lend me your genes

Chapter 71 Eavesdropping

Chapter 71 Eavesdropping
The Gold Swallowing Beast was dazzled by the gold store discount card, and finally decided to sign up.

Signing up is very convenient. You don't need to tell the sports committee or class teacher, just use your own smart desk to sign up.

Their desks are like a large glass plate. Holding the stylus, Li Yiqi found the registration form, signed up for this year's dragon boat race, and wrote in the remarks that she wanted to run for the leading position.

It is difficult to raise a gold swallowing beast, and it is also difficult for a gold swallowing beast to raise itself, especially if you give up the high-risk and high-reward job of a geek, then this kind of wool cannot be missed.

After signing up, Li Yiqi carefully browsed the prize list again.

This long and endless list of prizes mixed coupon discount cards with real heavy rewards, and the real heavy rewards were still very impressive.

30 million cash.

A new pineapple 2XP foldable phone worth 25 yuan.

A set of VR game concept cabins worth 30 yuan.

A black knight car worth 35.

And the heaviest reward, a house.

This house is located in a super high-rise residence in the suburbs, and it is still on the top floor. It comes with a large roof garden, which is an additional reward for the winner of the championship team.

If there is really such a penthouse, then Li Yiqi has some feasibility in raising pterosaurs, otherwise he really plans to give it to Wild Animal City.

The more Li Yiqi looked at the prizes, the more attractive they became.

So many prizes are not given by the organizers, but sponsored by advertisers one after another, and they are not sponsored for nothing. It is equivalent to a wave of advertisements through dragon boat races, and these prizes are also important to those companies. It's just a drop in the bucket, completely incomparable with advertising fees.



At noon, Li Yiqi, Guo Liu and other students who signed up for the dragon boat race went to Blue Water University on their own, where the selection took place.

The high school campus and the university campus are completely different concepts, which are much larger, especially the stadium here also has a rock climbing wall and is well-equipped.

Under the rock-climbing wall, Ma Jun and several gym students from Lanshui Middle School were sweating profusely, some with livid faces, and some with lost expressions.

A few tall and burly college students from the physical education department chatted and laughed in twos.

"I don't want to compare with you, it's like I'm bullying a child."

"What shall we eat later?"

"I'm going out to eat with my girlfriend, you go by yourself."

A few college students from the physical education department were laughing and chatting to themselves, not taking the competition just now at all.To them, the competition just now was like a race car driver versus a go-kart driver, it was so boring.

Ma Jun looked dissatisfied, and said to them: "One more time!"

The failure just now shattered his pride, but he felt that he hadn't played a good role in the relationship. Who told them that there was no climbing wall in their middle school, so they couldn't usually practice.

Xu Quanshui frowned: "Obviously, you guys can't beat us, so it would be boring to make a hard comparison like this."

Ma Jun retorted: "Why can't it be compared? You can climb fast because you have this climbing wall to practice every day. If I were you, I would be faster."

"Okay, yes, yes."

They said perfunctorily.

These words made Ma Jun look down, feeling more insulted than being scolded.

"Don't you dare to compare anymore?"

But no matter what Ma Jun said, these college students in the sports department were too lazy to compare and kept discussing what they were eating. This contempt made Ma Jun more and more angry, and the three-point anger gradually fermented into seven points.

At this moment, Ma Jun saw Li Yiqi coming.

His angry face suddenly had a very subtle change.

This subtlety is akin to seeing two different-colored flies in a rice bowl and wondering which one to eat.

Li Yiqi once taught him a lesson in the cafeteria, and he hated him so much that he gritted his teeth and wanted to beat him up in his dreams.But a month later, this hatred has faded a lot.

These college students from the Department of Physical Education did not make him hate him as much as Li Yiqi, but the problem is that the anger they gave him has just been given, and it is still very clear.

For a moment, he didn't know whether he wanted Li Yiqi to teach them a lesson, or whether he wanted them to teach Li Yiqi a lesson.

