Chapter 46
No. [-] subway.

This subway train is wobbly, because it is on a different route, and it is still running in a long tunnel.

The tunnel here has become even darker, and the ceiling lights of the tunnel have been seriously damaged. There are faint sounds of frightened owls flapping their wings, the sound of wet water, and the sound of unknown animals running.

All kinds of noises are mixed when the subway is running, and the small teams sit far away from each other, and the wind is loud. Logically speaking, the conversations between their teams cannot be heard by others.

However, among the candidates present was a human figure listening to the bird, Li Yiqi.

He can hear you clearly when you secretly fart a hundred meters away.

Known now.

The freckled Seth and the burly girl Haili are the same currency, and the pattern is hydrangea.

Mao Jie, the husband of the original four-member team, has a different currency from the other three.

Scarface and Doctor Yingguo are different currencies.

Santar and the dead Jude are exotic coins.

Three blacks are the same currency.

Scarface said he had many goals.

And the pattern of the silver coin he got was morning glory.

Then assuming that the morning glory is a rare coin, the silver coin with the hydrangea pattern obtained by the freckles and the strong woman is an ordinary coin, the scar face is a rare coin, at least one of Santar and Jude is a rare coin, and the original husband Mao Jie It's a rare coin - collect all four scarce coins.

Assuming that Morning Glory is an ordinary coin, then the freckles and the burly girl are taking rare coins, and Scarface is a rare coin, and if one of Santar and Jude is a rare coin, the amount of Mao Jie will exceed.

So he should be taking scarce coins.

…In fact, it’s okay if the analysis is wrong. It can be cleared after tying and untying, but it will be a little troublesome.

Li Yiqi thought so, and inserted the tungsten steel rod that had been held vertically behind her back.

At this time, in the monitoring room, the old square K stared at the monitor and suddenly said in a deep voice: "In the first subway train, those three black men walked towards the single candidate. They have a target."

The second cobbler also spoke: "The Scarface team also listed that candidate as the first target."

Are you about to start?
Is the bloodbath going to be staged on the last subway train too?
Yu Yuanyuan could hardly bear to look at it anymore.

In the surveillance screen, three black men came from the left compartment, and two scar-faced boys came from the right side with the Yingguo doctor Li Xiangping.

The two boys hesitated when they saw the three black men.

They didn't want to confront the three black men.

But Li Xiangping didn't stop but accelerated.

The second cobbler looked at Li Yiqi in the surveillance screen, and calmly pronounced the death sentence on him: "This man is going to die."

At this moment, whether it was Zhou Yuxi, Neuer or Yue Jingshi in the monitoring room, or Baigui and Yajia who were not in the monitoring room and watched the live broadcast of the examination room through the internal network, they all looked at Li Yiqi silently.

Li Yiqi sat alone in the middle carriage.

A total of six people on the left and right sides surrounded him.

From the monitor on the top, Li Yiqi looks like an antelope being hunted and besieged.

In the end, the doctor from Ying Country, Li Xiangping, rushed to Li Yiqi one step ahead of time. Instead of speaking to Li Yiqi, he raised his voice to the three black men and hurriedly said, "This man is our target! You are going to clash with our team!" ?"

His face was pale, and the muscles on his face were convulsed with tension, but his tone was very strong.

The three blacks hesitated.

They picked Li Yiqi because he was a weak persimmon who was left alone, but if the other three wanted to snatch it, the gain would outweigh the loss, the risk was too great, why not...

They turned to look at the freckled and burly girl.

The two immediately jumped up vigilantly, aiming their weapons at them.

The three blacks changed their target.

Li Xiangping's teeth were chattering nervously, his face looked a bit nervous, he turned his head and said to the two scar-faced younger brothers, "I'll persuade him first."

Before the two younger brothers expressed their views, Li Xiangping quickly mouthed to Li Yiqi with his back turned to them: "Let's form an alliance—how about it?"

He stared at Li Yiqi, his eyes burning with the madness of throwing everything away.

Li Yiqi's eyes moved to Li Xiangping's chest: "Your heart is beating very fast."

Li Xiangping was already a little desperate: "How about it? One person will deal with one."

He had already seen clearly that it would not end well if he followed Scarface, but there were three of them in that carriage, and he was alone, and he couldn't resist.He didn't have a chance until now when he won a two-on-two situation.

But Li Yiqi may not be willing to form an alliance with him, he is desperate this time, putting his life and everything on it, he must pass the geek exam!He has a reason to pass the geek exam!
Li Yiqi made one final confirmation: "What pattern is yours?"

There was no way to retreat, Li Xiangping said desperately: "It's a hydrangea!"

Li Yiqi nodded.

"Then, form an alliance."

Li Yiqi suddenly jumped up, grabbed the two guns pointed at him by Scarface, and forced the guns to point upwards!

The huge force terrified the two younger brothers. The muzzles of the two submachine guns were forced upwards, and a string of bullets poured towards the ceiling.

Li Yiqi took off the two guns and threw them away, then lightly slashed at the necks of the two of them.


The two were stunned.

Li Yiqi glanced at them.

If he used sticks on them, he was afraid of killing them.

All of this happened in an instant, from the moment Li Yiqi exploded to the moment when the two were knocked unconscious.

Li Xiangping was dumbfounded.

