lend me your genes

Chapter 68 Super Super and Natural

Chapter 68 Super Super and Natural

The house is old and the room is not very soundproof.

Xu Yingxiang was a little worried when he heard the water rushing in the bathroom. He came over with a spatula and shouted at the door: "Li Yiqi, why did you wash for so long? Did the wound not get wet? We'll go to the hospital after dinner. look--"

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

Not long after, the door of the room opened.

After taking a good bath, Li Yiqi came out stepping on her slippers, with the word "comfortable" all over her body.

He had just taken a hot shower without any scruples, and he felt extremely comfortable, and most importantly, he finally didn't have to worry about being scolded.

Seeing his arm, Xu Yingxiang frowned immediately: "Why is the gauze all wet, why is blood oozing out?!" The little old man was so anxious that he wanted to put down the spatula to check the injury, but he was startled when he saw the blood on the gauze. I can't stop, I dare not lift it.

"There is gauze in the medicine box at home, why don't you wrap it up first?"

"The medicine bag your mother made for you last time should have normal saline in it. If you get infected later, rinse it with normal saline first. Oh, what is this called..."

Li Yiqi stood there with a very calm smile, and when she was done, she took off the wet gauze.

I saw that the skin on the arm was smooth, not to mention the incision, there was no scratch at all.

"Look, Grandpa! I'm kidding you."



Good guy.

Xu Yingxiang froze for two seconds, picked up the spatula with a dark face, and stared with anger.What a grandson!There are also those who deceive the elders with this kind of thing!

Li Yiqi hugged her head.

Now instead of being scolded, he was beaten.
After a long meal, Xu Yingxiang finally calmed down, his chest heaved and he exhaled, "...I thought you wouldn't play pranks after you were four years old."

Li Yiqi said calmly: "Occasionally, I want to rejuvenate and experience the feeling of childhood."

Grandpa rolled his eyes and said loudly, "Oh, my mother tongue is speechless."

"Hey, grandpa, you actually know how to stalk the Internet!" Li Yiqi was surprised.

"what is this."

Xu Yingxiang took the spatula back to the kitchen, cracked the eggs into the bowl one by one, and prepared to make tomato scrambled eggs.

Big mouth and belly stood straight in the corner of the kitchen, with a big leaf clip open.

Xu Yingxiang threw all the egg shells into its mouth.

He cracks the egg and it eats the shell.

Li Yiqi looked at this warm and pyrotechnic scene, and felt that she had returned to the world again, and those cold and bloody things gradually went away.

He smiled, walked to the edge of the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, wanting to get a bottle to drink.

"—you opened my stomach."

Hey, what is this thing? !


The sudden sound frightened Li Yiqi, and she stood up abruptly. Is there no one else in the house except him and grandpa?

After recovering, Li Yiqi found that it was the refrigerator who was talking.

"This is classmate Chaochao." Xu Yingxiang turned his head and said, the old man had a gloating expression that was ready to scare you a long time ago.

"In the future, our family will also have an AI housekeeper, be happy."

"Uh... Do all AI butlers have this style?" Li Yiqi closed the refrigerator door in surprise.

"—you closed my stomach."

turn on.

"—you opened my stomach again."


"—Is it fun?"

turn on.

"—Hey, what trouble do you want to take out, hurry up!" The tone gradually became fierce.

Li Yiqi opened it, took a bottle of Coke from inside, turned her head and asked his grandfather in disbelief: "You just bought such a disgusting thing? Can this be adjusted?"

"Isn't this interesting, student Chaochao, turn on the range hood for me." Xu Yingxiang said cheerfully.

"Okay, dear Mr. Xu."

This time it was the range hood that made the sound, and as the voice fell, the range hood started.

"The range hood is turned on for you, and I will try my best to inhale so that you will not be troubled by the fume." The range hood emits an electronic sound, and there are blue waves jumping on the electronic display.

Li Yiqi unscrewed the Coke bottle, only to be amazed: "Why didn't I know that our range hood can still talk?"

Xu Yingxiang washed the tomatoes: "We could have said that, but we didn't buy an AI housekeeper before, so we didn't connect all the smart home appliances in the house."

