Chapter 45
monitoring room.

The walls here are densely packed with monitoring screens, and there are many monitors connected to the monitors on the smooth circular long table, which can be clearly seen from any angle in the examination room.

At the moment of the explosion, one-fifth of the monitoring was instantly blacked out.

That candidate named Orlando blew up the entire subway train.

The atmosphere in the monitoring room seemed to be frozen.

After a while, Orlando reappeared in the surveillance. Although the surveillance cameras on the subway were blown up, there were still drones following him.

In the picture from the overhead angle, Orlando patted the dust on the suit when he just rolled over, and brushed his blond hair that was as dazzling as gold in the sun, and then looked up at the drone.


"Have I been eliminated? If you are eliminated, you will fly vertically twice."

Orlando said with a smile.

Fang K, one of the examiners, frowned, turned his head and asked Yue Jingshi: "Is this person holding rare coins or ordinary coins?"

Yuejing poetry: "Scarce coins."

If Li Yiqi was present, she would be very surprised that Mr. Zong's second disciple, Yuan Guo's gold medal teacher Yue Jingshi, is also a member of the Geek Association and serves as the examiner for this exam.

Overlander called out Orlando's score.

"Kill the remaining 64 candidates, including 61 common currency holders, get [-] points, kill three rare currency holders by mistake, deduct three points, and get a total score of [-] points."

After hearing this, Lao Fang took a deep breath, not knowing what his expression was.

In the surveillance screen, Orlando was still waving at the drone.

Yue Jingshi controlled the drone to fly up and down with an expressionless control button.

"very good."

Orlando pocketed his silver coin.

The people on that subway train, including the man and woman who came to strike up a conversation, didn't know that Orlando's silver coin tossed them life and death.

Orlando himself is not sure whether he is a rare currency or an ordinary currency. If it is an ordinary currency, there are too many similar currencies that are killed by mistake, and he will only get one point in the end, that is, he will be eliminated.

On the contrary, it is 61 points.

So Orlando decided to toss a silver coin, blowing the front and not blowing the tail.

At last he glanced, it was the front.

"It's a pity, I can't go to Ning City next door to have lunch." Orlando sat down on the track leisurely, and took out the mobile phone in his pocket.

There was silence in the monitoring room.

There are a total of four examiners for this geek exam. In addition to Fang K and Yue Jingshi who spoke just now, there are also Lei Ping, nicknamed the second cobbler, and animal trainer Noel Lee.

In addition, many geeks came during the monitoring period. The examination room is not closed. If you want to recruit new geek groups, you can come and have a look. new member.

Orlando's ruthless methods made the originally lively monitoring room seem to be frozen.

Old Fang turned his head and asked Yue Jingshi, breaking the silence again: "...So he passed the first round?"


Yue Jingshi nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

Square K thought for a while and wanted to be unbearable. He slammed the table with a livid face, turned his head and growled at the animal trainer on the left: "Do you think we really want to recruit such people into the association? If we recruit such people into the association, Will there still be trust among teammates in the future?"

He pointed at the monitor angrily.

Surveillance Riolando was sitting on the subway tracks and playing with his mobile phone. When the camera zoomed in, he found that there was a taxi page on the mobile phone.

The animal trainer Neuer hissed and closed his eyes, and took out a tissue to wipe the spittle off his face.

"When you ask a question, you ask Teacher Yue, and when you yell at someone, you yell at me?"

Diamond K is still staring at him.

The animal trainer said helplessly: "What can I do about the competition rules selected by the president."

Yu Yuanyuan was stunned while listening.

This is a petite girl with disheveled hair. She is not an examiner. She came to select new members with great interest along with other members of the regiment. She moved a chair and watched the monitor all the time.

"Wait, Lao Fang, why are you so anxious? Isn't there a psychological test at the end? Surely this kind of person can't pass it?"

Animal trainer Neuer threw away the used tissue and said quietly, "Cancelled."


"Psychological test canceled."

Yu Yuanyuan was stunned for a while, and then her eyebrows flew up in disbelief. She pointed to the bombed-out subway and the burnt pieces of meat on the monitor, and raised her voice: "So... that kind of person may Join our association?!"

Neuer nodded in his chair.

Yu Yuanyuan turned her head sharply, and pointed at the blood-stained Santar who killed his teammate and scored in Subway No. [-].

"So... this kind of person may also become our teammate?"

Neuer nodded: "If he can pass the next two tests."

Yu Yuanyuan was dumbfounded: "Aren't you joking?"

Neuer shrugged: "This exam is open to Dizhou, what do you think?"

The second cobbler suddenly spoke, expressing his appreciation for Orlando in both words: "I think it's good, this person is decisive enough, the association needs to change, it needs different new blood, this kind of cold-blooded and heartless person can perform some special tasks."

"Huh?" Yu Yuanyuan laughed exaggeratedly: "Forget it, I don't want to be killed by a bomb thrown by him when I was on a mission with him."

Second cobbler: "Why is he blowing you up so well?"

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened: "Don't you think it's possible to swallow the mission reward all by yourself?"

The exam was still going on, and everyone continued to stare at the monitor.

The tragedy on the third train is also happening.

A group of small teams forced the single candidate to hand over their silver coins. The candidate refused and rose up to resist. Finally, the single candidate was killed.

The rest of the gangsters also began to fight among themselves, or randomly selected weaker candidates.

In the end it was a melee.

At the end of the fight, everyone was jealous, regardless of whether it was a foreign currency or not, they just gambled on their own luck.

The fourth column remains the same.

Someone threw a grenade after an arm was cut off, and the entire subway train was blown to pieces as it passed through the tunnel, and flames and heat waves gushed out of the tunnel mouth.

The killing of the fifth subway train also began.

You know what currency you hold to make a corresponding choice, but exposing what currency you are is undoubtedly a dangerous move, so you will just hide it, but time is passing, and it will inevitably turn into violence in the end.

The geeks in the monitoring room were silent as they watched the tragic scenes.

Originally, many people came happily.Different from the recommendation system, the geek exam can fully demonstrate the strengths and character of each candidate, so everyone is more willing to come here to pick new members.But now they only see brutal betrayal and bloodshed.

The animal trainer suddenly leaned back in his chair, leaned back, and turned his head to cue Yue Jingshi through a person.

"Mr. Yue, what do you think of this year's exam rules?"

After that incident, the association was faintly divided into left, middle and right factions. For example, the president, the second cobbler, and Ya Jia were the leftists. is the most numerous.

But he couldn't see what her position was in this Yuejing poem.

Yue Jingshi's expression was calm and his voice was cold, and his words were like ice strikes: "My opinion is to screen out qualified candidates according to the examination rules."


Neuer nodded in a drawn-out tone.

Still can't figure it out.

The monitoring screen became more and more bloody, and Yu Yuanyuan couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so she went to pull Zhou Yuxi, who had been leaning against the door with her arms folded and said nothing, "Sister Yuxi, let's go, there is nothing to see."

Zhou Yuxi's quiet eyes passed through the crowd to watch an examinee under surveillance.

"hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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