lend me your genes

Chapter 6 New Seedlings

Chapter 6 New Seedlings

How did you find him?

Could it be that there is still a mechanical spider hidden in the dark that he didn't find?Where, could it be—on the roof? !

Li Yiqi wanted to look up at the ceiling for a moment, but he forcibly controlled it.

He exhausted all his acting skills, turned around with a natural expression, pushed the shopping cart, and walked towards the entrance of the shopping aisle at a normal but not slow pace, as if he wanted to join the inspection team.

"Don't go!"

The voice in the warehouse was still talking to him.

Li Yiqi kept walking.

Just kidding, this mysterious person is so rampant in front of the city leaders, and he, a commoner, can't be provoked even more.

And his secret must never be discovered.

You must know that gene editing has been strictly prohibited across the country since Huai City passed. If he is found to be a genetically modified person, the consequences will be disastrous, and his whole family may be involved.

Li Yiqi thought that the goosebumps on her arms would explode, so she quickened her pace.

"Hey, can I join the team?"

"I'm really sorry, I have something urgent."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

Li Yiqi squeezed to the front of the line, then took off her sweater neatly with her backhand, and asked the staff to check.

The staff checked very meticulously. He didn't first check whether there were brainfly larvae hidden in his sweater. Instead, he checked his hair first, looked at it carefully, and checked his ears and then his body after confirming that there were no.

"Does it feel like bugs are crawling in your trouser legs?"


"let me check."

Incredibly slow.

This inspection speed made Li Yiqi's heart go cold. He almost wanted to forcibly avoid the inspection, pushed away the security personnel and ran out, but there were so many armed policemen standing around.Running around is definitely the rhythm of being shot.

"Take off your shoes and let me see if there is anything hidden in them."

"Take off your shoes?" the staff urged.

Li Yiqi didn't speak or move, because he could already hear the sound of the mechanical spider crawling rapidly on the steel structure above his head.That's too late.

The feeling of being caught made the blood seem to start to coagulate.

When the mechanical spider jumped down, he gave up and closed his eyes.


Click, click, the mechanical spider crawled over from the roof, and amidst the screams of the crowd, it jumped to the top of Li Yiqi's head, swung deftly, and clamped Li Yiqi's throat.

This cold feeling of being stuck in the throat, Yang Zijiang once experienced the fear, now it's Li Yiqi's turn.

Li Yiqi raised her hands in surrender, indicating that she would not move.

In fact, in addition to his super hearing, he also has ten times the electric eel electric shock. He can completely scrap this mechanical spider, but he didn't do that.

After all, there was still some leeway for the act of running away, but to destroy the mechanical spider was a real provocation, and he didn't want to really anger those two mysterious people.

"What are you running for? Turn around and come to the warehouse."

Li Yiqi turned around obediently.

When threatening Yang Zijiang, the mechanical spider's feet and limbs pierced the skin and bled, but this time the mechanical spider was careful, not to mention the bleeding, even the skin was not broken.

And the mechanical spider crawled down from his throat when he turned around.

This made Li Yiqi slightly relieved, knowing that the other party was not hostile.

The mechanical spider dexterously hung Li Yiqi's clothes and climbed onto his shoulders.

The core of this mechanical spider is very small, and the eight legs can be stretched and shortened or become extremely long. The whole body exudes a metallic luster. Now it stops on Li Yiqi's shoulder, and its slender legs are slightly embedded in his sweater, standing very tall. stable.

Li Yiqi squeezed away the crowds lining up on both sides, and walked towards the warehouse.

The crowd gave way one after another.

The shape of this mechanical spider is still a bit scary.

Guan Xin was also in line, her almond-eyed eyes widened in the crowd, she looked at Li Yiqi and the mechanical spider on his shoulder in surprise.

Although it is the 23rd century and various robot toys are well developed, this mechanical spider is an extremely dangerous mechanical weapon at first glance, and she just watched it fall from the ceiling and get stuck in Li Yiqi's throat, and the police responded to this There was no response.

Li Yiqi, who was originally an "indifferent and heartless boy" and a "handsome high school student brother" in her heart, suddenly became mysterious and dangerous.

"What's going on here?"

When Li Yiqi passed by, Guan Xin couldn't help asking in a low voice.


Li Yiqi also replied in a low voice.

He came to the warehouse alone.
Walking into the warehouse, Li Yiqi found that everyone in the warehouse was looking at him.

The leaders of the city, the police, the forensic doctor, the supermarket staff, the red-haired woman with a high ponytail, and a white curly-haired boy sitting high on a cardboard box.

He looked around and matched these people with the voices he heard.

Curly Bai took off the holographic glasses on his face, revealing a face of mixed blood. He looked at Li Yiqi with shining eyes, as if he had discovered some treasure, and asked him happily: "You are amazing, you What happened to your ears?"

Li Yiqi didn't speak.

Zhou Yuxi raised her eyebrows, her slender and beautiful phoenix eyes carefully looked at Li Yiqi, then turned her head and asked Yajia: "Did you just talk to him?"

"That's right." Yaga said enthusiastically, "This man found two brainfly larvae, and he can hear us all the time talking here, isn't it amazing?"

He looked a little smug, as if he was the powerful person.

Zhou Yuxi looked at Li Yiqi.

Li Yiqi looked at the leaders of Ning City, pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Why do you always ignore me when I talk to you?" Yajia was a little upset that Li Yiqi hadn't communicated with him, but he didn't use violence like he did to Yang Zijiang.

