lend me your genes

Chapter 47 The Ending of Line 1

Chapter 47 The Ending of Line [-] ([-] in [-])

Li Yiqi looked up at her score on the screen.


He knocked out a total of 112 people, including 111 ordinary people, each of whom received eight points for a common currency, and a total of [-] points. Among them, Mao Jie, the husband of the Yuan Guo couple, was a rare coin, and one point was deducted for accidentally injuring the same currency. So the total score is [-] points.

This number is really unlucky.

Li Yiqi couldn't help hissing.

Wait... Isn't solitary birth inevitable for asexuals?Why does he still have a sense of bleakness?

Li Yiqi shook her head, stopping her increasingly inexplicable thoughts.

The subway with all the lights blown out was shrouded in darkness and dead silence, and the rest of the people except Li Yiqi were terrified and nervous.

Scarface grasped his assault rifle tightly, and stood in a lunge in the corner. The old scars on his face trembled with the muscles, and the triangular eyes made of drooping eyelids stared at the darkness, full of darkness and tension.

Santar leaned against the glass door and kept waving his knife towards the darkness.

Li Xiangping was also nervous.

He put down his sniper rifle, his body trembling slightly against the wall, half excited, half nervous.

Excited because he didn't expect Li Yiqi to be so powerful.He had nowhere to go, so he put all his eggs in one basket to find his teammates. He didn't expect to meet such a perverted monster by accident.

If you are afraid, you are afraid... Li Yiqi's score is so high now, the coins in his hand must be rare coins, he now controls a total of fourteen common coins, and only one person died... that is to say, there is still one common coin that is very rare. It could be him!

Will Li Yiqi tie him up after using him?
Li Xiangping thought with such fear.

Although Li Yiqi would not be killed if he fell into Li Yiqi's hands, he really needs to pass the geek exam, he really... needs to pass the geek exam.

Li Xiangping held his sniper rifle, his legs went limp, and he knelt down weakly, his head drooping.

Li Yiqi was not in a hurry to deal with the last few people.The light is so poor that he can't see. He just relied on his ears to hear, but now there are only so few people and he can take his time.

Li Yiqi turned her head and took out the night vision device from her bag and put it on.

He saw Santar waving around the door like a madman, as if someone would rush to kill him at any moment.

Li Yiqi walked over and turned sideways to avoid the swung dagger, grabbed his wrist and kicked his calf lightly.


Santar's leg bones were as brittle as wafer biscuits, and they were kicked and broken!

Then the dagger was also thrown away.

"Ah..." Santar fell to the ground, hugging his broken leg and wanted to howl in pain, but he only groaned and held back.

He knew that he couldn't beat Li Yiqi, so he gave up the idea of ​​resisting again. He raised his head and said intermittently, "You can't do anything to me. I have... two foreign coins on me! Let me go!"

"...I won't stun you, just tie it and then untie it?"

Li Yiqi was almost not amused by this dear friend.

He scanned around.

Although Li Yiqi didn't snatch the rope when getting into the car, there are ropes all over the place now. With the help of the night vision device, he took one at random and tied Santar's hands tightly.

Li Yiqi put her knees on Santar's back and turned her head to look at the monitor.

Also deducted a point.

are the same currency.

It seems that Jude who was killed by him is a common coin, and this guy is holding a rare coin.

Li Yiqi untied his rope in disappointment.

Santar was also looking at the display screen, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the score, and even lay on the ground hahahaha laughed, he couldn't even feel the pain in his leg: "My luck has always been very good! Hahaha!"

You see, his teammate sitting next to him happens to be a foreign currency.

That idiot also happened to be defenseless.

Now that strong and perverted person happens to be the same currency as him, so he can't deal with him.God wants him to pass this level!

But the next sentence Li Yiqi said made him feel like falling into an ice cave, because he said to Li Xiangping: "Deng Jia and this Santar will be handed over to you, these are two scarce coins."

Li Xiangping looked up in a daze.

Li Yiqi raised her eyebrows in puzzlement when she saw the uncle holding a gun and bowing his head and curling up, "...do you have a stomachache?"

