Chapter 59

The rainy night in the jungle is dark.

Li Yiqi sat on a branch and listened with her ears until she was sure that the giant thing in the soil had left and only the sound of small insects crawling on the ground remained, before jumping down from the tree.

"You can come down."

He raised his head and said to Nini Atti.

Nini Atti looked at the ground hesitantly, and climbed down after a while.

This land brought her a lot of psychological shadows.

She climbed onto the back of the giant raptor tied to the tree and refused to get off. She hugged the dinosaur's neck and shrunk her legs together: "Is it true that they won't suddenly come out again?"

The giant raptor snorted, shook its head and swung its tail violently.

Nini Atti, who was thrown away, rolled somersaults and got up on the spot.

The soggy soil, which was already soaked by rain, became even softer after being rummaged and drilled by the group of dragon beard earthworms, and the ankles sunk in when stepping on the ground.

Nini Adi held her breath, and stood in a fighting posture for two seconds. She felt relieved when she felt that there was really no such creepy crawling in the ground. She stood at attention and turned around to tease the Giant Raptor: "Don't be stingy, big guy!" , If it wasn't for my light sleep, you would have gone to the ground with those things tonight."


The giant raptor screamed in a hoarse voice.

Nini Atti was overjoyed: "You also know you can't make your voice too loud."

Li Yiqi kept exposing herself to the rain.

The rustling rain can wash away some of the worm's slime, as well as the wet mud from the battle just now.

Nini Adi asked him: "Kongmeng, what should we do tonight, no one can sleep in the tree, why don't we just stop sleeping?" She was full of energy, and she felt nothing if she didn't sleep all night.

But Li Yiqi felt that she had to sleep.

He is still in a state of fever and must rest and recover.

"You don't need to sleep, I will sleep in a cave."

He bent down to pick up the engineer shovel that was arched out of the cave, stood in the rain and picked up the shovel to dig the cave bigger, then broke off the branches, sharpened the ends of the branches with a knife, raised his arms, and cut them one by one The whole root is poked obliquely into the ground.

After finishing these, his forehead was hot.

Li Yiqi walked over to untie the giant raptor's rope again.

As soon as the giant raptor was untied from the rope, it panicked and wanted to run around. Li Yiqi held the rope and dragged the one-ton monster over.

This mount can't be lost, and I still count on it to carry so many boxes tomorrow.

Nini Atti followed closely: "Do you want it to sleep in the cave too?"


The giant raptor refused to nest in the cave, struggling desperately with its legs, plowing deep marks in the mud.

Li Yiqi dragging it is like dragging a pig to be taken to a pig slaughterhouse, or a victim who refuses to be taken to a murderer.


The giant raptor is about to make a high-pitched bull call again.

Only after making a preamble, Li Yiqi slapped her across the face.

The world is quiet.

Li Yiqi dragged the stunned Giant Raptor into the cave, then turned to look at Nini Adi: "Are you going to sleep in the cave or stay in the tree for the night?"

Nini Atti thought that there might be poisonous snakes and insects on the tree, and it was leaking, so she still wanted to sleep in the cave.Rest well to better complete the task of the next day.

With so many sharpened tree sticks inserted in the ground, the dragon beard earthworms would bite their mouths full of blood when they came again.

"I'll sleep in a cave."

She cautiously passed Li Yiqi and got into the cave.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me." Nini Atti put her head in one hand obediently, and made a gesture of sealing her mouth with the other, signaling that she promised not to speak.

Seeing this, Li Yiqi smiled slightly.

This smile made Nini Adi ooze enough, and she slid into her sleeping bag.

In the cave, there was a giant raptor that was stunned and curled up, and a girl who was silent in her sleeping bag, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Nini Artie was wearing wet clothes to shrink into her sleeping bag. Li Yiqi had a high fever, and she didn't want her symptoms to worsen, so she took off her shirt.

The cave was illuminated by fluorescent sticks, and under the dim red light, Nini Atti, who had just got her head out of her sleeping bag, saw this handsome guy undressing.

It was pleasing to the eye to see the smooth muscles of the back, the lean waist, and the strong arms.


Nini Atti blinked her eyes, peeping.

"Maybe you want to be knocked out more?"

Li Yiqi turned around suddenly.

Nini Atti blushed instantly, and shrank into the sleeping bag without saying a word.

