Chapter 18
Luo Ze carried his schoolbag and walked back through the narrow passage to his home in the basement.It's dark, damp, cramped and airless, and you can smell a strange smell when you walk in the door.

The lights were not turned on in the house, and Luo Ze turned on the lights while taking off his shoes.


The light switch is pressed.

A figure appeared.

I saw a person sitting in the quiet home. The person was sitting on a chair by the dining table with his back facing him. When he heard someone coming in, he didn't make any movement at all, just like a ghost.

If someone else turned on the light suddenly and saw such a weird scene, they would at least gasp in shock, but Luo Ze put down his schoolbag without any reaction.

There were two bowls of cold boiled vermicelli on the dining table. There were no ingredients in them, but some soaked dehydrated vegetables.

He sat down, picked up the chopsticks and lowered his head to eat the humble bowl of noodles.

The woman sitting across from him also picked up chopsticks and ate slowly.

The taciturn woman with the bandages on her face was his mother.At the same time, she is also a patient with 60.00% skin burns and severe depression.

His mother hasn't gone out for a long time, and hasn't spoken for a long time, about five years?Or six years?Anyway, in Luo Ze's memory, his mother never went out and ignored people, and he got used to it, so he stopped trying to communicate with her.

The mother and son sat opposite each other, having a silent dinner together under the dim light.

Luo Ze was halfway through eating when he suddenly found a boiled egg lying under his noodles.

He stared at the egg in a daze for ten seconds, feeling a pang of sorrow in his heart. He silently split the egg in half with chopsticks, and gave the other half to his mother, saying in a muffled voice, "Mom, you can eat it too." .”

The woman didn't speak or respond, and after a while, she lowered her head and ate the half egg in a numb manner.

The scar on the wrist looms when eating, like a few red centipedes clinging to it.

His mother had committed suicide, and she almost couldn't be saved.

Luo Ze felt uncomfortable.

His mother used to be a silver medal teacher in elementary school with a formal establishment. She was in charge of connecting pupils for free and answering questions one-on-one. If there hadn’t been a big explosion in the chemical plant, after a few more years, she might have become a gold medal teacher. Possibly, to teach elementary school students all over the country.

Six years ago, when his parents were traveling abroad, the bus they were on was unfortunately hit by a chemical plant explosion on the highway.

My father died on the spot. Although my mother survived the hellish disaster, a large area of ​​her body was burned and her face was permanently disfigured.

Due to the high cost of medical treatment, the mother later suffered from severe depression and was unable to go out to work, so their family's savings gradually ran out, so they had to move from the big house with clean windows to this dark and airless basement.

Luo Ze couldn't wait to improve their situation.

He thought that if he moved to a ventilated and sunny place, his mother's mental state would be better. If he asked a professional psychotherapist to treat and enlighten his mother, his mother might speak up.

He believes that as long as he has money, everything will be fine.

He studies hard every day, and accepts a secret human experiment.

He is very grateful for this human experiment, because it not only allows him to get a sum of money, but also allows him to obtain incredible vision, and he may be able to engage in related industries in the future.But after watching that video in biology class today, he was a little scared.

After Luo Ze finished washing the dishes, he stared at the moldy walls in a daze.

He suddenly remembered what happened at noon today.

Li Yiqi in his class is really good, the person who came to join his team, he only dared to remind him in a low voice, but Li Yiqi dared to fight hard, and that person didn't listen to persuasion, he dragged him out directly, that person dared to fight, He just beat people to the ground.

Li Yiqi is tall and popular, and his classmates like him. I heard that his family is rich and lives in Xianghu Bay...

It seems that all good things are piled on him.

Why are some people so lucky and others so unlucky?
So unfair.

He is very envious of such a person, and also very... jealous.

Luo Ze knew it was wrong, but he couldn't restrain his dark side, he shook his head and decided to take a bath to wash away that dark thought.

Water splashed down from the shower.

Not knowing if the water was too hot, Luo Ze scratched his back, feeling itchy.After the itching was gone, he continued to wash. He felt as if his eyes were getting water, which was a bit strange.

He rubbed his eyes.

The strange feeling didn't ease, and it became more and more uncomfortable.

He decided to look in the mirror to see if something had run into it.

Recently, his eyes are always uncomfortable, but they don't hurt. This strange feeling becomes more and more obvious as time goes by.

Luo Ze walked to the mirror, leaned forward, and looked into his eyes under the pale light.He found that his eyelids were a little bulging like a frog, and when he touched his eyelids, it didn't hurt.He leaned closer to the mirror and opened his eyelids.

The heart skipped a beat for an instant.

The picture in the mirror made Luo Ze take two steps back and almost fell into the toilet.

He just saw that under his eyelids, there is actually a smaller eyeball hidden!The pupils of the small eyeball and the big eyeball looked at one place strangely—it was the panicked self in the mirror.

Luo Ze's face was pale, and a chill ran down his spine.

"Impossible, I was wrong, I was dazzled, that's right, that's it..."

He closed his eyes to gather himself, and after preparing himself mentally, he opened his eyes again trembling.This time he saw clearly, there was not one eyeball under his eyelids, but two, one big and the other like unripe grapes, all three eyeballs were looking at him at the same time.


Luo Ze's legs went limp and he fell to the ground.

The shower was a little leaky, dripping down.