"Ah? No, no."

Li Xiangping hurriedly stood up, and then his eyes widened.

So Kong Meng didn't plan to deal with him, he left those two people to him!
Being dragged from hell to heaven in an instant, Li Xiangping was so excited that he wanted to scream, but he held back. He has lived for more than forty years, and he still has some patience.

"So I'm a common currency?" Li Xiangping confirmed it with restraint of excitement.

"Yes, you take them to pass this round of exams."

Hearing these words, Li Xiangping became more at ease. He bowed to Li Yiqi sincerely in gratitude: "Thank you, Mr. Kong Meng."

Ninety degrees deep bow.

Very religious.

But... you bowed in the wrong direction, you bowed to the handrail.

Li Yiqi: "..."

Speechless for a moment, he took off a night vision goggle worn by Yuan Guo's four-person team and threw it to him.

After Li Xiangping put it on, he finally saw it clearly.

He changed the bullet, raised the sniper rifle and aimed it at Scarface first, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet hit Scarface between the eyebrows.

Then Li Xiangping aimed his gun at Santar.

Sensing the danger, Santar opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the gunshots in the darkness, and said loudly: "I am willing to be tied up! Don't kill me! I get eight points for being tied up, and four points for killing me." !"

Pale tunnel ceiling lights flickered outside the window.

For a split second, Santar saw the black hole sniper barrel aimed at him.


The bullet passed between his eyebrows.

Santar stared in horror, was shot dead, and fell into a pool of blood.

Li Yiqi glanced at him.

This Santar's luck is actually not very good.If it were him, he might be tied and get eight points.

in the display.

No.2 became Li Xiangping with 8 points.

Killing two exotic coins in a row, one gets four points, and a total of eight points.The requirement for customs clearance is four points, which also means that Li Xiangping can pass the next round of qualifications.

Li Yiqi: "Your marksmanship is very accurate, every shot is right between the eyebrows."

You can't see the marksmanship when you turn on the lights. After all, the light tubes in the subway cars are very large and stationary, but you can see some accuracy when hitting people.

Li Xiangping put down the sniper rifle with a "snap".

"Mr. Kongmeng, please don't think I'm cruel!"

This roar made Li Yiqi tremble.

Li Xiangping's voice was trembling and tense, and he gritted his teeth very excitedly: "I killed Dunga because if I didn't kill him, he would definitely take revenge on me! As for this Santar, there is no need for the person who betrayed his teammates to live! This scumbag deserves to die !"

"I'd rather not have sixteen points, but let him taste the consequences of sin!"

Li Xiangping spoke in a high-pitched voice, with the unique excitement and madness of the Sakura Opera, and spit splattered everywhere.

Li Yiqi moved away silently.

Just talk when you talk, why are you shouting so hard?
"This is your point, and I respect your choice."

Li Xiangping continued to be excited: "I don't want Mr. Kongmeng to have a bad impression on me, you are my benefactor."

He bows again.

"Thank you, Mr. Kongmeng!"

"Thank you so much!"

He bowed deeply to Li Yiqi again.

I don't know why, but the other party is pitiful and sincere, with a bit of humor, maybe because of his dusty clothes, or maybe because of his glasses stuck with scotch tape.

Li Yiqi raised her hand: "Stop, stop, okay, I'm not used to being bowed, and thanks to you blowing up all the lights, otherwise it would be a bit tricky."

He guessed that the uncle might have some kind of psychological trauma, but he had no intention of delving into it.In addition, the speaking style of the Ying people is really uncomfortable.

Li Yiqi tied all the unconscious people together behind their backs with ropes, and then searched for their weapons.

This submachine gun is not bad, and it still has bullets, so he accepted it with a smile.

The rifle looked good too, and he accepted it with a smile.

It seems that it is correct not to buy guns in the mall, no, it saves a lot of money.

Seeing Li Yiqi as a bandit, Li Xiangping adjusted his glasses and hurriedly searched, and changed himself to a better silencer.

Li Yiqi took out all the silver coins on the other candidates.

