing of his sword. Sima Shang followed him with a leg injured by an arrow.

"General, judging from the current situation, we can't hold it anymore!" Sima Shang said while breathing violently, "You should take the brothers who are not poisoned and run away quickly. If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. It's not difficult!"

Li Mu shook his head stubbornly, and said, "I can't leave you guys alone, let's die, die together, we will not be alone on the road to hell!"

"General, if you die, the state of Zhao will surely perish!" Sima Shang drew a dagger across his neck and said, "If you don't leave, I will die in front of you right now! General, are you willing to see the state of Zhao perish?" ?"

Li Mu held Sima Shang's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, I'll listen to you! Remember, you can choose to surrender if you can't stop it. I don't think Ji Jie will do anything like kill them all. Take care!"

"General take care!"

Li Mu took dozens of scouts who were not poisoned, selected dozens of horses that could run, intending to escape through the back door of the camp.

"Li Mu, where are you running!" Xiong Ben swung his huge ax to kill him.

In order to buy time for Li Mu, Sima Shang led some hard-core subordinates to stop Xiong Ben. Li Mu responded with a grateful look, turned the horse's head and pinched the horse's belly, and the horse raised its hooves and galloped.

As soon as they were about to run to the back door, a group of Zhou Jun rushed out from the slanting stab, and the leader was obviously Ji Jie.

"Li Mu, do you think my Da Zhou is where I come and go whenever I want?" Ji Jie sneered, pointing the spear in his hand at Li Mu.

"Ji Jie, you actually used such indecent means to win, you won't win by force!" Li Mu yelled: "Today I will learn from your master's tricks, even if all our troops die in battle, I have to pull you as a backup of!"

"Then each depends on his ability, let's see the real chapter!" Ji Jie rode his horse and charged, and Li Mu went up to meet him.

It is not too much to describe Li Mu as old and vigorous.

The two chief generals opened up their posture, and the soldiers on both sides were also rude to each other, fighting together, Zhao Jun suffered from the lack of people, and Zhou Jun took care of them one by one in a blink of an eye, leaving only one Li Mu.

Looking at the other side, Sima Shang has already lost his strength. In addition to the arrow wound on his leg, one of them was accidentally slashed on the shoulder by Xiong Ben, and his armor was chopped into a depth of more than half a foot by a huge axe, and a puddle of blood spurted out. .

Sima Shang fell to the ground unwillingly, staring straight at Li Mu who was fighting with his wide eyes.

"Bah!" Xiong Ben spat.

After ten strokes, Li Mu was at a disadvantage. He threw the Chang Ge aside and drew out the long sword on his waist. The length of the sword was more than four feet, and it looked extraordinary.

"Look at the sword!"

When the spear and sword collided, Li Mu turned his wrist and slashed at Ji Jie's ten fingers.

At the very moment, Ji Jie released the gun barrel with both hands at the same time, and at the same time raised his left foot and kicked up, kicking up the falling spear. At this moment, Li Mu's middle door was wide open, and he held the gun barrel again, and stabbed fiercely.


The tip of the spear protruded from his chest, Li Mu's eyes widened, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

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