Great Zhou Tianzi

336 Fierce Barbarians

The death of the barbarians once again seriously stimulated the confidence of the barbarians before. In their view, the Central Plains people are not as brave as them except for their cunning character. Now it seems that is not the case. Your Majesty Two of the three generals died in the first round.

Ji Jie put away his gun and sat on the horseback, pointed at the barbarian king, stretched out his left hand and hooked his fingers.

In fact, with his undisturbed martial arts, it is unlikely that he could not even make a move in front of Ji Jie. Who let him reveal the secret of the scimitar prematurely? In the final analysis, he still suffered from short weapons.

"Ji Jie, die!" Zhi Du ignored everyone's dissuasion and came over with a gun.

Xiong Ben, who returned to the battle, became sober after taking the pills, and now he can sit up. He watched Ji Jie and the system fight together, and said to the people around him: "I didn't expect that barbarians also like to play dirty things." If I had known this way, I would not be polite to that ugly man, and I would not have been tricked, and I want to kill the barbarian king, so I don’t need your hand!"

All the school lieutenants nodded, although many people thought that Xiong Ben was a dead duck's mouth.


There was a crisp sound after the two guns collided, and Ji Jie and Zhidu felt their hands go numb at the same time. The strength of the two was equal, and neither of them took advantage.


Don't trust anyone but yourself!This is Lu Buwei's usual style, so when he heard that the barbarians had started fighting with the Zhou army, he didn't show much surprise. This has something to do with the Qin army's defeat by Ji Jie several times. Not only him, but now The entire state of Qin no longer believes that the Qin army is invincible.

Since his own army may not be able to win, how could he put all his treasures on the barbarian king.

"Come here, go and invite General Meng!" Lu Buwei ordered his servants.

Meng Ao soon arrived at the Prime Minister's mansion, bowed to him and said: "Master Xiang, I will obey your orders!"

"You did a good job in leading hundreds of thousands of people back to Xianyang through the small road last time, and you deserve praise!" Lu Buwei said this first.

Meng Ao was taken aback, thinking back to the last time he was ordered to return to Xianyang, Lu Buwei did not praise him, because at that time he already knew that he had fallen into Ji Jie's trick, now he brings it up again, what does it mean?

"The final general doesn't understand the meaning of Xiangye!" Meng Ao said bluntly, he knew very well that his intelligence was not as good as Lu Buwei's, so instead of trying to guess, he might as well ask directly.

Lu Buwei smiled lightly, and said: "I want General Meng to lead a team to go around Ji Jie's defense, and launch a sneak attack while he is fighting with the barbarians, so I will use the path last time. Feel free to go out."

Meng Ao was startled, and hurriedly said: "That path is no longer safe, Zhou Jun has set up a formation on the periphery, it is undoubtedly a trap for himself!"

Lu Buwei's old face sank, and he said: "Of course I know, so I let you take charge of this matter. I believe that General Meng must have a better way to complete the task! You have been defeated by Ji Jie many times, don't you want to justify yourself? "

Meng Ao frowned, this is indeed an opportunity, although the success is still unknown, he still nodded and said: "Okay, the last general will take orders!"

"That's right!" Lu Buwei patted him on the shoulder and said, "The reason why Ji Jie beat you many times is because he didn't play cards according to common sense. If he can do this, why can't you? I have confidence that General Meng It will definitely come back triumphant!"

"Thank you Xiangguo for your kind words!"


Ji Jie and Zhidu fought for no less than [-] rounds, and they were still evenly matched. The soldiers on both sides cheered for their own general at the top of their voices. They shouted louder and louder. They were more excited than the two fighting.


This time, after their weapons collided, they did not separate immediately, but began to struggle.

The barbarian king Zhi Du gritted his teeth, and he proposed: "Ji Jie, dare you let your subordinates compete with my barbarians, I guarantee that your Zhou army is not an opponent!"

"Nonsense!" Ji Jie said tit for tat: "Don't brag about it too much, then let's open our posture and compete. Your people are mainly infantry, and mine are all cavalry. Don't say I take advantage of you. I will give you a moment." The time of the clock is set!"

"No need, you and I go back to the formation, you can charge, I will show you how powerful my barbarians are!" Zhidu retracted his spear.

Ji Jie also retracted his weapons, and the two returned to the formation.

"Xiong Ben, I will leave you two hundred guards to escort you back to the city!" Ji Jie confessed, and then said loudly: "Warriors of the Great Zhou, come with me to attack the barbarian army, kill!"

"Kill!" 2 people shouted in unison.

The barbarians also started yelling. Although they were not as orderly as the Zhou army, they were still very imposing.

Xiong Ben was very aware of his physical condition, the toxin had not been completely relieved, and he could not meet the requirements of continuing to fight. He returned to Berkshire City under the escort of two hundred personal guards.

Ji Jie took the lead and led the cavalry to form a sagittal formation, piercing the barbarian formation like a sharp knife.


The two sides fell into a melee, with strange voices coming and going, and Ji Jie quickly realized a serious problem: Zhou Jun's swords and guns were difficult to pierce the barbarian's rattan armor, and he had to use all his strength to stab the spear into it. The body of the enemy, as for weapons such as knives and axes, they can rarely cause damage to them!

Damn, this rattan armor is really domineering.

"Focus on the part of the enemy's body that is not covered by rattan armor!" Ji Jie pierced an enemy's throat with a gun, and shouted loudly: "Don't chop on their rattan armor, save your energy!"

The battlefield was in chaos, and although Ji Jie yelled the loudest, only the people around him could be heard.

Fortunately, Zhou Jun's metal armor is not vegetarian, but it is not as good as the rattan armor of the barbarians. It is light and can offset the damage to the body caused by blunt weapons. Coupled with the advantage in numbers, they quickly gained the upper hand.

"Ji Jie, you underestimate my barbarians, you will die without a place to bury you today, hahaha!" Zhidu laughed arrogantly, and swiped his spear across the throats of two Zhou soldiers.

"Continue to charge, charge!" Ji Jie continued to charge forward regardless of so much.

With the help of the impact of the horses, Zhou Jun successfully broke the barbarians into two sections and circled behind the enemy. Zhidu was not worried about this at all, because Zhou Jun's casualties were far greater than his side.

"Thunderbolt ready!" Ji Jie ordered and sounded a signal flare at the same time.

In Berkshire, the artillery commander saw the signal flare soaring into the sky and shouted: "All artillerymen obey orders, target barbarians, prepare to fire! Listen to my password and fire!"

The thunderbolt and the shocking artillery shells arrived at the same time, one after the other, and exploded among the barbarians.

"Your grandma, I don't believe that you can withstand the bombardment!" Ji Jie looked at everything in front of him cheerfully, but he immediately lost his composure, and the expression on his face turned into a wry smile.

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