Great Zhou Tianzi

337 Burning Rattan Armored Soldiers

The reason for Ji Jie’s wry smile was the vine armor on the barbarians, it was difficult for the shrapnel to penetrate it, unless they hit exactly the same spot or a place not covered by the vine armor, such as the face and hands, they would be harmed. The explosion shock wave of the cannon blasted several people around into the air, but after falling to the ground, after a few movements, he got up again, unscathed.

This is too perverted!

No wonder Zhu Geliang used the fire method to get rid of these barbarians hundreds of years later. Ji Jie realized that he had underestimated the barbarian king Zhidu and his men.

"Take the opportunity to withdraw from the battlefield and notify the artillery in the city to take charge of the cover!" Ji Jie ordered the soldiers to withdraw first, and he led his personal guards to stop the retreat. The team retreated in an orderly manner.

Although the lethality brought by the explosion to the barbarians was minimized, a shocking artillery shell can always reap a few lives. They were still frightened by the deterrent force of the artillery fire. The barbarian king did not order to pursue the retreating Zhou army. They also began to retreat until they jumped out of the coverage of the artillery fire.

In general, the casualties of the barbarians are slightly higher.

Back in Berkshire, Xiong Ben was able to stand up and move around freely. He asked with concern: "Your Majesty, the rattan armor of the barbarians is too powerful. We can't take advantage of head-to-head. If they rush to attack the city If not, it will be difficult for our artillery to suppress their advance!"

"Hehe, I know I'm thinking about the problem!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "I already have a countermeasure. The reason why I didn't make a surprise move in the first battle is that I want to personally experience the power of the Tengjia Army. If they are directly eliminated , I will definitely regret it when I think about it in the future!"

"I know you have an idea, what can I do for you?" Xiong Ben volunteered.

Ji Jie thought for a while and said, "Go to the warehouse, pull out three thousand altars of kerosene and three thousand stones of gunpowder, put them on the open ground in the center of the city, and send a team of one thousand people to do as I order later!"

"Deling!" Xiong Ben turned around and ran away, showing such excitement, he just wanted to prove to Ji Jie that his health was almost recovered, and don't forget to send him a mission in the next battle.

"This kid!" Ji Jie scolded with a smile.


In the barbarian camp, the barbarian king carefully inspected several soldiers who had been burned by gunpowder, and frowned and said, "What the hell is this? It's so powerful here?"

A well-informed subordinate stepped forward and said: "I heard that the countries in the Central Plains have been using something called gunpowder for long-range attacks recently. The injuries of the clansmen should be caused by gunpowder!"

The barbarian king nodded and said: "Suwen Jijie is full of tricks, in order to prevent him from coming up with other tricks to deal with us, I decided to launch an attack on Berkshire City tomorrow, and you should immediately prepare ladders and poles, and attack early tomorrow morning." to the city!"



In the middle of Berkshire City is a large open space, where there are piles of gunpowder packs and kerosene jars like hills, more than 200 large water tanks, and a thousand hardcover soldiers, waiting for Ji Jie's orders.

"The next thing everyone has to do is very simple!" Ji Jie said to everyone with a smile: "You four should be divided into groups and combined freely. People use wooden sticks to stir the mixture, it's that simple! But pay attention, no metal objects are allowed during the operation, including armor, daggers, weapons and other things on your body, do you understand?"

"Understood!" 1000 people shouted in unison, and then took off the armor and weapons they were wearing.

The purpose of this is to avoid sparks that may be generated by the friction of metal objects during the process of stirring and transporting to ignite the gunpowder and kerosene. With so many explosives concentrated here, once an accident occurs, the result will be extremely tragic.

The mixture was also stirred with dry wooden sticks. The soldiers carefully mixed the two things into a paste. Although Ji Jie didn't tell them the purpose of these things, everyone did it very carefully.

After the qualified "paste" was churned out, Ji Jie asked people to send [-] empty shells of shocking shells, and then instructed everyone to put the mixture in. The trigger was installed before firing, so don't worry about it happening. Risk of self-explosion.

Ji Jie gave these sky-shattering cannons filled with mixture a new name, incendiary bombs.

After [-] incendiary bombs were finished, there was still a lot of mixture left. Ji Jie ordered everyone to pack them in oilcloth, [-] catties per package, and use them together with the incendiary bombs.

Before dawn the next day, a sharp siren sounded from the top of the city. Ji Jie hurriedly dressed and took Xiong Ben to the top of the city together.

"What's the situation?" Ji Jie asked while picking up the binoculars.

"General Qi, the barbarians have begun to gather three miles away!" The observer reported: "They have prepared a large number of siege ladders and poles. It seems that they want to launch an attack at dawn!"

Through the binoculars, Ji Jie clearly saw the ladders under the torches of the barbarians. There were at least hundreds of them. These grandchildren came at the right time. Let's see how grandpa will deal with you!

"Send the incendiary bombs and incendiary bags to the artillery position immediately!" Ji Jie said without thinking: "When the enemy is completely within the attack range, hit me hard!"


The artillery positions were in full formation, waiting for the attack order to be issued.

At this moment, the barbarians lined up, and they chose the west wall as the main attack direction. The barbarian king Zhidu held up his spear and shouted: "Warriors, go!"

"Come on!" The barbarians ran towards the city wall with weapons in one hand and ladders in the other.

In order to be able to climb the city wall faster, Zhidu arranged more than 5000% of his troops in the attack position, leaving only [-] people as a reserve team, led by himself.

And he promised a reward, two heads of the Zhou army could be exchanged for one ingot of gold. Morale is high.

More than 5 barbarians flocked away, and no one wanted to be left behind. Those who ran at the rear quickly entered the shooting range of the Zhou army's artillery.

"Circular contraction attack method, start preparing!" Ji Jie gave an order, and hundreds of trebuchets began to adjust their attack positions, and they were all completed in ten seconds. He continued: "Get ready to fire!"


The so-called ring contraction attack method is to use the enemy's periphery as the first attack point, and then gradually extend to the center to minimize the possibility of it escaping the coverage of the artillery fire.

"Boom boom boom..."

The first round of salvos all hit the outside of the barbarian formation, and the shells exploded, bursting into flames.

The mixture of gunpowder and kerosene has a certain explosive power. The kerosene is ignited at the same time as the explosion, and the part of the unexploded gunpowder wrapped inside has a strong adhesion, sticking to the enemy's rattan armor, and then violently burn up.

The rattan armor of the barbarians was soaked in oil many times during the production process. It is itself flammable. When encountering incendiary bombs, the result can be imagined!

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