Li Yiqi took off her muddy boots and stuck the fluorescent stick into the ground, and the cave was suddenly pitch black.He also took off his pants, and then got into the sleeping bag.

The inside of the sleeping bag was originally dry and soft cotton, but because it was just thrown away, the inside was a little wet, and it was not as comfortable to sleep on.

But the conditions are like this, there is no other way.

Li Yiqi fell asleep with a stuffy nose.


The next day, Li Yiqi was woken up again by Nini Atti.

"Kongmeng, we should get up."

Nini Atti, who got up early, found that Li Yiqi was still sleeping, so she went to call him.

She noticed that something was wrong with his face, and touched his forehead tentatively, it was hot!Then he touched Li Yiqi's forehead with his own, it was really hot.

Oops, Kongmeng has a fever!

The rain outside had stopped, Nini Atti wet the towel with mineral water and put it on Li Yiqi's forehead.

"Why do you have a fever..."

Nini Atti was caught off guard by this turn of events.

Sitting next to her, a thought suddenly occurred to her... Or should she just run away and look for other teammates who are alone?

No, no, if she was unlucky and met those teams that formed a good team, she would be finished.

And what about staying overnight?It's so dangerous here at night, after this night, maybe how many people are left, at least it's safe to stay by Kongmeng's side.

The most important thing is to perform well, maybe it can influence him to let her join the team.He wanted Li Xiangping, who was ranked 21, why couldn't he want Nini Atti, who was ranked 18?

Nini Atti bit her finger and thought about it.

Oh, why did you suddenly have a fever?
Could it be because she was drenched in the rain last night, but her physique is not that bad...Suddenly, Nini Adi remembered the pustules on Li Yiqi's arm after being bitten by insects.


Inside the SUV.

Zeng Can opened his eyes covered with gum.

He was bitten by a poisonous snake in the rainforest and fell into a coma for a while, but now that he had given serum and slept again, he finally felt he had recovered.

Its daybreak.

Zeng Can got up from the back seat of the car, and suddenly found a lot of blood splattered on his clothes, and the dried blood stuck the clothes and his flesh together.

…what happened?

The hairs on the back of the neck stood up.

"... Calva?"


In the silence, he called the names of his two companions.

He looked around tremblingly.

The glass of the car was covered with a large amount of slime from unknown creatures, the roof sunroof was opened, the tempered glass was shattered into powder and sprinkled on the car, a large number of bullet casings fell under the feet, and the other two were missing...

He just fell asleep, and everything changed when he woke up.

What the hell happened last night?
What has come to them?
Where did the two teammates go?
The rainforest outside the car was already infested with beautiful tropical birds, but Zeng Can felt the creeps, as if he had accidentally stepped into a horror movie.

Lev, Xu Luofan and the others were also terrified.

They found the tent where they were supposed to spend the night.As a result, after setting up the tent, we found that all the animals at night were running towards the trees.

Later, someone suggested that they had not found a rabbit or a mouse in this biologically rich island. Some people felt that something was wrong and insisted that everyone give up the idea of ​​pitching tents on the ground and choose to spend the night in trees.

For this decision, the five of them had a big fight.

In the end, it was three to two, and they still wrapped themselves in thermal blankets and went to the tree for the night.

As a result, a horrible scene was seen that night.

Xu Luofan's eyes were bloodshot, and he said in a hoarse voice, "...we must complete the task as soon as possible and leave this ghost island."

Moon Shadow said weakly: "This is nonsense, who doesn't want to complete the task as soon as possible?"

Her condition was worse than Xu Luofan's, with dark circles under her eyes, and she was very haggard.

"Red Longyan already has clues, don't worry, let's kill Kongmeng and Orlando first, and we may not have a chance in the third round after leaving here." Lev said in a deep voice.

This big man known as the US-Swiss tank has an electronic eye and a real eye.

A super contact lens is attached to the real eye. The raw material of this contact lens is graphene, which can perceive light, and has night vision and the ability to penetrate night fog.And the other electronic eye has the ability of long-distance tracking.

Their five-man team was reunited quickly by Lev.

The five-member team was Yueying, Xu Luofan, Lev, and the other team's Faceless and Heizi. There was originally Eric, but Eric was eliminated by Li Yiqi when he placed the order.

Lev looked to the southwest and said, "There was an explosion in that place last night, let's go there and have a look."

"Be sure to kill Kongmeng and Orlando in the second round!"

(End of this chapter)

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