Luo Zhiwu muttered impatiently: "Why is there another person here?"

Zhang Binbin next to him was also annoyed: "These people can't compare. There are so many people. Everyone wants to compare. It's endless. My girlfriend even asked me to have dinner tonight!"

"A bunch of bastards."

Ma Jun became angry all of a sudden, rushed over and shouted: "What are you talking about!"

He was pulled away by other students rushing around.

The coach shook his head.

A gang of young people is very angry, and this can also create a fire.

"You all signed up for paddling, right? Oh, there is still one Lanshui High School sign up to take the top spot. Who is Li Yiqi?"

The coach looked at the book and said.


Li Yiqi walked out.

"Are you going to sign up for the championship? Do you have any rock climbing experience before?"

"One thing, how do we choose?"

When Li Yiqi said this, she was guilty. This guilt was because he wanted to bully ordinary people, but when this hypocrisy fell into the ears of others, it would have a different understanding.

Several tall and burly sports students glanced at each other.

Another amateur, someone who has tried it or not, it's a waste of time.

The coach pointed at them and said to Li Yiqi: "If you beat them, you are the one who will take the top spot. You came too late. Just now there were a few people who wanted to sign up for the top spot in your Lanshui High School, but they all failed."

Li Yiqi looked at Ma Jun and the others.

Ma Jun glanced over with a dark face.

Coach: "Come on, the rest of the oars will be picked later, and the person who will take the lead will be decided first."

Luo Zhiwu took out his mobile phone and sat down: "I don't really want to move." He said to another sports student Xu Quanshui: "Why don't you compare with him, do you want to move?"

Xu Quanshui: "Then let me do it. After this competition, it should be over, coach? I want to go to dinner."

The coach nodded: "There are no other applicants. If this is not enough, then Luo Zhiwu will be selected."

Li Yiqi glanced at Luo Zhiwu and compared him with Xu Quanshui.

Ten seconds later.

Li Yiqi jumped down from the top of the rock with a normal expression.

Xu Quanshui, who jumped down with a quick slap, had an ugly expression, with disbelief in the unsightly, astonishment in the unbelievable, and the colorful mixture suddenly looked good.

The students of Lanshui Middle School surrounded Li Yiqi excitedly, while the college students couldn't believe their eyes. They lost a competition without any suspense?

Guo Liuchao gave Li Yiqi a thumbs up. Although he had expected it, it was still cool to see his brother win.

The movement caused all the girls who were watching the basketball game next door to come over. In the crowd, Guan Xin's eyes widened unexpectedly.Isn't this the indifferent little brother in the supermarket, no, little brother?

Luo Zhiwu stood up.

"I'm here to compare with you."


Luo Zhiwu is much better than Xu Quanshui, but compared with Li Yiqi who is open, there is still no suspense.

Li Yiqi didn't achieve too exaggerated results, because he always felt that he was bullying ordinary people, so he was only a little faster than Luo Zhiwu.

But just that one trace is fatal!

"Come again!"

Luo Zhiwu was very dissatisfied, he felt that he could win if he was faster.

The second time he gritted his teeth, burst out violently, and rushed upwards like a monkey, his speed had a huge breakthrough, but Li Yiqi was still a little faster than him!

Luo Zhiwu's face had already darkened.

He stopped believing in evil.

Li Yiqi has a good temper, so she competed with him again.

This time, Luo Zhiwu showed a level of [-]% and a mad dog climbing speed, and even broke his previous record, but still!It's so short!

Luo Zhiwu, who jumped down, felt that it was really evil.

The battle between the two attracted the shouts of the onlookers, the atmosphere was hot, and more and more people were onlookers.

Luo Zhiwu's face had turned livid, he gritted his teeth and said, "One last time!"

Ma Jun sneered, and returned the words they gave him: "Obviously, you can't beat my classmate, so it's boring to make a hard comparison like this."