Li Yiqi looked embarrassed, as if I had something to hide: "...It's not that I ignore you."

Although Zhou Yuxi is also used to going his own way like Yaga, but after all, Yaga understands the policies of various countries and the world situation better. He thinks about Li Yiqi's ability, sees Li Yiqi's embarrassed expression, and then thinks about the laws of the original country, and understands him concerns.

"Don't worry, with us here, they won't do anything to you." After saying this, Zhou Yuxi smiled and glanced at those people.

Yang Zijiang and the others tensed up, and understood that this sentence was meant for them. It was a warning, warning them that this person was a man under the cover of a 'geek'. Even if there were abnormalities, they could not be interrogated, investigated, or detained.

"Can you please go outside for a while? We have something to talk to him alone." Zhou Yuxi's voice was polite and indifferent, and there was no room for refutation.

Kang Zhengchuan said gently: "Okay, we can't help here, please be more considerate, if you find all the brainfly larvae, you can get paid, please."

The big leader reminded them in a gentle, polite and condescending tone that finding the brainfly larva was the real business, and then he took everyone else away.

Only Li Yiqi, Zhou Yuxi, and Yajia were left in the huge dark warehouse.

"Thank you."

Seeing that they had all gone out, Li Yiqi breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Zhou Yuxi sincerely.

He is not afraid of anything else, but he is afraid of hurting his family.

A mechanical spider clicked and climbed to the wall and turned on all the lights in the warehouse, making the surroundings much brighter.

"Please sit down."

Zhou Yuxi politely asked him to sit down.

Li Yiqi looked around, but couldn't find a chair or stool in the warehouse, and didn't know how to sit on it.

"Come on, sit here."

The white curly hair waved to him enthusiastically, indicating that he could sit on the cardboard box next to him.

Li Yiqi was a little scared of him, smiled at him, and sat down on the cardboard box as promised.

Zhou Yuxi turned her head and said to Yajia: "Yaga, continue to look for brainfly larvae, this person is a bit interesting, but we have to complete this mission."

"Hmph, you don't need to remind me."

Yaga shrugged, put on the holographic eyes, and controlled the mechanical spider to continue looking for the brain snake larvae.

Li Yiqi sat on the cardboard box, thinking about his current situation.

He didn't know why these two mysterious people called him in, whether they were simply asking a few words or something.He wasn't afraid of the white curly-haired mechanical spider, but he didn't know where the red-haired woman named Zhou Yuxi came from. If they suddenly turned their faces, he didn't know if he could fight back and escape.

... No, no, no, these two people have a lot of background, even if they can be resolved, he will not be able to bear the subsequent revenge.

It can be said that since he was discovered by the mechanical spider, he has no choice.

But if he does it again, maybe he will still look for the brainfly larvae. After all, one time is enough for the misery of the world where parasites are rampant.

"Look up at me." Zhou Yuxi's cold and pleasant voice sounded.

Li Yiqi looked up and saw Zhou Yuxi holding her mobile phone, the camera of the mobile phone was facing him.

A click.

He was photographed by the other party.

Li Yiqi was stunned: "What are you doing?"

"Take a picture of you and check your information." Zhou Yuxi said calmly with her eyes downcast, pressing her hand on the phone.

Li Yiqi choked on her bluntness.

Just checked his information openly and aboveboard, didn't you avoid it?Well, they don't need to avoid him in front of an ordinary person.

After Zhou Yuxi sent the photo to the other side, she immediately made a phone call: "Baigui, help me check this person's information, I want it right away."

The person on the other end of the phone was also talking to Zhou Yuxi, with such a small voice that most people would never hear, but Li Yiqi could hear it clearly.

The voice of the other party sounded like an uncle in his forties, with a bit of teasing in his tone, he said to Zhou Yuxi: "Hey, handsome young man, is this the mission goal or your goal?"

"Don't think about it, I found a seedling by accident." Zhou Yuxi said coldly while holding the mobile phone, her profile was astonishingly beautiful like a cold plum covered with snow.

"Yo ho?"

The voice on the other side was visibly more excited. Along with it, there was the sound of clacking and clicking on the keyboard. The speed was so fast that one might suspect that the other side of the phone was an octopus.

"Accidentally found a new seedling, you are lucky, so your regiment will have a new member?"

"Yaga discovered it." Zhou Yuxi said.

Wearing holographic glasses, Yaga, who was controlling multiple mechanical spiders to search for brainfly larvae at the same time, yelled in the direction of the phone: "It's me! The reward for discovering newcomers is mine, thank you——!"

"Is it Yaga?"

While rapidly operating the keyboard to collect information, the white ghost made a dense knocking sound like roasted beans, while talking to himself in an envious and nervous voice.

"Let me think about how to calculate the reward for discovering newcomers."

"Oh, ten balance coins for one-star rookies, 30 yuan for two-star rookies, 60 yuan for three-star rookies, 100 rmb for four-star rookies, 500 rmb for five-star rookies, and [-] rmb for six-star rookies."

"I don't know what level the newcomer found by Yaga is. If it is a high-star star, I will post it. I will make a lot of money out of thin air. When will it be my turn for such a good thing. Alas, I have been staying at the base and I guess it will only be my turn in a dream. ..."

There was a loud "snap" of the Enter key, and the continuous sound of typing on the keyboard ended.

The white ghost said: "The information has been sent to you."

(End of this chapter)

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