lend me your genes

Chapter 5 Found You

Chapter 5 I Found You (Please follow up, my friends)

Five eggs hatch.

And the larvae seem to be missing.

Li Yiqi, who had been listening to the movement in the warehouse, had heavy eyes.

One larva must not be missed, otherwise Ning City will have a big problem!

"I don't know when the supermarket will let us out. I still have to work part-time in a coffee shop. I will deduct money for being late..."

Guan Xin had already adjusted her mentality, and muttered while hugging the cat bag.

Li Yiqi turned her gaze and echoed, "Yeah, I don't know when the supermarket will be unsealed. I'm just waiting. I'd better go shopping and see what else I can buy."

Guan Xin subconsciously said, "Then I will go shopping together."

"No, I'll do it alone."

After she finished speaking and nodded to her as a signal, Li Yiqi turned around and left quickly.

Guan Xin:? ? ! !

Guan Xin didn't expect to be rejected to go with him, and for a moment he didn't know what to say to congratulate him, he could only stare stiffly at the tall and thin back of the other party who had gone away, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched.

Boy, may I ask if your surname is Leng Mo?

The cat stretched itself in the cat bag and purred softly.
Li Yiqi pushed the shopping cart slowly to the bakery area, and the glass booth filled with all kinds of bread was empty, and there was no bread left.

He glanced at the ground seemingly inadvertently.

The mechanical spider and the corpse of the brain-snaking adult were under that booth.

The wheels of the shopping cart spun, and Li Yiqi pushed the shopping cart and continued to move forward without stopping.

The larvae can get into the ear canal, and they should be very small. They may hide in any unnoticed corner. It is indeed very difficult to find such small parasites in such a large general supermarket.

Li Yiqi looked around while walking.

Ten meters to the south of the bread area is a safe passage, and the gate of the safe passage is closed tightly without any gaps.Walk along the wall for about 20 meters, and there is an escalator leading downstairs...

Li Yiqi listened to voices from all directions.

Escalators, escalators, elevators...

Water supply pipes, drain pipes, ventilation pipes...

All kinds of voices drew a three-dimensional map in her mind, and Li Yiqi seemed to be standing in front of a 3D three-dimensional map, and then centered on the corpse of the brain snake, judging where the larvae might go.

The newly hatched larvae lack strength and need food, and the most likely reason is that they are still on this layer.

But with such a small size, it can drill into any corner.

Where will it be?

Li Yiqi pushed the shopping cart and walked forward slowly, passed the bakery area, and came to the potato chip area. During this period, he was highly concentrated, and his hearing was concentrated within five meters around him, not letting go of any slightest movement.

Suddenly his ears moved, and he caught a little abnormality.

Li Yiqi stopped in her tracks, her eyelids drooped, and her eyes moved down.

The shelves in this supermarket are not completely attached to the floor, and there is a gap about half a palm wide at the bottom. The lights of the supermarket cannot reach the bottom of the shelves, and it is impossible to see if there is anything hidden in the shadows.

Li Yiqi looked around.

A few steps away from him, a fully loaded shopping cart was parked there alone. The owner of the shopping cart was not nearby, and it seemed that he had rushed to the front to ask the supermarket staff to explain.

Among the piles of goods, there is a small bottle of chili powder seasoning.

It is a small, cylindrical glass bottle.

"Excuse me, borrow it, thank you."

Li Yiqi walked over to pick up the bottle of spicy powder, and said politely to the shopping cart.

"If you don't speak, it will be assumed that you agree."

Li Yiqi walked to the original position, leaned over, and gently placed the chili powder horizontally on the ground, then stood up, and lightly kicked the bottle with her toes.

Gululu, the bottle of chili powder rolled smoothly into the bottom of the shelf.

Her ears caught a very slight crushing sound, and then Li Yiqi turned the shopping cart around and pushed it around to the other side of the shelf.

The spicy powder bottle rolled out from the other end and was lying quietly in the middle of the corridor.

When I got closer, I saw a very small insect corpse stuck on the spicy powder bottle - the insect corpse was as thin as an ant's waist, with many and dense legs, and the whole was dark brown, resembling a gnat.

The worm lying at the bottom of the shelf was crushed to a flat dryness by the hot pepper bottle that rolled in. Because the worm pulp was exploded, the body stuck to the bottle and was brought out together.

It turns out that brain snake larvae look like this.

Don't people feel it when it gets into their brains?
No, there are still more than 30 centimeters of Sparganum mansoni that can parasitize in the human brain.Thinking about it this way, it seems normal.

Li Yiqi picked up the spicy powder bottle, looking at the crushed insect corpse on it, her thoughts diverged for a moment.

He bought a pack of paper towels, took a paper towel to remove the scum from the chili powder bottle and wiped it clean, then gently put the chili powder bottle back into the full shopping cart.

"Return you."

Yaga in the warehouse suddenly made a sound.

"what happened?"

Kang Zhengchuan thought something was wrong, and immediately asked him nervously.

Yaga said with a relaxed tone, smiling: "It's nothing, don't be nervous, I just found something interesting."

Zhou Yuxi held a cigarette between her lips and spit out faint blue smoke from her red lips. She didn't pay attention to what Yajia said, and she didn't even glance at it, because Yajia often lost her nerves suddenly.

She just said indifferently: "Have you found any traces of those five larvae?"

Yaga twitched the corner of his lips lightly in a good mood, and didn't say what he had found, just said: "Got it, I'm looking for it, don't talk too much."

Li Yiqi has been paying attention to the movement in the warehouse, knowing that the mechanical spider is looking for the five larvae.