After all, two flies will eat one, but eating Li Yiqi's fly outside is a little bit more enjoyable.

The coach saw that Li Yiqi and Luo Zhiwu were two people, one of them had reserved strength, and the other had already produced the best results, so the final decision was made.

"Li Yiqi came to win the leader, there is no need to compete."

Lanshui High School and Lanshui University have been racing dragon boats together for so many years, but this is the first time in so many years that a high school student has taken the lead.

Luo Zhiwu suddenly looked very ugly.

This turn of events made him extremely astonished.

Originally, he was thinking about where to go for dinner, but suddenly such a powerful high school student appeared and robbed him of the leading position.

Forget it.

Luo Zhiwu frowned and sat on the edge of the green belt with his legs crossed.The climbing with all his strength just now made him sweat profusely, and the muscles in his arms were twitching. He looked at Li Yiqi who was surrounded by everyone with an unhappy expression, feeling that he had been robbed of the limelight.

Misfortune never comes singly.

After losing the leading position, he received another fatal call.

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Luo Zhiwu's face gradually changed from ugly to gloomy, and finally it was so gloomy that he wanted to wring out water.

This is a debt collection call.

The other end of the phone has a bad attitude, saying that if he doesn’t pay back the money, he will call his parents and his classmates and teachers to press for money. He said that I know where you are studying, and if you renege on the debt, you will die in time, and the vicious words are endless , Hearing that Luo Zhiwu wanted to smash the phone to vent.

But after all, he can't smash the phone, and he doesn't have the money to buy another one.

Luo Zhiwu turned off the phone, lowered his head and scratched his head hard.

For a while, he borrowed an online loan because of his obsession, and ended up stepping into the abyss of eternal doom.

Originally, if he became the champion, there was still a glimmer of hope to get a cash reward of 30 yuan, but now the position of the leader has been robbed by others, so there is nothing to say about people's troubles.

Money, money, money, where the hell are you going to get money, jump into the river and die!
Luo Zhiwu was extremely irritable.

Suddenly someone grabbed his shoulders.

Luo Zhiwu looked up, he was a well-known and familiar senior, he was very active in school, he was called a campus socialite, he seemed to be a student of biology, he forgot his name.

The man said with a smile: "Forget it, even if you grab the top spot, you can't guarantee the first place. Only the first place in the dragon boat race will reward you."

"Are you eavesdropping on my phone call? It's none of your business!" Luo Zhiwu was in a bad mood now, no matter who he was, he would utter bad words.

"Why are you angry? I'm here to help you. I'll teach you how to make money." The man had a good temper. Although Luo Zhiwu spoke very aggressively, he didn't mean to be angry at all.

Li Yiqi's hearing is excellent, so she naturally heard Luo Zhiwu's phone call.

He couldn't feel sympathy for such a self-inflicted death by borrowing online loans, but Luo Zhiwu has good arm strength, he must be among the paddlers, and he doesn't want him to lose the chain.


Li Yiqi called him.

Luo Zhiwu frowned and raised his head: "What's the matter?"

Li Yiqi reminded him: "Each team member of the winning dragon boat will also get a cash reward of 10 yuan, let's cheer together."

Luo Zhiwu raised his eyebrows for a moment.

Damn, isn't this also eavesdropping on his phone?
But this reminder made his eyes move slightly.

10 yuan is barely enough to fill the hole. He now owes a total of more than 11 yuan. There is still some hope for the remaining 800 yuan to work, and more than 1 yuan is really desperate.

The senior sneered: "How is it possible? There are a total of 5 dragon boats participating in the competition. In the past, our best ranking was No. [-]. The probability of winning the first place is too small. You expect to make money from this?"

"Come on, go to my house for a drink, I'll teach you the real way to make money, we are different from those high school kids, we can make money by ourselves."

Luo Zhiwu hesitated for a moment, and followed him.

(End of this chapter)

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