lend me your genes

Chapter 19 "Teacher, Li Yiqi jumped out of the car!"

Chapter 19 "Teacher, Li Yiqi jumped out of the car!"

Confused fragments of information kept pouring into Li Yiqi's mind.

[Chordate phylum Mammalia Primate Homo Homo sapiens subspecies Dragonfly]

【Analysis skills...】

[All-eye visual rating...unknown]

[The gene chain is being recombined...]

Luo Ze looked at Li Yiqi who was holding his hand in a strange way.

The school bus has been driving for 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes, Li Yiqi, who was sitting next to him, slept soundly. Some other students in the bus dozed off, some listened to music, and gradually changed from lively to quiet.

And he kept turning his head to look at the scenery outside the window without thinking about anything, his mind was blank and blank.

This morning, he found that the two strange eyes under his eyelids had grown bigger, becoming about the size of normal eyeballs, and a new small eyeball had grown under the eyelids. So many eyeballs were crowded together that his eyes were fully covered. out of shape.

He can fully imagine how deformed he looks now, and he doesn't even have the courage to look in the mirror.

Fortunately, he found a pair of swimming goggles and put them on his face to cover them up.

He knew that he had become a monster under the sad genetic experiment, just like the foreign video played in class.

He also knew that he should avoid crowds and that coming to school was a risk.

But this is the first spring outing since he entered high school, and he doesn't want to miss it.

He won't come to school tomorrow.

What to do after that... He never thought that maybe he would stay in the basement with his mother and never go out again.

Originally, he thought that his life was at the bottom of the valley, but he didn't expect that there would be hell under the bottom of the valley.

Looking at the bright scenery outside the window, Luo Ze was filled with bewilderment, fear and sadness about the future, and this bewilderment lasted until Li Yiqi woke up and said she wanted to show him palm reading.

When the Robber chimeric life form touches other creatures, if the chimeric gene is not selected, the Robber chimeric creature will feel strongly uncomfortable, so Li Yiqi always wears gloves.

Li Yiqi let go of Luo Ze's hand, closed her eyes and looked a little ugly.

"You're going to have a turnaround in the predicament you're facing."

Li Yiqi patted Luo Ze's shoulder who was a little confused, then stood up and told him, "I'll go to the back and chat with Guo Liu." After speaking, she took her schoolbag and walked towards Guo Liu in the back seat.

The back is very lively, and all the cards have been played.

"Yes A!"

"I'll just blow it up hehehe!"

"What is 3 fried, who do you look down on, I am 6 fried quack quack quack!"

"Oh, oh, it's amazing..."

Seeing Li Yiqi approaching, Guo Liu, with his feet up, was overjoyed. He took off the coat he had put on the chair next door, and asked Li Yiqi to sit down.

"Have you rested well? Why did I look at your face and get uglier?" Guo Liu asked him strangely.

"It's okay, it'll be fine later."

Li Yiqi took out her mobile phone and quickly sent a text message to Zhou Yuxi.

[I found it. The KA06 experimental body is my classmate, Luo Ze from Class [-] of Senior High School.It seems that there has been a mutation in his eyes, and today he is wearing a pair of swimmers to cover the abnormality. 】

Zhou Yuxi returned the message very quickly.

[Okay, received. 】

Li Yiqi: [Let me confirm again, after you find it, you will heal Luo Ze, right? 】

Zhou Yuxi: [We are cooperating with the Ning City authorities on this task. With the style of your Ning City authorities, you will definitely arrange a treatment and restoration operation for him, and try to restore his genes as much as possible.But according to the laws of your original country, editing your own genes without authorization, or accepting gene editing experiments that have not been approved by the law, you will be sentenced to at least ten years in prison. 】

[I also underwent gene editing. 】

[You are a member of our Geek Association, unlike him, this is recognized by the laws of the original country. 】

Li Yiqi looked at this line of text messages and sighed, it felt different to have a backer.

He looked at Luo Ze in front of him.

Looking forward from here, you can only see the back of the opponent's small half of his head protruding from the seat.

Rather than becoming a monster with a genetic disorder, it is better to go to prison for ten years.

[If he also joins the Geek Association, will he not have to go to jail? 】

[Not all genetically modified people can enter the Geek Association. Your classmate has undergone immature experiments, and the genes are disordered, and it is more likely that they are seriously ill in bed. 】

[I hope you can send someone to pick him up as soon as possible, his condition is not very good. 】

【rest assured. 】

Zhou Yuxi knew that Li Yiqi was inconvenient to answer the phone right now, so she never called, so she used text messages to communicate with him.

