lend me your genes

Chapter 66 Chapter Family

Chapter 66

The banyan forest fell into a dead silence, and the sound of the helicopter's fan blades overhead seemed to have disappeared.

The second cobbler stared blankly at the broken electronic bracelet on Li Yiqi's arm, as if he hadn't realized what happened: "Why do you..."

Li Yiqi walked slowly towards the helicopter.

When he passed the Giant Raptor that fell on the ground, he turned his head and said to the second cobbler, "By the way, this is a dinosaur domesticated by the animal trainer. I think it can be saved, why don't we take it back and treat it together?"

The second cobbler doesn't care about dinosaurs, when Li Yiqi took the initiative to crush his bracelet, he felt as if a big hammer hit his brain hard, making his brain buzz.

He couldn't say whether he was angry or disappointed, he couldn't find an accurate adjective, he just wanted to punch this guy hard.

How could he pass the geek exam by himself?

This seems to be saying with actions, I don't agree with you, so I abandoned you.

At this time, Nini Atti came back with brisk steps, and was slightly stunned when she saw the situation.

Li Yiqi moved her eyes to the scimitar at her waist, saw blood on the blade, and didn't ask her if she succeeded in killing Yueying, but told her: "There is a map of red longan in that supply box, and Li Xiangping should be there." that direction."

He pointed in the direction and suggested, "He is a reliable teammate, you might as well form a team with him."

Nini Atti felt wrong when she heard Li Yiqi's confession, and then suddenly noticed that Li Yiqi's bracelet was broken, and she was shocked and said: "Your bracelet...who eliminated you?!"

She shuddered and glared at the second cobbler.

Originally, she thought this was the examiner, because she didn't see him in the transport plane, and a helicopter came overhead.But now that she found out that Li Yiqi's bracelet was broken, she became uncertain again.

"You eliminated him?"

Nini Atti raised the scimitar with a murderous look.

The second cobbler ignored her, he still stared at Li Yiqi with heavy eyes, and hadn't recovered from Li Yiqi's voluntary abandonment of the exam.

Li Yiqi ignored him, and said flatly to Nini Atti: "It's not him, it's the examiner, no one eliminated me, I crushed it myself."

Nini Atti looked at him blankly: "...Huh?"
In the monitoring room, all the geeks fell silent watching this scene.

Square K held his head in his hands and didn't say a word.

Yue Shijing gently leaned himself on the back of the chair, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face was as sinking as water.

The animal trainer rested his hands on the table, rubbed his forehead, his forehead hair drooped, and showed a wry smile: "This is really unexpected..."

Even Yu Yuanyuan, a girl with a fiery personality, was silent at the moment. After a long time, she quietly said to everyone: "Did you see that under this kind of examination rules, the ones selected are those from Orlando who are more powerful than terrorists?" Like a terrorist guy."

"It will only make people like Kongmeng disapprove of us."

"Is a partner like Orlando really what we want? Will it really make our association better? I have the answer in my heart. What is your answer?"

After finishing speaking, she turned and left the monitoring room and closed the door heavily with a 'bang'.

The atmosphere in the monitoring room was bleak.

Obviously, it was just a candidate who took the initiative to eliminate him, but these geeks felt inexplicably abandoned, and they all fell into despair.

The second round of exams is still going on, and the remaining dots of various colors on the electronic map are still moving and flashing, but everyone suddenly feels that with the departure of the boy, this geek exam has ended early.



Li Yiqi let herself fall asleep when she boarded the helicopter. When she woke up, she found that her fever had subsided. She was lying on a recliner, with a needle in her left hand hanging from the water, and the bag of water was almost drained.

A young man with a baby face took a photo of him with a temperature gun.

"36°5, it has come down, it's done so fast."

He glanced at the body temperature displayed on the temperature gun, raised his head and said to Li Yiqi, with a warm voice, "You were bitten by a mosquito carrying pathogens, but you have recovered now, and your physique is very good."

Ordinary people have to lie down for a few days before they can fully recover, but Li Yiqi squinted on the recliner and healed up, her health is unbelievable.

Li Yiqi felt refreshed after a good night's sleep, the feeling of dizziness disappeared, and the symptoms of stuffy nose and burning breath were gone.

Moreover, he had changed into clean clothes, and the incisions on his body had been debrided and bandaged, and there was a faint smell of disinfectant in the air.

"Thank you."