This, this is actually a master!His original best plan was that Li Yiqi was a mid-level candidate.

But Li Yiqi turned to him and said, "Blow up all the lights!"

"it is good!"

There was only time to feel amazed, and before the feeling of ecstasy flooded his body like flames, Li Xiangping was suddenly awakened.He quickly leaned sideways against the wall, grabbed his sniper rifle and pulled the trigger on the ceiling light of the car.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The poor Li Xiangping had no money to buy a good sniper rifle, nor did he have a silencer, so the sound of the shot was earth-shattering.

But fortunately his marksmanship is very accurate.

Sure enough, there are still two brushes to pass the audition.Li Yiqi thought.

At this turning point, no one expected that the cowardly Li Xiangping made an alliance with Li Yiqi, who was alone!But Li Yiqi is so strong, she can deal with two candidates at once!

Li Xiangping shoots in bursts, has a long range, and can fire in bursts. The lamps in the subway car were quickly exploded, and sparks and broken glass shells flew everywhere.

With Li Yiqi and Li Xiangping as the midpoint, the subway cars plunged into darkness one by one.

Wherever the darkness spread, Li Yiqi would go there.

In the thick darkness, only the sound of being hit, mixed gunshots, and terrified screams could be heard.

On the screen that was still on, you could see that Kongmeng's ranking jumped to the first place in an instant, and his score skyrocketed with exaggerated numbers!
In the monitoring room, Lao Fang leaned towards the monitoring screen, and couldn't help raising his voice: "He has already controlled five candidates!"

Yuyuanyuan opened her eyes wide.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yuxi's mouth.

The second cobbler straightened up, clutching the mouse, staring at the monitoring screen motionlessly.

The surveillance has a night vision function, and the candidates in the subway cannot see Li Yiqi, but they can.They saw Li Yiqi crazily harvesting points in the darkness, and the darkness did not restrict the candidate named Kongmeng at all... One move, at most two moves, could eliminate a person.

The man named Jack, wearing the exoskeleton mecha, has night vision goggles and can see Li Yiqi.He raised two robotic arms, and crazily poured bullets at Li Yiqi.

"Go away!!"

"go to hell!!!"

Seems to have lost sanity.

And Li Yiqi flashed in front of him holding the anti-riot shield, and said: "You have good equipment." Then she twisted his two mechanical arms with her bare hands, and slashed at the opponent's terrified gaze.


Fall down.

"56 points!"

Yu Yuanyuan rubbed her arm, goosebumps all over her arm, she was excited.

Who said that only cruelty and viciousness can be powerful, absolute strength should be like this!Shit, shit, luckily she didn't leave!

Neuer: "What coin did Kong Meng draw?"

The second cobbler checked quickly: "Scarce coins!"

Neuer nodded: "He seems to have guessed what currency he is, and also guessed what currency the other [-] candidates are. You can see that he avoided Dunga. Dunga, I know, he took scarce currency."

The second cobbler lost his voice: "How is it possible?!"

Lao Fang was also incredulous: "Such a short period of time... No, he didn't communicate with anyone at all except for asking what pattern Li Xiangping was! How could he guess it?"

Neuer: "Actually he did."

The second cobbler frowned: "Could it be that he cheated?"

Neuer turned his head and asked him: "The coin draw is completely random, how did he cheat?"

Second Cobbler: "But..."

He is dumb.

Yu Yuanyuan and the other geeks looked at the surveillance footage without blinking, everyone felt uplifted and excited, after seeing the bloody scenes on the other four trains, this kind of footage was so precious that it even made people want to cry .

Although the leftist wants to change the association, if it is not a last resort, who wants his teammate to be someone who can stab a knife from behind?

There was light on Lao Fang's face again, and he praised: "This candidate is very good, but be careful of the four-member team from the original country, that team has all worn night vision goggles."

Neuer speculated: "Kong Meng's score should be around 64 points."

Lao Fang agreed: "I guess it's about 64 points. The Yuan Country team has set up their formation, but they didn't shoot. They don't want to face Kong Meng. It is wisest for Kong Meng to stop now."

He was also a little nervous, his heart was beating fast, and he was sweating for the candidate named Kong Meng.

The four-member team from Yuanguo raised their guns in a squatting position, and the two raised their guns in a standing position, aiming at Li Yiqi at the same time.


"Otherwise we're going to shoot!! We can see you!!"

The second cobbler looked at Li Yiqi's figure and murmured: "He doesn't seem to be planning to stop..." At this moment, even he was worried about Kongmeng, and didn't want to watch this candidate die.

In the surveillance screen, Li Yiqi rushed towards them without stopping after finishing off the last candidate!


Mao Jie roared.

In the night, flames splashed and gunshots rang out.

And Kong Meng, that is, Li Yiqi, used the anti-riot shield as a fulcrum at the moment of rushing up, and the whole person made a beautiful volley around behind them, and then slapped his arm.

The four people hit by the big anti-riot shield instantly looked like wax gourds that had been knocked out.

Plop, plop, plop, fell down with a muffled sound.

There was silence in the monitoring room.

Someone had a dry throat and swallowed saliva.

"80 points."

And Li Yiqi continued to harvest points.

until the last person is knocked out.

Whether it was the first subway or the monitoring room, there was only the roar of the subway and the wind.

 more tears

(End of this chapter)

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