[Do I bring your smart glasses?Put it on and see. 】

Li Yiqi took out the pair of smart glasses from her schoolbag.

Unlike Yaga's helmet-like holographic glasses, this pair of smart glasses is a bit like dark glasses, very thin and portable.After wearing it, you can see the blue text reflected in the glasses.

[Finding the free experimental body KA06 (F-class) task progress: completed]

[Task Reward: Two balance coins have been issued to personal accounts]

【Thank you for your contribution to world stability】

Li Yiqi was surprised.

Does this show it's done?

Don't you need to check again?What if he finds the wrong person?

As if she knew what he was thinking, Zhou Yuxi sent a message—【You are still just a geek peripheral assistant, affiliated with my account, and the progress of the task is determined by me. I believe you have found the right person. 】

[Thank you for your trust, I really can't find mistakes. 】

Zhou Yuxi: [Now you can click on the mall in the panel. 】

Li Yiqi tried to operate this pair of smart glasses.

The temples of the glasses can be operated by touch like a Bluetooth headset. He tapped the temples with his left index finger a few times to enter the mall in the panel.

He was taken aback when he opened the mall.

The first column is the currency of each country, and the currency of the original country is impressively listed.The second column is weapons, which contain various types of firearms, grenades and other weapons that are impossible to buy in the market.

Look at the back and there is transportation.

The means of transportation are not limited to manual transmission cars, helicopters, submarines, jet skis, single-pedal aircraft, and you can even buy trains, and the prices are very favorable.

He saw a luxury private jet, the Cynes G10, which sells for 9000 million to the outside world. It actually shows that it can be bought for only 3000 balance coins, that is, [-] million. This is not a half discount, but a discount. A broken bone!

A message from Zhou Yuxi arrived.

[Your level is not enough, and more exchange content in Geek is not open to you. 】

[In addition, I can tell you that if you pass the geek test and get a comprehensive evaluation of Samsung geek, then you can exchange [-]% off all items in the mall, including money. 】

Knowing that Li Yiqi likes money, Zhou Yuxi specially added.

Li Yiqi's eyes were on fire looking at this line of news, and she quickly pressed a reply with her thumb: [What if I can get a four-star rating? ] He made no secret of his ambition.

[Four-star [-]% off, five-star [-]% off, six-star [-]% off.If you want to exchange it into money, click Exchange now, and then enter your bank account or e-wallet account number according to the reminder, and the account will be credited within three seconds. 】

The person sitting on the other side of the corridor said to Guo Liu, "Does Li Yiqi play cards?"

"He is not feeling well and should not be beaten."

"Eh? Li Yiqi is wearing sunglasses? These sunglasses are really cool. Please tell me what brand they are. I'll ask my dad to buy a pair for me when I get home."

Guo Liu turned his head to ask Li Yiqi, and found that Li Yiqi, who was still full of ashes just now, turned rosy and radiant at some point.

Just now Li Yiqi said that he will be fine later, is it really fine later?
What kind of panacea is this?
Guo Liu was extremely surprised.


Li Yiqi's phone vibrated again.

He clicked on it, and the text message reminded that the balance currency has been exchanged to the account

Li Yiqi's blood was activated for a second, her eyes were as bright as copper bells, and she hugged Guo Liu's neck fiercely with one hand in her heart.

"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

"Hey, what are you doing? What happened to you?"

Guo Liu was dumbfounded.

Why did Li Yiqi look at her phone as if she had won the lottery.

Li Yiqi let him go with a smile, moved the window next to her and opened it, put her schoolbag on her shoulders, turned her head and said to Guo Liu, "I have something urgent to do, please tell Lao Ban for me, I can't go out for the spring outing today."

After speaking, he pressed the peaked cap, and even supported it with his hands, the thin T-shirt flew up, and he jumped out of the car with a free and easy attitude!Jumped directly from the bus at a speed of eighty yards!

Guo Liu and the classmates who saw them were stunned, too shocked to react at all.

After staying there for two seconds, a classmate yelled loudly: "—Teacher! Li Yiqi jumped out of the car!!"

The whole car exploded.

All the students frantically flocked to the west window to watch.

Although Li Yiqi's gesture of jumping out of the window just now was very chic, but he looked very embarrassed when he fell to the ground and was almost crushed by a car.

As if knowing that everyone was watching him, Li Yiqi, whose back has become very small due to the distance, waved at them, then took a taxi, quickly got into the car and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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