"Classmate Chaochao, go and mop the floor and clean Li Yiqi's bathroom. He just took a shower." Xu Yingxiang ordered again.

"Come on, just call me Chaochao, save your saliva, four words are too long."

The sweeping and mopping robot in the corner of the room said to Xu Yingxiang, and then buzzed and started to work.

Overnight, all the appliances in the house are talking.

Li Yiqi was curious: "Why did you suddenly buy an AI housekeeper?"

Xu Yingxiang, who started to cut tomatoes with a kitchen knife, looked up at him: "Your second grandma is anxious to see me alone at home, and wants me to relieve my boredom and divert my attention, so she recommended this AI housekeeper to me."

Li Yiqi's second grandmother, Xu Huizhong, divorced in the early years, her ex-husband formed a family, and her only daughter lived abroad, so she lived alone all the time. Because she didn't have any relatives around her, she always regarded Li Yiqi as her grandson, and maybe she was a bit lonely living alone all the time. There are cats and dogs in the lonely house, and there is an AI housekeeper.

Just when Li Yiqi didn't know how to answer, the electronic voice spoke again.

"At 12 o'clock, old man, it's time for your news."

This time it was the tablet that made the sound.

Xu Yingxiang: "Oh, that's right, my grandson is so happy to be back, I forgot to read the news."

The tablet in the kitchen is automatically unlocked and turned on, playing the news.

Listening to the news, Xu Yingxiang poked and poked the egg liquid into the pan, and asked Li Yiqi, "What did you guys do in the geek exams?"

Li Yiqi thought for a while: "In the first level of coin guessing, everyone gets different coins. Those with the same type of coin cannot fight each other. You have to defeat those with different coins. In the second level of finding things, who is the best?" Find who has the highest score first."

"Why does this sound like a child's play house?" Xu Yingxiang turned his head and laughed.

Li Yiqi couldn't laugh.

Many people died, your grandson killed three with his own hands.

The tablet is broadcasting news from the United States and Switzerland.

I saw that the streets of Oak City in the United States and Switzerland were full of parade people, and the person in the front held a sign and shouted loudly: "—Destroy the world with genetic modification, let the earth return to nature!"

There were all kinds of people in the crowd behind, women with heavy makeup and suspenders, uncles with their belly bare, sunny teenagers wearing sunglasses, fat women, and fathers with children on their shoulders.

They held all kinds of signs or papers, and the children yelled along with them.

"—Genetic modification destroys the world, let the earth return to nature!"

This is natural organization marching.

Many people around the world reject genetically modified foods and fear genetically modified organisms, so there are many members and supporters of natural organizations.

And there are many who hate natural organization.

There shouldn't be so many people who hate natural tissue.

It’s like someone likes organic vegetables and organic eggs. If you have money, you can buy organic, and if you have money, you can buy non-GMO. There are a lot of non-GMO foods in supermarkets. It’s okay if you protest that you don’t eat them.Usually such an organization is like a vegetarian organization, except that the butchers will be upset when they see it, and the rest will pass after looking at it, so they won't attract so much attention.

But this organization is weird because it likes to let people realize how terrible GMOs are by releasing disturbing GMOs, and then spread the idea of ​​"natural".

For example, they once released a flying giant cockroach in New York City. This kind of palm-sized cockroach is extremely powerful in flying, and can fly [-] meters high without stopping.

At that time, Newtown in the United States and Switzerland was full of flying cockroaches. The high-rise buildings were full of cockroaches flying around like birds.

For example, they once put a crocodile the size of a truck into Lake Snee. Although the crocodile survived only a few days due to a genetic defect and then floated to the surface, it almost caused a psychological shadow on a boatload of people, which cannot be cured for life. kind of.

For example, they put fluorescent slugs in the rivers of Ganing country, and now the slugs have spread to the original country, wreaking havoc on the ecology, and it is very difficult to control.

Many people hate and hate natural organizations, but there are also many people who like this. This organization has always been very popular on the Internet, and it has grown stronger by the day.

(End of this chapter)

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