He thanked the baby-faced youth.

The baby-faced male doctor pulled the needle on the back of his hand for him, and his voice could not hide his regret: "We really hope that you will join. After you withdraw from the exam, many people will not take the exam."

"This is the team doctor of our team."

The one who spoke was a tall woman with red hair and ponytail with her arms folded beside the door, her figure was half hidden in the shadows.

It was Zhou Yuxi.

The baby-faced youth smiled at Li Yiqi and said, "My name is Chen Yang, sister Yu Xi and I are both members of the Silver Star Geek Group, and the Silver Star Geek Group is also one of the five A-level Geek Groups, if you don't retire That's all right, we will fight for you."

"This exam is not only watched by the examiners, but also by all geeks."

Li Yiqi looked at them, not knowing what to say.

He himself didn't expect that he would suddenly retire. If he didn't have a fever at that time, if the electronic eyeball didn't feel limp and too defenseless, it might not be like this.

Anyway, that's it for now.

Zhou Yuxi walked over and walked out of the shadows cast by the doors and windows step by step.

Li Yiqi found that there was no anger on her face, she looked quite calm.

She looked at him and told him with a slight smile.

"The psychological test was originally canceled this year, but it has now resumed."

Li Yiqi was very surprised.

So did the foundation stone stand still after shaking?

Zhou Yuxi sat down next to him: "All candidates are insured. Candidates who die during the test will pay the beneficiary 500 million in the original national currency, and those who are injured during the test will have compensation ranging from 20 to 200 million. , you can pay 40 yuan for your injury, and the money has already been transferred to your account."

Li Yiqi nodded.

The Geek Association has always been quick to spend money, and this was what made him excited before.

Zhou Yuxi said slowly again: "The number of peripheral supporters for geeks is still valid."

Li Yiqi wanted to refuse.

But the high fever faded away and he returned to the cage, and he still needs the tiger skin of the Geek Association. The poor family's big mouth belly hasn't basked in the sun for a few days on the balcony.

"Thank you."

"I'll take you back."

They went back by subway.

It is still the picturesque subway line, the sea is sparkling, the sea breeze leaks in through the dilapidated windows, and many white seabirds are gliding on the island.

Zhou Yuxi didn't seem to want him to have too much negative impression of the Geek Association, so she told him something about them.

"The Geek Association has been assisting the officials of various countries in arresting high-tech criminals. It is not only the Prosperity Society that has been offended, the extremist organizations in this world are not only the Prosperity Society, but also natural organizations, Divine Spear, and even the Bai Family... It's hard for us."

"At the beginning of this year, we sacrificed 15 companions, and the news of the operation was leaked. The two geek groups were all killed in Dizhou, and none of them came back. The mission failed, and the base in Dizhou was also eroded. Many people experience extreme emotions..."

"But your withdrawal may change something."

Zhou Yuxi said with a smile: "I really didn't expect you to withdraw from the exam. Many people were shocked."

Li Yiqi didn't speak the whole time.

After arriving at the station, he carried his suitcase and went home.

That box of equipment was bought with money anyway, and he didn't intend to throw it away.

When I got home and stood at the door of the house, I just pressed the two password keys, and the door was opened from the inside.Xu Yingxiang saw his grandson's good hands and feet outside the door, and instantly let go of his heart that had been hanging for so many days.

Li Yiqi looked at her grandfather who hadn't seen her for two days, and felt as if she hadn't seen her for a month, she was very kind.

"Are you back? Have you passed the exam?" Xu Yingxiang took the box from Li Yiqi's hand, but he didn't hold it because it was so heavy, so he quickly put it on the ground.

This question made Li Yiqi ashamed.

Although he voluntarily gave up the exam, he still failed. It sounds like he wasn't so up-to-date.

"Uh, no..."

When the grandfather heard the words, he showed a thankful expression for a moment, stroked his chest and said joyfully, "That's great! That's great!"

This made Li Yiqi, who was thinking about how to apologize, suddenly break her defense, and stared at him quietly.

Well, he should be the only one in the family who wants to pass the exam, right?
This is definitely an expression of joy to the extreme.

Xu Yingxiang quickly corrected his expression, and coaxed: "No, grandpa supports you, come in, grandpa will make you snail noodles, grandpa bought a lot of pickled bamboo shoots online this time, they are stinky, I guarantee you like them."

"Come here."

(End of this chapter)

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