Twenty silver coins weighed heavily in his hands.

Li Yiqi weighed them and put them in his pocket as well.

"I don't know if this commemorative coin is worth much. The geek exam commemorative coin should be worth something, right?"


The subway finally pulled out of the tunnel and came to the ground.

The glare of the sun shone in through the glass windows, and the air poured in from the ventilation system was no longer humid and gloomy, but became fresh and sunny.

I don't know how long this train will run.

Li Yiqi patted Mao Jie awake.

Mao Jie clutched his neck, looked at the young man standing in front of him against the light, and was a little dazed for a moment.After two seconds, the drowsy brain started to work.

A hand in front of him.

Mao Jie paused for a moment, then stood up holding that hand.

Li Yiqi turned her head to look at the screen.

Very good, the score became 112, and the one point that was deducted came back.

Mao Jie looked at the tied-up wife and other examinees, and at the beaten to death Santar and Dunga. In addition, his weapons were confiscated, and he knew that he was powerless.

He didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to deal with Li Yiqi, he just sat silently on the chair, bent over and hugged his head, very depressed.

Unexpectedly, he was eliminated in the first round.

Mao Jie looked up at the score on the screen.

Kongmeng scored 112 points and Li Xiangping scored 8 points.

He quickly deduced from the scores that this young man named Kongmeng didn't claim the scores all by himself, but let Li Xiangping, who is a foreign currency, also pass the test.

If Kongmeng hadn't underestimated his youth and crude weapons when he saw Kongmeng at the subway station, what would it have been like to invite him to be a teammate at that time?
Then he and Xiaojing will definitely survive this round, right?

This is a strong, reliable teammate who won't lay hands on his companions.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret now...

The subway is full of greenery.

You can hear all kinds of birdsong and see all kinds of trees and shrubs.Overgrown branches poked in through the old broken windows, scraped off a layer of leaves and bounced back.

In the verdant green, I could vaguely see a leopard squatting on a tree branch like a big cat, and the picture flashed by.

This is a unique landscape in the 23rd century. Many rare animals and plants that disappeared and thought to be extinct have reappeared after the disappearance of humans.


The old antique subway runs on the tracks.

Suddenly, the green that covered the sky and the sun outside the window suddenly disappeared, and everything suddenly became clear, and one could see the light blue sky and the blue sea.

The subway actually drove to the seaside.

Seeing Li Yiqi's surprised expression, Mao Jie said, "Qingmian City is near the sea, so this subway line passes by the sea."

He glanced at the coast, saw the birds flying in the sky, and said with emotion: "The ecology here has become better."

A strong sea breeze blew in through the broken windows.

Li Yiqi stared at the sea, as if even her pupils were reflected blue, and her black hair was blown messy.

"It's a pity that this subway line is sealed..."

Mao Jie nodded: "It's really a pity, but I heard that this line will be reopened as a tourist route, and resorts will be built at some stations by then."

Li Yiqi looked back at him and said, "You seem to have calmed down a lot."

Mao Jie shrugged his shoulders, and smiled openly: "It's nothing, let's take the exam next year. It won't be so bad luck, and I will meet a candidate as strong as you in the first round."

Li Yiqi also smiled.

Mao Jie looked solemn: "I will definitely participate again next year. If I can pass the exam, I hope to become teammates with you."

She already thought that Li Yiqi would definitely pass this year's geek exam.

Li Yiqi didn't say much, just stretched out her hand.

"come on."

"it is good!"

Under the bright seaside scenery, the two clapped hands and then laughed.

In the monitoring room, many geeks also smiled from the bottom of their hearts when they saw this scene.

"That's great, this feeling is our geek exam..."

Yuyuanyuan said with emotion.

She didn't even want to see the bloody scene on the other trains.Of course, I can't blame those candidates, but only the cruel and perverted rules that will grow up.

But it is precisely because of this perverted rule that the ending of Subway No. [-] is particularly valuable.

"We must pass the next two levels."

Yu Yuanyuan looked at Li Yiqi in the picture and said silently.

(End of this chapter)

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