Luo Ze gasped for breath like an asthmatic patient, put his hands on the ground, got up dully, took off the shower and put it aside, the water finally stopped leaking.

He can't afford too much gas and water bills.
The weather in April is the most comfortable time.

Today, all the teachers and students of Lanshui High School went on a spring outing to visit the largest agricultural building in the suburbs.For this spring outing, Lanshui High School generously chartered about [-] buses, one for each class.

The bus with the name of Grade [-] and Class [-] on it was full of people early on.

Usually, there are not many people in the classroom at this point, but now, almost everyone in the class is here.

Everyone is carrying a school bag, but what is inside is not a book, but a variety of snacks and drinks. The girls began to share their own snacks and chat on twitter in the car.The annual spring outing makes everyone very excited and immersed in the joy of group outings.

"Hey, why are you wearing swimming goggles today?"

A male classmate casually asked Luo Ze when passing by.

Although Luo Ze had no sense of presence, this strange look still brought him a lot of attention, and many people had already asked Luo Ze.

"Oh, my eyes are uncomfortable, so I can't blow the air." Luo Ze whispered, pushing his bangs forward again awkwardly, and turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

That classmate thought Luo Ze was weird.

Can't blow hair so wear swimming goggles?Isn't it uncomfortable to wear?But he didn't take it too seriously, mainly because he felt that there was a strange stench nearby. After asking, he walked back, not wanting to sit around here.

The seat next to Luo Ze has been empty.

To hide his embarrassment, he put his schoolbag on the seat next to him.

07:30 Li Yiqi got into the car.

He was the last one to arrive today, and he came with a tired face and two dark circles under his eyes.

Yesterday afternoon, he tried to find a way to ask the class teacher to get the list of poverty subsidies and the list of leave requests for the past two months. After comprehensive investigation, he finally screened out seven suspicious targets.

He went to monitor a few of them last night, and the hardest thing was that he had to go home to finish his homework after the monitoring, so he hardly slept.


Guo Liu's eyes lit up when he saw Li Yiqi coming, and he raised his hand in the back row to call him.He had already reserved a seat for Li Yiqi.

Li Yiqi walked forward, and when she passed Luo Ze, she found that there was no one beside him.

God help me too.

Li Yiqi thought to herself.

He withdrew his gaze and walked to the back of the bus, and explained to Guo Liu: "Liu son, I don't feel well today, I want to sit in the front, sorry."


Guo Liu was a little surprised, but seeing that Li Yiqi's complexion was really not very good today, he quickly said, "It's all right, I'm really uncomfortable, why don't you go today and ask the old class for a vacation?"

"No, I'll just sleep in the car."

Li Yiqi walked back and walked to Luo Ze's side.

"Is anyone here?"

Rose was taken aback.

"No, no."

He didn't expect that Li Yiqi would be willing to sit next to him, so unexpectedly and awkwardly, he hurriedly put away his schoolbag.

Luo Ze saw that Yiqi was really sitting next to him, and he saw that he leaned back after sitting down, with the peaked cap pressed on his face to block the light, as if he was going to sleep.

The squad leader sitting behind Li Yiqi took the initiative to come up to Li Yiqi and said, "Li Yiqi, if you want to sleep, you can put down the seat. It's not too crowded, so it's okay."

"Thanks then."

Li Yiqi was not polite, and put the seat back a little.

The class monitor's thoughtful behavior made Luo Ze feel sour again.

There is really no comparison between people.

Ning City is very big, and it takes at least an hour to drive from Lanshui to the suburbs. Li Yiqi plans to sleep for a while, he is almost sleepy.

When she closed her eyes, Li Yiqi was thinking about his mission in a daze.

Luo Ze was not among the few people he monitored yesterday, because Luo Ze was a classmate and it was easier to observe, so he decided to wait in the back.

But seeing Luo Ze's unusual behavior wearing swimming glasses today, Li Yiqi felt that other people can leave it alone for the time being.

Just confirm it.

The reason why Li Yiqi is so confident that he can accomplish his goal is also because he has a unique method of confirmation - he is a chimeric life of robbers, and he can analyze the other party's genes through skin contact.

He believes that the KA06 test body is very different from ordinary human genes, and he only needs to touch it to know.

But what excuse to touch is the question.

Or say 'Hello, let's shake hands and get to know each other? '

Isn't that too weird?

Thinking about it, Li Yiqi fell asleep in a daze.

Luo Ze noticed that after Li Yiqi fell asleep, the conversations of the surrounding students became much quieter, as if they didn't want to wake him up. This discovery made him even more sour.

It's so unfair that some people seem to have it all.

But Li Yiqi was willing to sit next to him, which moved him a little, so he kept quiet so as not to wake people up.

Li Yiqi woke up four or ten minutes later.

He looked out the window and found that the rickety bus was almost driving to the suburbs.

This sleep made Li Yiqi's spirit come back again, the thoughts that were disconnected before falling asleep were reconnected, and the numb mind became bright again.

He is so stupid, why think so much?Just find any reason, even if the other party finds it strange, they can't think of him being able to analyze the genetic aspect.

"Come on, let me show you the palmistry."

Li Yiqi took off a glove and told Luo Ze.

Luo Ze had been looking at the scenery outside the window, but when he heard the words, he turned around and asked in astonishment, "Palm reading?"


In response, he couldn't help but grab Luo Ze's hand directly.

[Touch creature, dragonfly man]

(End of this chapter)

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