He could hear the sound of the mechanical spider crawling, and knew that the four mechanical spiders should not be able to see him at the current position, so he didn't intend to hide anything, and directly crushed the brain snake to death.

However, what he didn't notice was that on the dome of the supermarket shopping area, on the beams of the black steel structure, there was still a mechanical spider lying down quietly.

This mechanical spider hides in the dark, motionless, invisible to the naked eye, but if you use the camera function of your mobile phone, you will see two faint infrared lights that look like monster eyes.

——It is Yaga's habit not to use all the 'eyes' to work, but to put two 'eyes' to guard around.

Because the mechanical spider didn't move or make a sound from the beginning to the end, even Li Yiqi didn't notice it.

Li Yiqi heard Curly Bai's voice in the warehouse, but he thought the other party was talking about something else, so he didn't pay much attention.

He is now determined to find all the larvae.

Five brainfly larvae must be found without missing one.

Although he knew that the two mysterious people in the warehouse were very capable, but what if?If one is missed, his hometown may become the second Huai City.

He thought that the brainfly larvae were parasites whose targets were humans, and maybe some of them crawled onto humans.Customers in these supermarkets may have brainfly larvae attached to their collars, trouser legs, backs, or in their shopping carts.

The leaders of the warehouse obviously also thought of this possibility, and the police and supermarket staff began to organize discipline.

They asked all customers to return to the entrance of the shopping channel, and asked people to come out for inspection one by one, and only the customers who had been inspected could be released.

"what happened?"

"Why do we have to undress for inspection?"

"It seems that a customer originally bought a jar of small gnats to make medicinal wine, but he came to the supermarket to buy it because he thought there was something missing, but he accidentally dropped the bottle, and all the gnats in it ran out."

"Huh? Make wine with anchovy??"

"I heard that the gnats he bought are highly poisonous. If they stung someone, the consequences would be unimaginable, so the whole supermarket was closed."

"Who is so mentally retarded to drink wine with poisonous gnats?!"

"It's annoying, it's been delayed for so long."

At this time, an old man appeared, standing on a chair at the edge of the aisle, with a face full of shame and apology, he kept bowing and apologizing to everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry everyone! I'm sorry to bother you!"

It's not easy for most people to blame when they see this.

Only some people were cursing, scolding the old man for causing trouble.

Li Yiqi looked at this scene and thought, it's hard to make up such a reasonable excuse for them in such a short time, and she even hired someone to act.

There are already several long queues at the entrance of the supermarket passageway.

Everyone wants to get out early.

Li Yiqi didn't go there. He pushed the shopping cart and continued to walk among the shelves, trying to find out if there were any brainfly larvae hidden around the shelves.

When he passed a place, he stopped and pulled the shopping cart back.


two steps.

Three steps.

Li Yiqi turned her head and looked up at the sixth shelf.

This is the paper and pen area, and there are notebooks wrapped in transparent plastic film on the shelf.He heard something crawling on the plastic sheeting, making a very slight creak.

The shelves in this supermarket are very high. Generally, customers only pick up goods between the first and fourth floors. The sixth floor is relatively high. Although there are also goods on the shelf, it is used for storage. Customers It can only be obtained by using a ladder.

Fortunately, Li Yiqi was tall enough. Holding the armrest of the shopping cart, he stepped on a crossbar at the bottom of the shopping cart with one foot. His eyes easily crossed the horizontal line of the sixth floor and saw the appearance of the shelves on the sixth floor.

Sure enough, on the cover of a leather notebook, there was a small brainfly larva crawling slowly, and it had reached the edge of the shelf.

It seemed that it didn't expect to look at people, and the crawling figures stopped.

Li Yiqi looked at this little thing that was struggling to crawl and thought, if it falls from this height, it can just fall directly on the top of the person's head, quietly hide in the other person's hair, and wait until night to crawl into the person's ear canal, and then complete the insect. Make a living.

Sure enough, one cannot underestimate the survival ability of any kind of creature.

Li Yiqi lifted up a notebook next to her, and with a "snap", mercilessly crushed the brainfly larva that was staring at him, ending its life.

"Great, I found two at once."

He heard Curly in the warehouse suddenly say something.

Li Yiqi's heart skipped a beat, and she reflexively looked in the direction of the warehouse.


In the dim warehouse, Yaga, who was wearing holographic glasses, grinned and greeted Li Yiqi from the air.

He is very interested in Li Yiqi now.

Originally, he just thought that Li Yiqi had a particularly strong observation ability, and that she was a good seed to be cultivated as a peripheral observer.But now it seems that the man clearly has a good sense of hearing.

No, it's no longer extraordinary. It may be more appropriate to describe it as super hearing.

"How did you hear it from such a long distance, it's amazing!"

Yaga exclaimed with a smile.

He was referring to Li Yiqi being able to hear him from such a distance.That's right, he was sure that Li Yiqi could hear the voices in the warehouse directly, and Li Yiqi's turning her head exposed him.

Zhou Yuxi looked at Yajia strangely.

She knew that Yaga's mechanical spiders were eyes and ears, and could see images and hear sounds, but they had no communication function, and Yaga couldn't talk to people through mechanical spiders.

So who is Aga talking to now?

Beside the shelf, Li Yiqi got off the shopping cart stiffly, in disbelief, but also with a hint of luck.

Impossible, the four mechanical spiders are obviously not here, should it be a coincidence?
But then, Yajia quickly punctured his luck. He pointed out Li Yiqi's clothes today precisely: "That guy in a white sweater and gray pants, hey, stop pretending."

Li Yiqi looked down at her trousers, and found in despair that she was indeed wearing a pair of gray slacks today.

"Yes, it's you."

Yaga said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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